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SIRES OF THE WINNING TWO-YEAR-OLDS OF THE PRESENT YEAR + + Star Shoeefs two-year-olds have- been doing good work for I heir daddy this year and. with twelve to his re-elit. he i- now the leader in number of winners of that age. The veteran Hastings has also been ably represented and only has one leas that star shoot. Next in order Broomstick and Rock Band each have ;u!i t. But for the- great war mo-t of tie -e- Bock Sands would probably have- be-i-n racing in Knglanel. lick Welles and Maria Santa are the sires with seven in the- iist and McGec is the only one with six. The -ires with five- are the old-timers. Disguise. Sain. Solitaire- II. and Coldcn Maxim, and the- ri-ing newcomers to the -ire li-t. Jae-k Atkin. King James and Hilarious. Hen- is the complete list of our sires credited with o r more winners up to August 1: Star Shoot, ch. h. 1898, by Isinglass — Astrology. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. ild.Unp. Won. Lady Vincent . .2 o 1 t; | 4,780 Bonnie- Teas, Last Cherry . . 1 3 1 4 1.525 Ste-llai-iii i. Ballerina I l 2 4 1,356 White Hackle, Mary Talbott .". 1 o o 1.270 Milestone. Auvergute 2 2 2 5 1.120 Darin, Autumn Leaven .... 1 5 :i 4 330 Wenoaah, Onwetatsls I o 1 ■ 933 Triad. Thirty-third i 3 i 2 r.74 Moiin-n Star. Wainainnoiui-n. 1 ti o 2 315 i;chm1 Couiise-i. Frankness ... l 2 3 8 4!»." Peaceful Star. Kl Salado ... I O 1 II 4:11 sk Pilot, Francess BJadoa. 1 ti t 2 -m Totals 1 12 1 is 11 12 13 :5.S14 Hastings, br. h. 1893 by Spendthrift— Cinderella. Her-,- and Dam. Int. 2.1. ...Unp. Won. Achievement, Achieve 2 2 0 1 ,7:;:. Blue Cap. Blue Jacket 4 2 o r, l.lKIO Louise Stone, Ann i :: I 3 s?l a. Maacini. .lo-ie Cohan ... 1 8 1 .". r.t Amulet. Miss simplicity ... i • i t r ii4 High Horse, Hauteaee IL .. 1 :: 1 .". r.4 Tush Tush. Toucan 1 1 1 ." B30 Malfou, Cathay 1 3 1 1 :u;o Hop-. Crimea I • • 1 4tH» l.yndora. Arlint- I 8 8 7 u33 TVeastiuaster. Toscana 1 * 9 ■ 150 Totals 11 lti 11 6 4: $ H.:«»4 SIRES WITH EIGHT WINNERS. Broomstick, b. h. 1901, by Ben Brash— Elf. Burnt and Dam. lst. 2d. od.Unp. Won. Pesky, Perverse " o 0 2 $ l,0t 0 Horse and Dam. lst. 2d. .Id. Unp. Won. Regina. Queen of Hearts 4 2 1 1 $ 8,010 Blame, Blue Girl 5 1 5 2.2r.i Broom Straw. Crania 4 1 ." 4 1.7 ;." Rroomvale. Jreenvale " 4 2 2 1.500 I. .lite. Iota 1 4 4 5 1.225 Bromo, Leavonara 1 2 0 8 S70 Taka, Rose of Dawn 2 0 0 4 s2.". Totals 8 23 18 13 2: ?16.050 Rock Sand, br. h. 1900. by Sainfoin — Roquebrune. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. .".il.rnp. Won. Tea Caddy, Teas Over ....:: 1 t» 2 $ 3,185 Friar Rock. Fairy Gold 4 0 0 1 :;.n40 Fernrock. Ferment 4 1 :: l 2.4::o Malachite-. Miss Hanover ... :. :; :i II 2.iMi."i Sprint. Sprite- :: 2 1 4 1.345 Damrosch. Dissembler 1 :; 2 :; :nn Libyan Sands, Linda Stone.. 1112 B3B Sand I-i kit. P .cketidece ..1 «» 1 I :::;n Totals tSi 2o li H 15 .;.s7r. SIRES WITH SEVEN WINNERS. Dick Welles, b. h. 1900, by King Eric— Teas Over. Horse and Daiu.. 1st. 2d. od.Ctp. Won. Kinney. Lady Strathmore . . 2 1 1 2 $ 4.747 Gipeey George. Animosity... :; 2 0 .°, 2.S40 F Patter-0U, Helen Miller . : 7 2 ." iisr, Harry Gardner. Fluid 1 2 :. 1 n:; Deliver, Anna Brooks I :: 4 :; e;|o Nellie W.-lles. Sweet Nell... 1 It " :■ 4JMI Souvenir, Mi— Alert 1 1 l» ti :;,;;, Totals 7l 12 It! in l!» ....-,o I Continued, on sixth page. SIRES OF WINNING TWO-YEAR-OLDS. Continued from first pace. Marta Santa, b. h. 1896, by Martley — Luxette. Bane and Dam, 1st. 2d. od.Unp. Won. loha Jr.. Maude Kealy 2 :. 2 :: $ 1.451 i iiicinnnti. Serpentaria •! 4 4 10 1.345 * Startling, Country Fraud.... - » 1 I f«5 Muriels Pet. Little Fraud... I • • • SM C.ra O.. I.ueasta 1 O O 9 510 . Viola Mabel, Penitence II.. t l :: •".-■"• 1 To* Car", Argon Esher 1 U O 4 3M J Totals iT 11 7 8 30 $ o.W SIRE WITH SIX WINNERS. McGee, b. h. 1900, by White Knight — Remorse. 1 Harae ana Ham. l*t. M. :sd.lnp. v«n. Tool Hward, Ttiaaace 4 1 2 « 2.W0S gocony. Any. lav L 1 1 . 585 Murpiiv. Intilgae I l 4 :: .n » Prince Harry, Whit,. Ptaaee. 1 » 1 4 420 Hainl.i. Maud Sanaa I • ":ll» , Cnm-lla. Sorrel Top • • » -~- Totals • • 3 G M ,705 SIRES WITH FIVE WINNERS. : Disguise, b. h. 1897, by Domino — Bonnie 6al. Hois, an.l Dam. 1st. 2d. ".d.lnp. Won. Boise. Nolhersole 4 0 « it t «,W0 Miss puzzle. Baby Nethernle :" :: 4 :s 1.7B0 Prince of Coaoo, Clau.lia ... Z 4 2 2 l.TJ.- Lorac. Wild Beoi 1 4 i » 1,230 Dr. Moore. I.ardella 1 I • - 4i " Totals C 11 11 • 7 .2.10r, Golden Maxim, b. h. 1900, by Golden Garter-Miss Maxim. Horse and Ham. 1st. 2d. "d.Unp. Won. Golden List. Listless 4 7 2 5 $ 3,065 Mustard. Bit of Spice 1 1 4 5 803 11. like. Bar 1 2 » o 539 Eddie T. Maid "i" Praaalee.. 1 2 12 4.. Little Alta. lVrsoual 1 • 4 O 44o Tetals 15 ~S 12 1 » U $.-..120 Hilarious, ch. h. 1906, by Voter— Harpsichord. Hers, and P;im. 1st. 2d. ".d.Unp. Won. Impressive. Hester W 2 10 :: $ 1.342 Intention. Darling 2 " 1.134 Incut Adipose l I 1 2 . : Important, La Gloria 1 2 1 0 MB, lrrawaddy. Druid 1 1 2 0 4. Totals ." i T 0 B 2o $ 4.:J40 Jack Atkin. b. h. 1904, by Sain— El Salado. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. 3d.t"np. __ W Ml Jacoba Acnes Virginia ....: 1 O 2 .$ 2.4Si ardome. Toots Mook 2 :: 2 :; 1.48J Miss Atkin. Hannadaa 1 ■ 1 « J J Beauty shop. Naughty l o it 5 WW Lady Atkin. Grail 1 _0 J9 11 ji00 Totals t r. 8 7 o* 27 $ 5589 King James, b. h. 1905, by Plaudit— Unsightly. Hane and Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.Unp. Won. Lena Misha. Cation Relic. 1 0 • 2 S 2.32a Plumose. Ilmneria •"• 5 " 1 .•••»" The Decision. Verdict 2 • » 2 MB Kiiijr Tuscan. Tuscanita .... 1 0 1 • «■ Wefca, Wealth _1 _i _o _5 **» Totals .". S 5 4 20 $.,.000 Sain, b. h. 1894, by St. Serf— The Task. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. .l.l.Unp. W-.n. ri.ione. Spindrift 8 1 1 -: ? ••™J Gentlewoman. Homespun . . . :i 1 • 8 1 "r;! Ponanee. Ashes 2 2 • B SSW Patber Kelly. llighld Queen 2 1 i» ■ HO Cantara. Inspiration 1 0 O o 1— Totals 5 14 5 1 Z". S 7.MJ0 Solitaire II., b. h. 1896, by Ayrshire— Solesky. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. : d.Unp. Won. Tiajan. Oratoaaa - 4 4 4 $ 1,275 Shahan. Alma Dale ■ 1 I • -f: Divan. Georgia VI 2 2 :; ■ Mfa.lir. Isreinerhafen 1 ■ B B •*« Saugallo, Lily Guiding 2 1 1 3 8» Totals 5 10 U 10 20 | 4.23S SIRES WITH FOUR WINNERS. Gloriflcr, ch. h. 1902, by Hastings— Glory. Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 2d. B4.Ua*. Won. , GreetlBgS, Uad Tidings * 2 0 4 .- 40 Ulooter, Mermaid ■" 2 - V l;-*- Behl for Scandal. Diaintina 2 41 •; «■ I Havana. Lama 1 ■ B - 2 T„tals 4 10 U 8 98 ,140 J Peep o Day, b. h. 1893, by Ayrshire — Sundown. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. Md.Unp. Woir. Mission Bell. Run «f Luck.. 1 0 8 $ 1.2S. | Karlv Siht. Miss Marconi . . I II 1 :. -"■ After Night. Sena Goodrich.. 1 •» 8 2 380 1 Blauchita, Countess lima... 1 i» 1 t -■■» I Totals 4 « • * « » - lu7 Stalwart, ch. h. 1901, by Meddler— Melba. Harae and Dam. Ut 2.1. :.d.Iiip. W-n. Margarel N., Lady Hope ... 2 4 I s $ 1,887 Poekiehoo, Miss Peggy 1 1 J • s- Bdaa Keaaa, Tin Cap 1 2 9 :: BZ3 Ja.k Stern. Coafab 1 0 " S 2-i » - Totals ill -J I 4 17 $ .".::r..» Transvaal, b. h. 1905, by Commando — Royal Rose. Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 2d. ".d.Unp. Won. lU.okie |au. Mary Day ... 7 2 L 1 $ s. .44 1 Little Bigger, draco Dixon.. 4 4 8 • 1...1 I Brown Velvet. Mary Bess .1 II 8 7 518 t King Colin. Ethel Simpson.. 1 9 " " 3BB Totals It W 1 7 17 1,815 Voter, ch. h. 1894, by Friars Balsam— Mavoureen. Bane and Dam. 1st. 28. od.Lnp. Won. KeminiM. BeUe "f Ashland.. 1 :, 2 4 $ BBu :, Variety. Bed Licht 9 U 9 •• gja I Short Ballot, ailotla 0 1 8 • 3 380 Benar.l. Priaaeaahi 1 0 it 1 "••» Totals 41 ". 5 4 13 .47". :, Waterboy, br. h. 1899, by Watercress— Zealandia. . Harae and Dam. 1st. 2d. od.lnp. W-ui. Sue evs. Enterprise 2 .". 1 .. | l,»80 Water War. Lady Ilsley ... 2 B 2 BBB 1 Air Man, Colonial 1 0 1 1 510 I Tay Daasaate, Malthadead l 0 :: :: 41.. • : Totals Hi B o o 11 ,155 SIRES WITH THREE WINNERS. Ben Brush, b. h. 1893. by Bramble— Rose ville. Hois- and Dam. lat 2.1. ::d.Uiip. WaoL Marae Heary, Nuns Cloth ..2 9 t» " * l*-1 Bellita. My I.tauty 1 •» 1 - l-Oul 8 Tar Brush. Lady Hortense.. 1 2 2 15 jao latala 3 4 4 3 IT $ ■■A- s Box. ch. h. 1894. by Order— Pandora. Horse Bad Dam 1st. 2d. .".d.lnp. Won. j a ue Run. Domlao Noir,- ..1 2 2 2 $ % . - l.uckv B.. Margaret Kent.. 2 i» 3 8 1." B Larkill. Llise J 1 J9 14 _»H " Tatala 2 5 "? : 22 $ 983 z Celt, ch. h. 1905i, by Commando— Maid of Erin. u Horse an.l Dam. 1 4. 2d. "d.lnp. Worn, paddj vrhack. Network 2 1 ■• $ 3.4WI II Celan.lria. Adriaaa 9 1 » 1 -..-4ii 0 Tialee. Sane. J _o _2 _4 2.3M 0 - Totals i.".t • - I U $ 3,83« 11 Frontenac, b. h. 1900. by Kingston— Sylvabelle. Bona aad Dam. 1st. 2d. :;.l.rnp. Wja. t [nwatment, Jennie Wade . . :; 1 4 11 $ 1.5H s l.v mi. Haroo fairy - ? •; 3 83B 0 Balpli S.. Idle Fancy 1 1 1 U •** 4 - Tatala 3 ■ - s :: • --s,i Isidor. ch. li. 1894. by Amphion — Isis. Hois,- an.l Dam. 1*L 2.1. ::.1.1 up. Won. , St. iHldore. Uuaga 2 I • i» I ... Dr. Ciomei. Mavli.-ld 1 9 1 4 •;■.! :it tsevilliau, Adiiutha 1 8 1 «» ut Totals o 4 J 2 i I l,Ml ,C * . 1 J 1 , : , I J | 1 I » - 1 I t :, I :, . 1 I • : 8 s j B " z u II 0 0 - 11 t s 0 4 - , ... :it ut ,C Marathon, b. h. 1904, by Martagon— Ondulee. Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 38. od.Unp. Won. Checks. Monarda 9 0 It 0 ,025 Margaret .. Golden Fancies 2 4 1 18 [10 * Lillian May. Fauuette 1 8 8 8 210 » Totals .*. .". 4 1 10 ,845 Migrane, blk. or br. h. 1902. by Top Gallant-Cinderella. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. ::.l.Unp. Won. Audrev Austin. Bally K. . . . 2 O 4 ! If 888 Billy Culhertson. Danceress.. 1. 8 8 4 :SI A Thelm.i Marie. Blakeslee ... 1 1 8 4 IS- a Totals C! 4 1 4 17 $ 1. 384 Salvation, ch. h. 1892, by Salvator— Chimera. • Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 2d. 38.Ua*. W"n. Sal Vanity. La. B. Kinpre-s. li :: :i Id ? 2,585 Aunt Sal. Antioeh "• 1 1 • 1,330 ] Will Cash. El Sonera l •"• 1 « ,;4° — — — _ 1 Totals 3 *B 7 .. 22 $ 4..Vs. A The Picket, b. h. 1900. by Falsetto— Voltario. Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.lnp. Won. Basin, Queen 9 2 2 2 $ 1,015 J. ,| Rose Water. Rose, rest 2 1 .! ■ 820 Quiz, Query 1 it 1 2 958 Totals CD 5 9 ti 10 ,085 Von Tromp, b. or br. h. 1902, by Ben Brush— j Cinderella. Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 2.1. .".d.lnp. Won. - Illuminator, Can.llewick 1 0 •. 7 $ sol Recluse. Isolation 1 2 4 1 625 C Handy Andy. Andrewetta ... 2 1 3 4 440 | Totals CD 4 :; 12 12 ,889 1 SIRES WITH TWO WINNERS. C Abe Frank, ch. h. 1899. by Hanover— Cheese Straw. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. "d.lnp. Won. I Far Away, Burnie Bunton ..1 0 0 2 $ L.O Noynini. Minyon 1 8 8 3 158 Totals 2 2 0 0 7 $ 388 Blues, b. h. 1898, by Sir Dixon— Bonnie Blue II. . Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. ".d.Unp. Won. Little Blues. ". 2 2 3 $ 580 11. ir Apparent. Royal Lady. 1 1 2 .. BT8 Totals 2 4 :s 4 t; $ 1,185 Burgomaster, br. h. 1903, by Hamburg — Hurly . Burly. Horse an.l Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.Unp. Won. Hidden Star. Black Venus.. 1*1 8 .". $ 42.. . l fflzzi. Ficsole 1 .i 9 B 400 Totals 2l 2 4 2 9 $ 828 , Dr. Leggo, b. h. 1902, by Puryear D.— Sevens. . Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. Sd.Unp. Won. Ataka. Prtneeaa Alma 2 2 0 10 $ 1,145 Repton. Coma 1 B 0 4 150 ] Totals 21 o 2 I 14 $ 1,235 . General Roberts, ch. h. 1901, by Brutus — Golden Locks. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.Unp. Won. Rose Marian. Rose Cherry . . 1 ." 1 1 $ 886 Carl Roberts, Jauice Marian 112 0 :550 Totals 2. 2 4 o 7 $ 1,."45 Havoc, b. h. 1892, by Himyar — Elletta. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. I.d.Unp. Won. Sweet Colleen. Iri-h Lass II. 9 0 It 2 $ 2,017 Mandarin. Boyal China 1 1 6 0 886 Totals 2» I 1 0 2 ,882 Helmet, br. h. 1906, by Disguise— St. Mildred. Hois.- and Dam. 1st. S3. od.Uup. Won. Blood Test. Stumpy 1 1 2 $ 2..I72 BeyedKate. M.Rtletsdead :! 1 9 1 1.888 Totals 2 4 2 2 ,772 Hippodrome, ch. h. 1894, by Commando— Dominoes. Horse and Dam. 1st. 33. Hd.Unp. W m. Sheer Pace, Fining Venus.. 18 8 1 $ 17.". hUry Jay. Calyx 1 O 0 1 148 Totals 2 2 0 0 2 $ 315 Jim Gaffney, b. h. 1905, by Golden Garter— Miss Maxim. Harae and Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.Unp. Won. Dodge, lloia Wilkmghby ..-.- 9 1 0 ,945 Franklin, eliding By 1 1 6 1 821 Totals 2» "• :: I 1 I «,8T9 Joe Carey, b. h. 1904. by Bannockburn — Miss Marion. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. ".d.Unp. Wan. Bernice. Bonnie I.issak .... 1 2 1 1 $ *2; . Back Shot. Sain Shot 1 2 2 0 7S0 1 Totals 2 ~* ~4 0 1 ,605 1 Martimas. ch. h. 1896, by Candlemas— Biggonet. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2.1. ::d.Unp. Won. Co..,! Shot Percussion 3 1 6 4 $ 888 1 Old Pop. Caunie Maid 2 0 8 ". 886 1 Totals 2t 4 1 6 7 $ 1.400 1 Mizzen, b, h. 1900, by Hastings— Donna Mia. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. .d.lnp. Won. Sands Diamond. Sabot 1 9 4 12 .$ 530 J C. F. Hornber, Boaegarland 1 it «» 2 - Totals 2 "3 *2 ~4 U ,040 1 Nasturtium, ch. h. 1899. by Watercress — Mar-: gerique. Harae and Dam. 1st. 2.1. ".d.Unp. Won. Disturber, Meddlcnoaae She.. 9 ". 2 4 $ 1,314 j I.uzzi. Divination 1 1 9 4 588 8 Totals 2 3 4 9 B $ 1,882 . Ormondale. b. h, 1903, by Ormonde — Santa Bella. Horae and Dam. 1st. 2d. ::d.Unp. Won. Oi modal.. Madchen •" 1 0 2 $ o.4illt Yermak. Lady Alicia 1 1 9 3 4o Totals 2 4 2 2 .. $ i;.2.:r. - Ossary, b. h. 1896, by Ormonde — Countess Langden Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. ."..LI up. Won. Ellison, Onfall 9 •". 9 1 $ 3.1W i" Dorado-, Dora 1 1 6 1 i « 0 I Totals 12 H ~2 1 ~~4 .557 . I Out of Reach, b. h. 1900, by Persimmon — Sandfly. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.Unp. Won. • George Smith. Conanela II.. 7 11 6 0 $ Z.480 1 Prepaid. Picture Hat 1 0 0 o 22.. ;, - Totals 2l S 0 0 V, ,705 Peter Pan. b. h. 1904, by Commando— Cinderella. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. "..l.Unp. W n. Pan Handle My Baby 1 8 8 :: $ B88 II Brian, AtteUe 1 6 l --• - Totals 2. ~3 0 0 4 $ 72.", Peter Quince, ch. h. 1905, by Commando — Fair r Vision. Hors.- and Dam. 1st. 2d. ::d.Unp. Won. 1. Alwavs, Tunisia 1 1 it 0 $ 886 •] Virginia M., Amy J 1 8 1 6 425 Totals 2. 2 1 1 0 $ 1,326 IJ Plaudit, br. h. 1895, by Himyar — Cinderella. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. .".d.Unp. Won. jj Little Sister. Centre Shot ..2 1 t :; $ ::.1, I Hands off. MeddHng Mary.. 2 :: :. :: 1.345 Totahi 2 4 4 ." f. S 4,515 5 Puryear D.. b. h. 1889, by Deceiver— Ada D. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. ".d.Unp. Won. , Trihoi... Prireleaa Jewel ... 1 11 8 4 I 888 • Mena. Sevens 1 4 I 0 .Y2.-, _ T.ual- 121 2 4 8 4$ 1,386 ", Sempronius. b. h. 1891, by Wisdom — Hamptonia. t Harae and Dnaa. 1st. 3d. 38,1 up. Wan. , Kathleen. Boema 2 8 1 6 ,045 / Rochc-tcr. Finhelli-h 1 6 2 B 021 :!_ __ — _ — Total- 3 o 0 :: 5 $ 1,888 ;li The Commoner, ch. h. T892, by Hanover— Mar- r- gerine. Horse and Dam. 1st. S3. "..i.Fnp. Won. , Black Beaut v Hawkatlght.. :; 1 2 1 $ 1.77S S Marianne, Hettenala l 0 2 0 BBS _ IMak i2i » 1 4 1 $ 2.133 13 Tim Payne, b. h: T901, by Stat-Ruby— Ladybug. r. Harae and Dam. 1st. 2d. "d.liip. 8/oa 1. Little Gink, La Poeta 1 4 :. II $ 158 Bervia, Arcadia Belle 1 :; 1 " BBS ir, Totals 2 2 7 0 10 $ 1,1115 15 * » A a • ] 1 A J. ,| j - C | 1 C I . . . , . ] . . 1 1 1 1 1 J - 1 j 8 . - i" I . I • 1 ;, - II - r 1. •] IJ jj 5 , • _ ", t , / :!_ ;li r- , S _ 13 r. 1. ir, 15 Voorhces, b. h. 1903, by Solitairo II. — Carnation II. Horse and Dam. 1st. 2d. "d.Unp. Won. Anita. Handsome Floiry ..... 1 2 5 $ 1,865 n, Savino. Corinua 2 o 2 B 888 qj Totals 2 ~7 4 4 14 883 SIRES WITH ONE WINNER. Aeronaut, ch. h. 1902, by Ayrshire — Miss Ellic. Sun Cod. Sunrise 2 1 • B $ 1,818 Alvescot, ch. h. 1897, by Raeburn— Alberta. Jerry, Levin 1 6 0 5 405 Astronomer, ch. h. 1903, by Dieudonne — Star Chime. Little Dipper. Helen ». . . :! 0 0 4 1,110 Bassetlaw, br. h. 1890. by St. Simon — Marquesa. Aniline, My Money :; r, 0 0 3.88B Bearcatcher, b. h. 1901, by St. George — Sallie McAllister. C. Welch. Torsido 1 0 1 6 5SS Bowling Green, br. h. 1892. by King Galop — Playing Fields. Copper King, Tarletau 2 1 1 7 831 Bryn Mawr, br. h. 1901, by Atheling — Maggie Weir. Tab Her, Tabouret 2 1 0 4 S7t Cave Adsum, br. h. 1904, by Compute — Mable D. KOeraggea, Sailors ITrMght 2001 oso Chantilly, ch. h. 1903, by Salvation — Valencienne. Bas Bluncs. St. Zephyrine. . . 2 0 11 400 Charles Edward, ch. h. 1904, by Golden Garter — Flora Mac. Candle, Torchlight 8 1 - G 1,380 Clifford, br. h. 1890, by Bramble — Duchess. Royalist, Princess Monmouth 110 2 :!70 Collar, b. h. 1895, by St. Simon — Ornament. Petlar. Petit Tor 1 1 0 1 475 Contestor, b. h. 1891, by Galore — Conjectrix. Phil Ongnr, Hhaj Manners... 10 0 0 1.42.-, Countless, ch. h. 1907. by The Commoner — Ole- fiant. Cinanh . afjenen : 6 0 6 1.070 Cunard, ch. h. 1889, by Goldfinch — Lucania. Ban* Alic . Sweet Alice 1 1 2 ."J 425 Cyclades, ch. h. 1901, by Cyllene — Vale Royal. Carolyn It.. Dorothy K. dead 1 2 10 1 070 Czar, b. h. 1905, by Uncommon — Livadia. Ruth Strickland. Searchlight. 1 1 O H 02.S Dalhousie. b. h. 1907, by Bryn Mawr — Octavin. lane Btralth, Tickle 1 tt 1 0 Dick Finnell. blk. h. 1904, by King Eric — Teas Over, Test, Paradise Won 1 .! 2 3 ..00 Dorante, b. h. 1905, by Pessara — Lady Augusta Baby Penita 3 2 1 f. 1,183 Elkhorn, br. h. 1898, by Belvidere — Elkhorn Lass. Mary II.. Black Mantilla ... 7 5 1 7 3.270 Galatine, b. h. 1907, Gallinule — Burgonet. Gala Day. Court Maid II. ... 1 0 3 1 005 Galveston, b. h. 1897, by Galopin — Hamptonia. Paymaster, Nun 1 4 3 13 758 Gold Heels, b. h. 1898. .y The Bard— Heel-and- Toe. Old Charter. Poutinp 1 0 0 S 833 Golf Ball, b. h. 1904. by Plaudit— Gutta Pcrcha. ] Ed Cudihee. Purse Rose ... 1 1 1 1 4IMI Great Heavens, ch. h. 1906, by Star Shoot — j " Chapter. Lily Heaveus. Lillian E. ... 2 3 1 3 ! 2.-| Hamburg, b. h. 1895. by Hanover — Lady Reel. Port Light, Merningafate ... 1 2 1 2 BBS Harrigan, ch. h. 1906. by Plaudit — Dorothy Hampton. , Julia L., Princess Tulane ... 4 0 0 1 1,383 Himalaya, b. h. 1905. by Toddington — Sierra. -Jimmie Hunt. Stella Sliea ..1 B 0 tt 22." Hurst Park. ch. h. 1900, by Kingston — Editha. Paulson. Isabella 1 1 it 1 7 525 John o Gaunt, b. h. 1901, by Isinglass — La Fleche. Mandy Hamilton. My Swtht 1 O 0 3 40.". Kilkerran, br. h. 1894. by Ayrshire — Maid of Lorn. Mary Kstelle, Kstradia 1 1 1 N 010 1 Leonid, ch. h. 1899, by Hastings — Leopoldina. Brooks. Insolence 1 0 1 0 438 Luke Ward, b. h. 1898, by Luke Blackburn — . ■ Maud Ward. Schulenburjr. Madge Hatten. 1 2 1 12 335 Martinet, b. h. 1900, by Martagon — Silene. Tobncee Box, Mai Lawery.. 2 1 l B 70.-. Mohawk II.. ch. h. 1903, by Rockton — La Tosca Bob Redtiehl. Toplasu 1 2 2 3 BBS 1 Monsieur de LOrme, b. h. 1899, by Orme— Lily Asphodel. Urines Head, Fairy Bird... 12 12 745 Ogden, br. h. 1894, by Kilwarlin — Oriole. Wayfarer. Mi-s Angle 1 0 11 4 355 Osieau, ch. h. 1902. by Ornus — Kitty Gunn. Billy Frew, lianas dAmour. .1 2 1 3 715 Orsini, br. h. 1896, by Ormonde — Jongleuse. Rose of China.... 12 2 8 535 Ostler Joe, blk. h. 1893, by Fresno — Sister to , Jim Douglas. Fri-ky. Ialerian 3 1 1 4 838 Patriot, b. h. 1906, by Ben Brush— Sandfly. Tfanrnwood, Mary Sayre 1 3 2 8 1.11s a Pentecost, b. or br. h. 1899, by Hastings — Taran- tella. I.a Belle Brocade, Costume. .ll»15 388 Prince of Melbourne, ch. h. 1897;, by Bramble — Maid of Balgowan. Edith Bnnaaann, Rose Prim. 2 117 7ix Prospero, ch. h. 1903, by Ben Strome — Irvana. Peggy OBrien. Jose Leal... 112 3 535 Radford, blk. h. 1897, by Falsetto — Virgelene. Intiilel II.. Mi-s Matthews ..1 4 2 B 1.015 Rapid Water, b. h. 1901, by Rapallo— Water Girl. Rapids. Orilene 1 0 1 5 175 • Red Fox II.. b. h. 1905. by Flying Fox— Orlet. ;. M, -Bride, Depends 1 1 1 4 425 3 Samson, b. h. 1903, by Sainfoin — Eckford. Philistine, Flower 1 0 0 2 450 u Sea King. ch. h. 1905, by Persimmon — Sea Air. King Neptuuo. Toot- ij 5 3 1 i;.:;2u 0 Singleton, b. h. 1901, by St. Simon — Field Azure. ,. Dun- Site, Sand Dune 4 1 0 1 1,638 " Sir Huon, b. h. 1903. by Falsetto — Ignite. Lola. Binda 2 1 B B 555 • Sir Wilfred, b. h. 1903, by Ossary — Plumeria. Nellie B., Spaui-h Match... 18 11 4:;t " Smile, ch. h. 1898, by St. Florian— Holiday. . Stilling Maggie, Margar. M. 4 1 3 5 1.835 Stanhope II.. br. h. T899. by Florizel II.— Kings Daughter. Heelas Flame. 11. -he 2 2 17 1,875 Stanley Fay. b. h. 1905, by Canopus — Mamie B. 1. Mi- ray, Kyle l 6 4 4 r.s.-, 6 Sweep, br. h. 1907, by Ben Brush — Pink Domino, Washoe Belle, Ur. Commoner 1100 730 U Toddington, b. h. 1898, by Melton — Minera. IV. Ponipadoiira 2 2 O 2 S70 i Tony Bonero. br. h. 1904. by Sain — America. P... neros First. Merees .... 2 1 2 4 till". Trap Rock, ant h. 1908i, by Rock Sand— Topiary. , Blue R.-.k. sly Nun t 4 11 11 848 Ultimus, ch. h. 1906. by Commando — Running Stream. Grasp. UraiikUa 2 2 0 1 1,186 10