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CLARK PURCHASES WrNGFIEXD HORSES. ,,,..,„ «• Clark of San Mateo, president, of c.liden Thoroughbred Breeders Associa Gate t!~ ] T„ nil nurcbased two of the English-bred year-M • nronght over by George Winglleld • if .ironuneut that wore Nevada turfman had eleven head • .11,, "himient that arrived at lleasanton last 1, w.4 unfortunate in losing one shortly but was iV ?r tn." thonut-hbreds were taken off the cars. ■ sven "hat will sport his colors The He stiM has "SX four Teard stallion, Honey- "tt mn£fi£ SspSlf ark are a brown i. V • cr...r .inm Trevi. by I»ve V lsely. and 1 . *L5r .oft bv Fowling piece. dam White Lilac, . Snrh -field They are elegantly bred and .are e v inilSUl 7~ ri-nre prominently on the American l tnJT *a-hi imT".rted English horses had a hard 1 t"ip,cr"s, bT«lr7 beginning to get into condi- - "p Wingfields capable trainer. . a*— ». r.eorge h«. hf* ?A tM at Pleasanton. All told, he • u tnthirtv head and the half-mile course I -.. , «i Plsanton iuil« track is kept busy t «,.ie of the ,h» . „,»e is training the string in i r.CLHSS- a busv campaign " the I »1,«!?0,,„«n.w season The «rst meeting to 1 t.J™ ™mVs** Orleans, which gets s taken , ,n in wm will ** »• ,- Day. U is understood i New Year s ""■• "Oder President way on Clarks colors will ,,i also _,_, be ■... repre-lilted r«„rw. - tint there.— San Francwco Chronicle or jo- - viUtHrr 17.