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LARGE FIELDS AT JUAREZ WILHITE COKES FROM BEHIND AT THE FINISH AND WINS THE CHIEF RACE. * Savino in a Close Finish with Ethel Welles — Bal- j Sec Outstays Old Coin — Scallywag in a Canter , * — Mack B. Eubanks Again. i i El Paso. Texas. Decemlier 14. — Todays racing j card at Juarez was tin- liest of tin- meeting, tlie , fields being uniformly large with the exception of the feature MM, a seven-eighths selling handicap, j in which Wilhite. carrying top weight of 1JU , iNiiiiuls. scored a highly sensational victory. Last of all to outer the stretch, he finished with a whirlwind rush that landed hint the winner by a half length ovel the lightly-weighted l.ackrose. which had lilaved the part of pacemaker nearly all the war. Wilhite was a staunchly-hacked favorite and The manner in which his victory was achieved. after he had apiieared hopelessly beaten, aroused the keenest enthusiasm. Savino. making his first start since his Kentucky campaign, won the race for two-year-olds in a hard drive with Kthel Welles, another of the Kentucky eontingeiit. Savino showed much gaineiiess in coming frcrn behind to take the purse. Little Blues , ruled first choice for the race and finished third aft -r moving up in the stretch and taking a mo mentary lead. Ralgee was so much the best horse in the second race, which he won in spite of being obliged to pull up several times on account of interference. When he finally found clear going in the stretch he dashed to the front and the end found him going away from Old Coin, the tiring pacemaker. Category was lacked into favoritism for the race, but failed to show any of her accustomed s»eed and was at no time prominent in the racing. Scallywag outclassed those opposed to him in the third race and won as an odds-on favorite should. It was easy ft.r him to go to the front with the rising of the barrier and continually increase the margin by which he led. Oxer, the second horse, was five lengths behind him at the finish. Mack K. Eubauks scored his third victory in as muiiy starts during the meeting when he outfinishod luvud by a ntck in the fifth. He obtained a lead of several lengths soon after the start and held it until Inyad made his pressing challenge in the stretch. Joseph Umensetter made it a double for the aft-ji.ioon when Curlicue won the closing dash, after .Living received such heavy backing as to displace Star of Live in favoritism. Bookmaker Frank Shannon was suddenly taken ill today awl his place in the betting ring was tilled l.y Irving Hildebrand. Wade McLenxiro. Texas turfman, paid his first visit of the meeting to the course.