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, C * * « CONTRIBUTIONS OF ROAMER, LADT ROTHA AND BAC TO THEIR OWNER THIS TEAR ! * * J Andrew Millers stable of 1915 was not extensive numerically, but it inclosed Roamer and he was a I host iu himself. He did not win as much money as he did in 1!»14, but he was the champion horse of the I year and, considering the heavy Imposts he had to carry, did about all that was expected from him. But Reamer was not without assistance iu compiling a respectable total of stable earnings. Lady Rotha and li:-.c racing to good effect and much more than paying their way. Mr. Millers other horses did not do ! much for the stable treasury, but it was not necessary. Its record was: 1 Horse. Col. and Sox. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. [ Roamer b. g. 4 By Knight Errant— Rose Tree II 8 1 0 5,320 Lady Rotba b. f. 3 By Golden Maxim or Fayette — Sandy Bar 3 5 2 5,005 Bac ch. g. 4 By Cunard — Bandello 0 4 2 3,205 Disturber b. c. 2 By Nasturtium — Meddlesome She 0 2 0 140 Mary Warren b. f. 4 By Charles Edward— Plnlsch Light 0 1 0 70 Qui Vive ch. g. 2 By King James— Proud Duchess 0 0 0 .. Totals 6 17 13 4 3,800 J