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Juarez Entries aid Past Performances for Wednesday, December 15. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. o— o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record waa made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I viations show track conditions. o— . o Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 3:30. XRuns well in mad. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. *Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile, .".-year-olds aud upward. Selling. Track record: i;r724— 1:3G%— 3— 102. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 24O09I Scallywag 104 1:39% 5112x725 24092; Beimudian 108 1:40% 4 112x720 24090 Nannie McBee ...97 1:37% 0 112X715 240S1* The Monk 108 1:3s*-. 8 107x710 " 2406S2* Lad 91 1:44 3 98X705 24008* Black Mate 105 1:39V; 11107x705 24095 Swede Sam 108 1:39V-. 10 112x705 23781* Bean Spiller MK.109 1:42 3 98x700 Scallywag outclasses the others. Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 19318— 57%— 5— 120. 24101* Mack B. Eubanks. .109 1 :00*i. 0 110X725 24002 Theresa Bethel ...106 1:00% 3 104x720 24040 Kenneth 105 1:00% 5 112X720 24083"* Brighouse 110 1:00% 4 1130720 23285* Bat Mastersou 112 1:00V. 11 105X715 24041* Robt. Mantell 100 1:00% 4 105x710 24071* Eel 109 1:01 8 105X703 24077* Custom House 1111:01% 4 108X705 24073= Velie Forty 108 1:00% 5 110X705 2405O Real Worth 107 1:00V. 4 110x705 24007 Nifty 100 _ 5 110x705 240023 Russ Sand 107 1:00% 4 112X705 24057J Dixie Mina 110 1:01 4 112x705 24073 Lady James 107 1:03% 3 107x«90 24080 Teeto 109 1:00% 5 110. .090 Mack B. Eubanks has been beating better horses. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: 13087—1:03-.— 6— 150. 24079 Bank 105.. 725 24001» Thelma Marie 107 1:08 107X720 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 240S5 Broeks 112X720 2405S- Baby Cat 112 1:09% 112x720 24085- Doliua lol 1*8_ 107X715 2405S Stellarina 109 1:07 V. 112. .710 24001 Cossack 100 1 :09 V. 102 X 705 Bank appears to have rounded into form expected. Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 130S7— 1:03%— 0 — 150. 23989 MAZNIK 93 1:05 3 107X725 24094 Seneca 110 1:05 K 113x715 24070 Royal Interest 97 1:07% 3 105x710 240.S7 Busy Edith los 1:00% 3 IOSXiIO 24075 Yallaha los 1 :05% 3 Mi x 705 24075 Lukemae 112 1:00V, 3 105x705 Maznik has little to beat aside from Seneca. Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-ohis and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724— 1:36%— 3— 102. 240913 Amhri 105 1:40% 4 112x700 24068 Skinny B 102 1:43% 3 100x695 24065* John Louis Ill 1:38% 10 107X095 24044 Fancy 103 1:39 V. 10 112X695 24091 Downland 110 1:41 5 112X095 24091* Klepper 3 98. .09O 24080* Peter Stalwart M 93 1:42% 3 9S..090 24052 Alda Ml 104 1:41% 3 lai. .09O 24091 Aswan 90 1:42% 3 103. .090 24068* Zinkand 1111:41% 8 107X090 24099* Ben Levy 104 1:42 4 107..09O 24091* Sheffield 98 1:42% 4 107x090 24078 Hoyle 10!* 1 :40 9 112 X 090 MM Waxemall 10S 1:43% 4 112. .690 24080 Marie Coghilt 98 1:39% 6 112X690 A bad lot. Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724— 1 :36%— 3—102. 24093* Charley McFerran. . 105 1:40% 5 107X725 24102* Eastman 107 1:40% 0 103x729 24090* Mud Sill 95 1:37% 7 107X729 24074 Fairly 105 1:39% 4 108©715 24078* Rose Oneil UK! 1:39 7 103x710 24092* Rey 112 1:38% 0 1030710 24095 Ceos 107 1 :40 4 103 X 700 A well-matched lot.