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i ; 1 . : 1 | - I r I : : • GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAT. • A violent artillery battle is being fought along i the Serbo-Greek frontier, according to dispatches received at Athens yesterday. One correspondent .-tatioued at Saloniki telegraphed that a small Bui- , garian force actually had advanced live miles into , Greek territory. Military authorities here have no confirmation. Bulgarian shells are falling on , Creek territory, but thus far.have done no material , damage to any Greek property. Dispatches filed from frontier points late Monday said that no Bulgarians or Teuton soldiers have crossed the Greek liorder. But before many hours, it is believed, the pursuit of the retreating Anglo-French forces will lie resumed and fighting will begin on Greek soil. The falling back from Glevgeli and Doiran, the main body of expeditionary forces intrenched four miles inside of the Greek frontier. Their retreat was covered by an English division and several French battalions, who held up the Bulgarian advance throughout Sunday. From their new positions tlie allies on Monday were directing a heavy fire at the eneniv, whose advance apparently was halted while military conferences were going on. French and English wounded have been arriving at Saloniki for twenty-four hours. They declared that despite the numerical superiority of the enemy they could have held their front around Strum-nitza for at least another fortnight, had it been necessary. They lost comparatively few men and scarcely anv supplies in evacuating Serbian territory, they asserted. The Anglo-French contingent left behind to cover the retreat narrowly escaped annihilation or capture. The Bulgars made se-peated attempts to envelop them, but each time were repulsed. In the last two days of fighting the expeditionary forces lost less than five hundred men. The Bulgars have established headquarters iu Giegvell in the buildings formely occupied by the American Red Cross hospital during the Serbian typhus outbreak. Bulgarian flags have been bolsted over public buildings in Giegveli and Doiran. The desire of the Hungarian people, particularly the opposition party, to discuss peace has been suppressed with a strong hand by the Hungarian premier, according to the I»ndon Morning Posts Itudapest correspondent. All discussions on the economic situation have likewise been banned ~y Count Tisza. who has acknowledged that prices are lower in Germany than in Hungary. Count Tisza. continues the correspondent, has been the recipient of many protests from workers in munitions factories against the denial of their right to vote. The Leipsic Volks-Zeitung publishes the names of thirty-four socialists who, following the lead of Huga Haase a socialist leader in the reichstag liave signed a declaration expressing dissatisfaction with the results of the peace discussion in the reichstag. According to the Volks Zeitung the coming deliberations in the reichstag will give the minority bent on peace the necessary opportunity for independent action. From Rome yesterday a dispatch says: Athens dispatches received here today announce that the Anglo-French forces have conducted a brilliant retreat from Serbia and are now falling back upon previously prepared positions around Saloniki. This news, coupled with the announcement that the allies will continue the Balkan campaign and send re- inforcements to Saloniki. has evoked enthusiastic comment from the Italian press. Some fear was ex-! pressed here when the allied retreat began that Austria would send her armies In pursuit, help drive the expeditionary forces into the sea and then seize Saloniki and an outlet on the Aegean. Having at-; tained this ambition of a century, it was believed here that Austria would never surrender Saloniki and would ultimately overrun Greece. The Borne newspapers now print Athens dispatches expressing every confidence that the allies will have uo difficulty in maintaining themselves in their positions at Saloniki. The reichstag at Berlin yesterday, continuing the consideration of the problem of the food supply, adopted a long series of resolutions, in which the wishes of the reichstag are made known to the gov-1 eminent. Among the resolutions the most important is one promising the creation of a central bureau. in which the reichstag is to be represented, for the control of food supplies. Other resolutions requested furloughs for soldiers engaged in farming in normal times, the encouragement of the importation of fodder and other measures to increase the supplies of meat, milk and butter. The socialists proposed a resolution tluit holders of stocks of potatoes who neglected to report them before December 1 should be allowed to charge only 70 per cent, of the maximum price. The governments representative said the government was considering the introduction of meat cards similar to bread cards. He said that 80,000 cattle had been sent to pasture in Belgium last spring and that a similar number would be seut there next year. A dispatch from Petrograd yesterday says: Rus- siau artillery destroyed a Zeppelin airship the night of Decemlier 5, according to details, which have iust arrived here, near the station of Kalkun, on the Libau-Romin railway. The dirigible made its appearance from the direction of Novo Alex- androvsk. passing over the Russian position going toward Dvinsk. Presently the airship reappeared over Kalkun. Its motors had been stopped, which is usually the indication that bombs are about to be dropped, and the artillery began shelling it. I ■ • i , , , , I ■ One of the shells made a bit and the air craft liecame enveloped in flames. What was left of tlie I airship fell inside the Russian lines with the charred bodies of the German crew. With the introduction in the house yesterday of a resolution to continue in effect the present emergency tax, which expires by limitation December 31, for another year, the first step has been taken to carry out the action of the caucus of house democrats Monday night. The enieus agreed, with but two exceptions, to vote for the resolution. When the house met today, after a four days recess. Representative Kitchin, the majority leader, was ready to offer the resolution. A vote probably will be reached Thursday. Its passage in both houses not later than Saturday, when congress plans to adjourn for the holidays, was predicted today. The British government proposes to form a "black list" of enemy traders in neutral countries, with whom British firms will be prohibited from trading, said Lord Robert Cecil, under secretary for foreign affairs, In moving in the house of commons the second reading of the bill designed to restrict trading with possible hostile Interests. The list, he continued, would not necessarily be confined to persons of German nationality. In South America, said the under secretary, there was a number of firms with whom trade would be cut off. The solicitor general explained the bill would be another weapon with which to cripple the enemy. The disabled Hill freighter Minnesota was outside the Golden Gate, San Francisco, early yesterday and was expected to come in and anchor in the stream about noon. She arrived in tow of the tugs Dauntless and Sea Rover and the wrecking steamer Iaqua that were sent to her assistance in response to her wireless appeals for aid when her machinery broke down. John W. Preston. United States District Attorney, said that nobody would lie permitted to leave the Minnesota before federal officers had conducted an investigation to determine if possible the cause of the breakdown. Joe Tinker, manager of the Whales, is in the Henrotin hospital being prepared for a major operation, which Dr. M. L. Harris will perform at 8 oclock this morning. The veteran athlete and head of the north side ball club has been suffering from the cutting sensation of a stone located in his left kidney. The least exertion aggravated his ailment and caused great pain. During the last few days inflammation apparently set in and Dr. Harris advised an immediate operation. Tinker, therefore, went to the hospital, believing in preparedness. Because of a famine in antitoxin cholera sernm, manufactured and furnished by the state laboratories at Springfield, central Illinois is threatened with an epidemic1 of hog cholera. More than 100 applications from farmers for the serum have been refused by the state board of live stock commissioners, with the statement that the antitoxin will not lie available for at least two weeks. The appropriation of 0,000 a year, it is said, makes it necessary to limit the amount of serum manufactured to 100,000 cubic centimeters a week. The Greek government, it was learned at London yesterday, has commandeered all Greek shipping in British and American ports in an effort to supply the deficiency in food and coal which exists in Greece as a result of the entente allies restrictions. The vessels will be loaded with cargoes purchased by the Athens government, which does not anticipate the same trouble that is experienced by the regular owners of the ships iu getting these necessary commodities to Greece. Cargoes of German and Austrian goods, whose shipment to the United States was delayed by the British orders in council, are being released at the rate of eight and ten a day. Within a month, officials said at Washington yesterday, efforts of the state departments foreign trade advisers will have freed all goods purchased before March. 1915. According to authentic sources of information at El Paso. Texas, yesterday. General Villa has taken to Chihuahua city, as prisoners, thirty employes of the Pearson properties of Madera, Chihuahua. The employes are Americans, who sent their families out of Madera on the advance of the Villa forces last week from Sonora. A force of 40,000 Bulgarians and an equal number of Austro-Germans is being concentrated between Monastir and the Greek frontier, according to a dispatch to the London Times from its Saloniki correspondent. This force is said to include a considerable number of cavalry troops. An Austrian seaplane squadron bombed tbe railway station, the electric works and points of military Importance at Ancona on the Adriatic coast of Italy and returned unharmed In tbe face of a heavy fire, according to the official statement issued at the Vienna war office. Tlie Republican national committee late yesterday afternoon decided to hold the next Republican convention in Chicago. June 7 was fixed as the date, lainis of other cities were beard, but it I was decided that Chicago was the ideal convention city. A special dispatch received in Berlin from Nish, says the Overseas News Agency, reports that the • hidden Serbian crown jewels have been found in the houses of former Serbian ministers. It is said the I Serbian crown also has been found.