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o — — ; o ! The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. I I The small figure under "Fin." — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse, was I I behind tho winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. I o — — - o FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 19047— 1:00%— 5— 103. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish KOPJE br f 3 112 By Kroonstad — Gironde II. J. 0. Burttschell . 241G5 Havana* 2-4 l:13%fast 3-2 98 4 2 2 in l1 T Par gton 0 Luther uinah Do, Enver Bey 24143 Havana 3-4 1:16 fast 8-5 96 3 8 8 8s 2 K Lapaille 7 Laura, Quick, Luther 1-4115 Havana 3-4 l:15%fast 3 92 1 1 2 2= l1 K Lapaille S Quick, Elwah, Maxims Choice "5896 Bowie 7-8 l:27%fast 3 102* 6 S 11 10 101 810 J Sterrett IV Pcntefract. E.Allen, R.Langdon 23878 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 3* 106 9 11 9 7* 6» J Sterrett 15 Anxiety, Pntagenet, J.H.Hrell 23862 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast fid 107 5 7 6 41 3J J Sterrett 17 Lohengrin, Aldebaran, Marj. A. "3841 Pimlico 1 l:42%fast 9 113 6 5 5 3 3* 3" J Sterrett 14 St. Lazerian, Hiker, Menlo Park 2375 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 60 99 13 7 7 7l 1* I Sterrett U Scmpsilla, Jim L.. Gold Cap 23*17 Wdbine 3-* l:13%fast 9 110 6 4 3 31 3=1 J Smyth 13 Yenghee, KatharineG., M.Jnson ; "3141 Wdbine S-4 l:13%good 56 89 1 13 3* 2" A Collins 13 Crossbun, BetweenCs, Yadopeep , "3045 Dorval 5% f l:0C%fast 16 100 8 7 6 5* 66J J Sterrett 8 Jim L.. Monty Fox, Hearthstone . ••"MW Dorval 1 1-16 1:46= fast 27 99 3 1 1 1 21 45i J Sterrett 8 Mausolus, Celebrity, MissWaters , 2« 35 Dorval lm70y l:44%fast 44-5 99 6 8 8 8 S4 8"» J Sterrett 9 St. Lazerian, Shrewsbury, Hester 22S48 Dorval 5* f l:07%slow S-5 100 3 1 1 24 2* J Sterrett 8 Frontier, Fr.Johnson, W.Baths ; 22624 Conght 51 t l:12%hvy 25 100 3 4 3 41 42i J Sterrett 10 Sempsilla. Inquieta. Minstrel : INDIFFERENT, ch. f. 3 107 By Celt— Ianna H. G. Bed well. 23731 Mt Roval ."?• f 1:09%r1ow 2 112 6 1 11 3= A Pickens 10 Curious, Monty Fov. Bird Man ; :»i| MlKoval Ul f 1 : i7%fast 4 111 5 1 1 2= R Estep 10 Tactless. Neville, Nila ; 21411 Hilloret Abfi-41 1:83 slop 3 lo7 4 5 6 6° S Wolstm 0 BlackChiof. J. Burn. Thcr.Bethel ; r,"tf7 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:00%fast 2 107 2 2 l1 3*1 F Jenkins S Colors, Curious, .Tissup Burn 22265 Mt Roval 0-8 l:00%fast 2i 104 6 2 31 3J R Wolstm S General, OrimarLad. HillStream ■ r,3065 Mt Royal 5-8 1:00 fast 3 100 4 3 2i 21 S Wolstm O Tiajan, Phil Pngnr. HillStream - 3BM2 Dorval f ?- f l:0C%fast 3- 102 1 11 Is I* J Callahan 5 Hildas Brother, P.orel, Ajax ] "2847 Dorval 5* f 1:0S slow 31-5 102 1 11 2i 3=J F Cooper 0 Coy, Jim L., Mama Jolinson 22«oS Mneuve Al 5-8 l: Ki%fast 21 109 5 1 2 2* A Dickens S Tactless, Skeets, Edmond Adams ; 22433 Mneuve Ab5-8 59%fast 4-5 113 3 1 1 1* G Corey 7 Stubborn, Proctor. Ormead SKILES KNOB, ch. g, 3 102 By Hurst Park— Felicity Murrat W. Feuchter. •"1G« Havana 5-8 59%fast 15 331 5 2 2 2l 44 J Pearce O Encore, Imporator, Water Lily "4145 Havana 5-8 1:01 fast 5 106 3 3 2 2* 2= J Pearce I Encore, Sonny Boy, QueenApple "1116 Havana 5-8 1 -00%fast 10 109 7 3 4 4J 471 J Pearce 8 Water Lily, Encore. Briar Path ", "68 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fa»t 32 97 3 119 91JJK Lapaille 0 Channeuse, H.ODay, Ros.Goose - "U86 Latonia 5-4 1:13 fast 38 10S 2 1 1 7 7«1 F Keogh S Droll, Iniperator. Tseeit .1 r,1093 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good 39-5 108 2 2 3 31 913 D Stirling 10 R. Goose. W. Witch, Imperator . "0871 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 26 109 2 2 3 42 67J L Gentry 0 B. and Stars, Converse, Un.Bryn : "0776 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 40 106 4 2 6 7l 11"L Gentry 11 B.andSaddle, M.Cnssidy. D.Crmen ;, "0713 Dougias 3-4 l:12%fast 18 112 2 112* 5"1L Gentry 7 B. and Stars. M.Flolder, Converce , 20330 Churchill 6* f l:06%fast 24-6 109 3 1 2 9l 13" J Butwell 14 B.andStars, R. Goose. Huntress DAY DAT b. c. S 108 By Peep oDay — Wedding Day J. W. Hedrick, Jr. 2 •3SS6 Pimlico lmTOy l:46%fast 31 95 4 5 8 9 9=° 916iJ Gartner 10 DinahlVi, M.Dweber. D.ofDbar 2 "3S;5 Pimlico 1 1-8 1:55 fast 40 103 6 4 7 8 8 818 W Hinphy 8 Dartwortli. Ida Claire, Orperth 2384" Pimlico lm70v l:4C%fast 29 103 3 6 6 6 9s 1017 W Hinphy 13 Alhena, Gallop, Ben Quince 23*10 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47%fast 38 93 2 3 3 2 8* 31 T Hayes O Lahore, Buzz Around Volant ■ "37° Laurel 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 11 109 7 6 6 6 44 4l° P Lowder 9 Kris Kringle, The Rump, Luther 23726 Laurel lm70v l:46%slow 14 97 1 6 6 5 h* 5* T Hayes 10 Yodeling, Scaramouch, Dryad 2 "3591 Laurel lm"0y 1-47 hvy 16 98 5 5 5 7 7=° 7,0AR McDott 8 Yodeling, Ben Quince. Marshon 2 "2"il5 Laurel lm20y l:43%good 110 102 7 5 5 4 2» 21! J Gartner 8 Noureddin, Pardner, Borgo 2 23115 Laurel lm70y l:46%good 10 108 1 2 2 4 3and 47 R McDott 8 All Smiles, M. Dulweber, Borax 2 23294 H deGce lm70vl:46 fast 8 107 6 3 4 3 21 l1 J McCabe 14 Jesse Jr., Santo, Mary Warren 2 "3089 H deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 30 109111 12 11 8» 9"J J McCabe 13 Prairie, Gloaming, Scorpil ; "S99 H deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 100 106J 9 10 10 lfl1 11" J McCabe 11 Squeeler, Marporie A., Dinah Do | 21165 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 36-5 98 6 5 4 4* 42J M Garner 10 Charmeuse, Langhorne, Sureget 5 LADY BRYN. br. f. 8 108 By Bryn Mawr — Tabouret J. E. Nash. "llfi" Havana 1 1-10 1"47 fast 15 103 3 11 3 5= 8"iA Nicklaus O Chevron, Zoroastr. Feath. Duster o "41"C Havana lm.V v 1:44 fast 15 107 3 1 1 1 2* WA Nicklaus 8 Tamerlane. F.Dustc:-, Afterglow 23914 Bowie 7-S l:27%fast fid 107 13 12 13 12 124 1221 A Nicklausl3 Patience, Lily Ornie, It.Langdon o ""779 Laurel lm20y 1:49 hvy 15 97 6 6 6 4 61! i!0lA Nerger 7 RoseJuliette, Laura, Jew.ofAsia o "OCO Laurel 1 1-16 l:54%hvy 90 107 4 6 6 6 7* 7== A Nicklaus 8 Task. Mabel Dulweber, Norus ~, "3465 Laurel lm70y l:54%hvy 22 106 6 6 6 7 7s 7"1A Nicklaus 0 Bil. Baker, Watertown, Cot.Top . •kl916 Mboro 1 1-16 1:55 fast 6-5 100 3»i A Nicklaus 8 Racy, Woodcraft. Task J 0887 Mboro £ . f 1:10 fast 2 102 l1 A Nicklaus 7 Babe, M. of Honor. VirglniaHite ; 20858 Mboro 6* f l:10%fast 3 102 21 A NicklauslO Task, Madges Sister, Babe 20807 Mboro 7-8 1 :30%good 10 101 6* A Nicklaus 9 Peacock. Ella Grane. LAiglon j "067S Prospect 1 1-16 1:53 fast 10 90 3J E Atwell 7 Earlymorn, C.Holloway, Battery ; 33333 Prospect 7-8 1:30 fast 8 105 C8 A Nicklaus 7 Hoffman, LAlglon, Racy - 20484 Klectric 5-8 l:02%slop JO 107 58 A Nicklaus 9 PgeWhite, Onar, B.B.andTucker j 20422 Electric 61 f l:25%slow 8 100 571 A Nicklaus 8 C. Ashmeade, Deviltry, P. White EUGENES, ch. c, 3 107 By McGee— Maltha. 2 Urst start. J