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1 SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. 19C47— 1 :00ii— 5— 103. i s: 2 OTTEEN APPLE, ch. f. 8 103 By King James— Lady Appleby W. P. Reed. S "1104 Havana ."?. f 1 :0s%fast 8 99 1 I 1 2» 1» K Lajjaille 7 Sonny Boy, Energetic, B.Rock 81 "414". Havana .r-8 1:01 fast 10 81 4 4 4 48 414 K Lapaille 5 Encore. SUiles Knob, Sonny Boy r- "41"" Havana 5-8 l01%fast 6 112 2 3 4 8* 3=1 R Troxler 9 Moonstone, Granado, T. Fashion £ M012 Powie 3-4 l:13%fast fid 101 8 6 7 Sh 9,3JF Moore 12 Murphy. Q. of Paradise, Bigtodo ,. mm iviwie 51 f l:07%fast 350 111 7 7 7 8= 8,rJF Moore M 1laudito, Q.ofParadise, EdBond ■• Sz7 Rawte 51 f l:ll%hvy 432 105 12 12 12 IP 101* F Moore Pi B. Redtield, Wayfarer, Lctfetti i ZttfS Pimlico 2-4 114 fast fid 92 3 6 7 71 12171L McAtce IS Old Broom, Dolancey, Celtabel u "31 Pimlico 51fl:oS%fast fid 112 3 1 5 7* 97» F Moore 15 Black Coffee, Wizard, Celtabel ,; "1315 Ham ton 5-8 l:02%slop 20 106 5 7 10 10* 10"JE Forehd 12 Port Light. Peep Sight, llaria J; 21053 Coneht 6-8 l:06%mud 12 111 3 3 5 5* 5"1A Schugr 8 Larkin. llaria. Tar Brush jj " rtSf. Conirht 5-8 1K5 slow 10 107 7 7 7 7 7"*A Schucr 7 Early Sight. OceanPrince, llaria t 20939 BlueBon. 5-8 l:02%slow »-5 103 6 6 6 6» 4» A Schugr S WillCash. TarBrush. S.Stalwart J RUTH STRICKLAND, b. f. 2 108 By Czar— Searchlight I. C. Johnson. "41 J9 Havana 5* f 1:09 fast 21 108 7 C 4 31 7°3 K. Lapaille I Medea, Stunner, Blue Rock H "4143 Havana d f 1 :0S%fast 6 97 S 7 5 54 i»l J Cruise 8 Stunner, Smiliix, Anna Lou 1! "411C Havana 1-3 l:0 %fast 15 92 2 2 6 6s 6i:!iJ Cruise 8 Water Lily, Encore. Briar Path 31 28rn Pimlico 2-4 l:14%fast 15 102 1 2 2 3nt 7S1 M Buxton 8 Lily Heavens. Welga, Letfetti 1! "3800 Pimlico 3-4 1:1* fast fid 104 5 2 2 2* V F Cooper 14 Dancer, BroomCorn, M.ofDundee II 25794 Laurel 3-4 1:16 good 72 104*11 9 8 71! S5J S Wolstm 15 Ataka. E. Baumann. Dr. Gremer li 3V16 Iaurcl 61 f 1:12 hvy 29 105 4 2 2 2= 4°1 F Cooper 0 Good Counsel, Welga, Important It "35 H deGce 51 f l:08%fast 30 10215 4 4 5l 9«iF Cooper 11 High Horse. Benjamin, Servia K 2SM3 HdeGce 6-8 l:01%good 60 102 7 4 4 41 6s F Cooper 12 Stellariua. Dr. Gremer. J.Straith • . X274S BlaeBoa 61 f lOTfast fid 99 7 3 2 31 87J n Hnnmer 12 Welga. Investment, Copper King ; Z a" Windsor 5-8 103i;mud 27 109 2 3 7 91 914 A Mott 10 S. Stalwart, R.Cross, Geswintlie • "I«*J| Aoucduct o-S 59 "fast 20 104 8 8 8 8 817 W Lilley 8 Stell.irina. E. Kenna, B. Red fie Id r- "1461 Latonia 5-8 l:M%fast 17 105 4 4 4 4* 4" F Judy 6 Impressive. Dolina, MollieElliott 2 21"6» Latonia 6-8 1:01 %fast 17 107 6 2 1 7l 7 R Goose 12 Little Bigger, Bessie N.. Dolina g 2lf4 I-atonia 5-3 l:A2%fast 14 95 9 2 2 2* 52i K Lapaillell Savino, Ingot, Investment 20715 Douglas 6-8 l:01V4fast 5 106 1 4 4 4* 46l L Gentry 8 Mary H.. Bessie N.. Intention 2; BLUE ROCK. b. c. 2 106 Bv Trap Rock— Sly Nun J. W. Pangle. ;; "lot Havana 51 f 1 :«8%fast 3*. 102 6 6 5 r,i 4:i L Alien 7 QueenApple. Son. Boy. Energetic ;• ilr Havana 5i f 1:09 fast 15 1»4 8 6 « 03 .ii L Allen 9 Medea. Stunner. Penance N "i i" llnvana 5?. f l:0SVfast 15 99 2 6 7 8 7* ; C V.ntson 8 Stunner. Smilax, Anna Lou Z M11S Havana. 5-8 1 :0 i%fast 15 95 1 7 7 7!» 717iC Vvatson S Water Lily. Encore. Briar Path "•"F0 Bowie V-. f 108%fast f Id 10S 10 10 10 I0» ] » AXicklausll Disturber, Inuiortant. Marsery SSS T-o-vje 51 f l-0S%fast 288 106 13 13 13 12= 10" C Watson 13 Marianao, Tribolo, Marigold K/18* H deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 40 95 4 7 7 7 I»» L Mink 7 Tom Elward. Success. Plumose v »"04S caratopa 6S f P13 mud 12 108 4 5 5 4= 4*1 M Buxton 0 Maifou, Casco. Harry Gardner 2 "lVM Belmont 5-S"st 1 :00%fast 15 110 4 7 7 7 7"U Butwell 7 E. Baumann. G. Counsel. Stellina 2 "---" Belmont 5-8 st l:00%slow 30 112 5 9 9 9* 9H.T P Ryan 10 Broomvale. B. Redfield, Lit. Alta 2 -r Belmont 5-Sst 1:0ft fast 12 102 3 7 4 41 5,SU P Ryan 7 Lit. Dipper. Sal Vanity. Plnmosa 2; 212!0" Aqueduct 5-8 l:01%fast 8 103 9 5 8 7* 74i L Allen 9 Plumose, High Horse. Tribolo 2: HAVANA b f 2 1°0 By Glorifier — Ianna W. V. Casey. H •M*ft Havana 61 f 1:09 fast R ]06 4 7 7 7= 5=3 C Whymrk ■ Medea. Stunner, Blue Riv-t Z •■"17 Havana 5-8 l-»l*fast 15 I02 3 2 3 31 4i V. Whymrkl 1 Anna Lou, Moonstone, Tab Her » "■.•1 1owie 6?- f l:08%fast f Id Vn 9 11 11 11 ll"1 M Buxton 1 1 Disturber, Important. Margery ,; "-itlaur"! :;-il:K good 161 log 13 13 12 13l 14=1W Obert 15 Ataka, E. Baumann. Dr. Gremer S "viK Laurel lm2y l:5H4hvv 24 90 5 11 2 710 71,;..P Lowder 8 Wndan. Bamboo. Lights Out 2 Zy-a liiirel 51 "f 112 hvy 179 103 3 9 9 81 7-.,.V Obert 0 Good Counsel. Welga. Important 2m ini-ium Ab?.-8 1:01 fast 5 102 44l"C M-h-mk 0 Onar. After Htakt Bab" £ "•". K«l Mboro 4 f 58%fast 2* 115 2=1 W Doyle R Kilcraggen, lffi7.7.I. Maccaliee - "tMZ Mboro 41 f 1:00 good 3-2 115 44 H Wolfe 7 Kilcragu.-n. Tfnzzi, Maccabee - ■ tlt iriectric 41 f l:00«;Slop * 106 l"k W Doyle fi Pride of Greenway. Nolli, Ufftzil - 1 2o«2 Electric *1 I CSlifast 31 103 35 R Troxler 7 Uffizzl. Nolli. Pride of Greenway g TAB HER br. f. 2 113 By Brvn Mawr— Tabouret H. G. Bedwell. fl "iHviiia r x- f 1-ORfast S* V i 3 2 4 4= 0s; E Taplin 8 Sumner, Smilax, Anna Lou 81 "in-Stvana 5-8 1-nivfast 6 107 2 111= 3J E Taplin 11 Anna LAW, Mowrtwi, Hnvana 2; Arn HUlcrest Ab5-8 1 :05 hvy 4 104 3 2 3= H S Wolstm 8 Zol::o. Old Pop. Belle Reach B •«.i H 1 crest Ab5-8 l:03slow 2 102 3 2 2= 4" S Wolstm T M.J:ick. P.oICreenw.iy. A.Xiirl.t 81 :.;.:;., Vuiovar 5 f l"7:-fast 10 In* 7 1 2. S? S Wolsfr.i 8 Marigold. Ataka. Clara Mortran 2: ;...,".. J !nvai 6-8 1-04 slow 7 102 7 6 C O-". S Wolstm 8 Gwinthe, Marigold. JoF.emstein B •"•• .. 1 Mt Uoval B-8 l:02%fast 21 103 1 * 31 4- S Wolstm 7 Sliabau, Marigold. Clara Morgan 2S "-4 KineEVl Al.5-8 1:00 fast 110 12 1 21 C Knicht rt Efflzzi, Farka, Lady Dal 2? r,." .2 KineFd" Ab5-8 59%faat 2 110 4 4 4 4H A Mtliews 5 -To Bernstein. Fttizzi. Lady Dal 23 22007 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:05 slop 6 110 2 2*5" C=j S Wolstm 7 Lyndora, Margaret O., Barka 22 . , 1 BELLE OF THE KITCHEN, ch. f. 8 104 By Hurst Park— Isbell Hermenc© J. T. Smith. -.11U1 J!owie ll:44%fast 21 99 2 5 4 4 41 W F Hopkins 12 Primary, Aldonus, Jerry Jr. 23? ?owle 5J f l:07Vfcfast 41 111 6 9 9 6 6"AI» steward IO Plaudito, Q.ofParadise. EdBond 23911 Bowie 51 f l:09%fast 20 111 9 10 8 8l 8"i M Buxton 12 Jacquetta, Immune, Ed Bond 23920 Bowie 5-S l:01%fast 41-5 111 11 11 11 61 451 G Byrne 35 Blue Owl, Jerry Jr.. Immune 23902 Bowie 61 f l:09%mud 61 111 5 5 4 6= 44i G Byrne 11 Handfull. Wizard, Jerry Jr. 22! laurel 3-4 1:16 good 37 103 5 10 11 11J IV W Lilley 15 Ataka. E. Baumann, Dr. Gremer 25 aurel rM,1:?Wast 3° SM n. Vi "2 ?!, CBort1 1* M. McGee. S.Light, M.Blackwod 23Co« Laurel 61 f l:10%slow 89-10 107 3 4 3 31 MM Buxton 1.5 My Donnie, B. Corn. Costnmer 5!£ laurel 61 f l:08fast 61 111 13 11 11 61 8« J McTagrtll Rose Juliette, Letfetti. B. Com 23498 Laurel 1 l:53%hvy 32-6 94 3 2 2 3 3l 4»» L Mink 1 Rose Water. Nolli, Edna Kenna YE?,*?0 ch • * 99 By Glorifier— SaUie Washington C. P. Winfrey. ii3i :Jayana 6-8 l:01%fast 6 112 8 8 8 8 3» 1A Schugr and Moonstone, Granado, Q Apple S22°I* lm20y l:45Vfefast 236 SS 10 9 9 11 11 10=» E Forehd 11 Patience. Dinah Do, Kr. Johnson £££? feow.le °"S l:1fast fid 106 14 13 13 13 W R McDottlS Blue Owl, Jerry Jr.. Immune 5£j S?m !co 3-4 l:15Msfast fid 109 7 7 5 51 5«1 T Nolan 10 Jolden Gate, .AlollyO., F. Nought ■ tll Plmllc,° 3i V-VlJ™* Va m U U 9 7 7" S Wolsfmlfl Letfetti, Wiar Nought. Waitoon Sand WSl ,_1 ,1: n%£Vy ?? ,S* I * I I 5U S *IY MeKzie ■ Rose Water. Nolli, Edna Kenna «■— Laurel 3-4 1:21 17 104 2 43 hvy 5 5 4 1 F Cooper 9 Chivator B Corn E of theKhen 233oO H.deGce 61 f l:0S%fast 10 109 9 9 6 10* 10* C Turner IS Sandel? Handfull Bobol nk 232G6 H.deGce 6-8 l:01%fast 41 102 7 8 5 7» 7» P Cooper 12 M ofDdee B CJfee B oHneKen T?™ H.deGce 61 f l:08%fast 15 104 2 2 3 3» 2H L Miiik IS XHruU* Bm JnHetH lara;OBa 61 f l:0»%alow 60 95 5 5 6 7 7 "1L Mink 11 BJ?oty, InVtont! RoM1»KtS 22472 Saratoga 61 f 1:08 fast 40 109 12 12 9 IP 11" W Lilley 13 Falrweathe™ Keziah Bobolink 20977 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 30 99 14 12 13 13 13»1P Hopkins 14 Ataka. Besslien Little Alta