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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TUTU. Claude Varnell. forty-three years old. son of the late Harry Varnell of Chicago, died of pneumonia at Wheeling. W. Va.. Friday night. He was well known in the sporting world as a race track man ami owner of the Fort Wayne club in the central league. He was part owner of the Wheeling turf exchange. Bobolink, which won a race at New Orleans a few days ugo, is owned by F. C. Piper, of that city, and COSl him exactly 1916.sh5. He purchased her for this amount at the San ford sale at Saratoga last summer and on her first out iu his interest she finished third at long odds and her owner bet enough upon her chances to be third to win her out. OHiecrs ,,f the United Hunts Racing Association just re-elected are: Perry Belmont, president: F. S. Von Stade. first vice-president : Lewis K. Waring, second vice-president; II. A. Buck, secretary, and I. J. R. Muurling treasurer. The following race eommiltee has been appointed: Henry L. P.ell. . L. Appleton. .lames Park. A. J. A. Devereaux. C. K. Harrison, Jr., ami Frank J. Bryan. Trainer A. J. Goldehorongh, whose stable al Cravesend was severely visited by influenza, and who lost the valuable Ballot — May Hempstead colt by it. now is able to report a dean bill of health, and the same is true of John Whalon. who lost an imported Knglish lilly belonging to Mr. LewiSOhn, and who had several bad cases in his string, including that of Lily Heavens. Max Hirsch. who had both Fairwoatlu r and Murphy, as well as a two-year-old on the aUIng list, has not a sick animal in his stable and all the horses in his stable arc-now doing well.