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NOTABLY FORTUNATE ENGLISH TRAINER. Ren trainers have achieved so much xuccewi within a coaiparatlvelj brief i.eriod as Mr. I*. 1". Gilpin, who presides over tbe Clareharen estabUshmeai s Newmarket. Possibly Mr. Gilpin ha- been favored by the god- in having bad in hi- rare name of the ic-i horses of the period, out that is beside the oinl. Mr. Gilpin, who i- a son of a soldier, his father baring been h captain in tbe 1 .ih Light Drago ns, wa- born at Pan. lb- wa- educated si Prior Park College. and in l.i- hcImxuI days wa- more than useful a- an athlete. Mr. Gilpin was -till a 1*0 when be rede in bis lii-; race, a steeplechase at Pea. int success did not attend his initial effort, his -teed refusiag after I wo miles had been covered. In the early part of 1881 Mr. Gilpin was Resetted to tic- 5th Lancers, and before king was • doing flings* in regimental rac-. A couple of yean sfter entering tbe army. Mr. Gilpia— or Iuri ell. a- be 1 hen Was married the laughter of apt. Meux-Smith. who snbseqneutly inherited Hockcliffe, the property of her nnrle. sir Rkinrd Gilpin, one of the con litiena of the Ik |i;i"-t being that lor husband should assume th" name of Gilpin. Por -onn time Mr. Gilpin ami hi- wife lived in Ireland, but they -ubscipien tly settled in England, tir-t at Laagtoa and later at dareharea, which has under his aegis become fa- lliou-. the l o;-es trained by Mr. Gilpia in his earlier years wen Watrrben ami Mrenia. The former wtm the iNibv Cap, while Sirenia won both ih.- Duke ot V,,ik Stake- and .Jul.ib Handicap. I 1 Another nsefnl horse of hi- at sbeui this time w.i- Moui.t Prospect, which won the I.ivcr| 1 Clip and the Duke of Yolk Stakes. Mare space than hi al our disposal would be required to deal adequately with all the well-known arses trained hj Mr. iiliiin. but Pretty Polly, of • •ur-o. aniii he omitted. Major Lmlers ramooa tilK made her del. 111 in the British Dominion Two-Vear-Gld Plate st Ssadowa Park, which she won Willi such ease that -cveial Of those present were ■ convinced thai there must have been a false -iait. The rabsequeat career of the daughter of Oalliiiule i- well known. Surlice it to note that sin- carried off tbe One Thousand. Oeks and si. Leger, in addition to numerous other event-, and was bur twice beaten during her four seasons on the turf. Another of the Clereheren celebrities wa- Spearmint, the Derby wtaari of 1906. Hp ai mini al- 1 belonged t« Major Loder, and was ueqaestloaably a goad horse, thoagh h - oal ren once sabsequent to bis Bpsom triamph, this being in tbe Grand Prix de Paris, in which be wa- likcwi-.- siicces-fnl. Daring the pael ncasoa Chtreharea wa- again well to the fore, among the wianerji there from being I mill-. Plgero, Snow Marten and Argos. Loud. .11 Sporting Life.