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I 1 TAXING BETTING IN AUSTRALIA. A contemporary publishes the gi-l of tue Betting Tax Bill that i- to come before the Xew South Wales Legislative Assembly, and nothing is mote certain than that the measure will not meet with the approval of cither racing clubs or bookmakers a- a whole. There i- lo be a direct ■• iitribntioii to the LTovornnioni by the bookmaker the a mi ranging 10111 Sb.n 1.. sj.-.ii ii-. ni those who operate in the paddock, and 850 to 00 from those who bet in the leger Im -lo-ure-. the higher amounts being for Raudwick. The clubs are to pay to the government , I. , , I ■ twenty-ave per cent of the amount they receive in hook makers1 fees, and then is to Ik- a tax ot a penaj ii|m.h all betting tickets. As read by many. ok bet- escape taxation. TUs, if correct, is Irjequitable, as the man in a big way in tile gad deck, and who doe- sxoet of his business on tbe , ii.mI. Mill prohabl. not pej one-half as much in ticket tax in a year a- the man who bets «.n the tint. 1 I:.- bitter won!il pay a penny for every shilling or half-crown ledaj d with him. while it would not cost the paddock hookmeker eren a penny for bonking th- odd- t.. fSiili i r s:,cui in one bet. An extra 00 i r 0 to the government in addi i Hon to tbe fee paM the club will be a beery tax . upon those bookmakers who bet at peroral courses, , and if they can poaaildy gel :i return by cramping . ti hi- it is onlj natural they should do so. They will rln their be-t to pa— the extra east along t- the P ub lie. and ii the proprietary clubs are not allowed to ill rease tbe fee* they charge tbe bookmakers, tbe ban is ai. they will lower their prizes. The pro- po - .1 t:i will bring a substantia] revenue ro the -;o ei nun in . but a- it- tendency will be to cramp i prices and cui down prfates, it will certainly not i benefit either the public or owners. li may also o.iii-o a number of tbe -mailer books to drop out. , Howerer. Iiefore ll n i hes tbe statute books its pro-abiions may be mr.difl ! considerably, and that will be necessary to make it acceptable t" either race clphs. owners, public or bookmakers, with the ea-ception of those of the latter who are in ■ large wiiy of hi-inoss. "iiioi" in Sydney Referee.