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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. L. Stone has boaght Miss fielder from F. D. Weir for |f00. Co], Matt Wiaa is authority for the statenient that the present Juarez meeting will probably be extended to lln racing days. There has been no influenza at Rolniont Park this winter, the sickness among the horses there being confined to a few cases of coughing. If peace is restored in Mexico by the time for the Juarez meeting of 1916-17 to begia it is probable the mutuels will sapient the present method • ! betting. Judge Charles ¥ .Price will leave Juarez on February 11 for Naples-on the -Culf. fla.. where he will spend about six weeks as the guest of John Haeb-ineister and George llcndrie. The two yearlings brought over for the Shoshone Stable on the Manhattan are doing well since their arrival at Bclsaont Park. The larger of the two i- a dark bay tillv by Si. Aniaut — Lavanda. and the smaller one is a bright bay by Llangwin — Amies Valesqnen. Jacoba, the handsome ldack daughter of Jack Atkia i- at Kilmout Park and looking wonderfully well. Shi is a much stouter anil more robust -looking lilly than she was at Saratoga, and there ap-|tear to be every reason to hope that her career as a three-year-old will prorc a brilliant one. C. Kirs, libaum. the veteran jockey, who has sported silks on all the tracks in the west, is iust recovering from a serious accident, which accounts for his being kept onl of the saddle at Tijuana. lie was exercising the OriBOUdale yearlings that C. T. Boots has at IfUpitaa when one of his mounts foil with him. A fracture of the leg wns sustained. and he I as been on matches for the past two months, lie is getting round and expects to shortly go to the Lower California course to handle George Van ;• rdens string of two-year olds. .. A. Cochrans Air Man. which is in charge of Al Gnntber at Belmont Park, has grown into a grand-looking young horse, and will be one of the most Impressive looking of the three-year-olda of 1010, baring lengthened and thickened. There are eighteen two-year-olds In the Coehraa string at Rel nt Park. ;i rul seven goad ones in the matured division. Among the most admired of the two year-old; are ttaderia, ch. f. by Star Shoot — Golden Drop: Kilt... b. r. by Ogden demonic, and Pblllippic, b. c by Cicero Quair. this last nieiitkiied being an Imported colt.