New Orleans Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-01-26


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- ] ■ | : 1 1 1 NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. JANUARY 25. 1916. -Fair Grounds. Twenly-liist day. l!ii.-i:n- Mens Baciag Association. Winter Meeting of q7 days. Weather cloudy. . Presiding Steward. T. C. Campbell. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, A. P. Dade, ltac- ing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. , Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.i. indicates apprentice allowance. O/l 7 1 1 IT HST RACK— 1 Mile. 2441S— 1 :37*.-.— 5—100. I Purse 99. 3 -year olds. S. lliug. jiallh | _L J. Wet value to winner 8360J si ml. 1916.sh5: third. 5. "index Horses AWtPP8t_% _ :1.t Str Fill Jockeys Owners « II P S 24652 ■ l.l iCKT K. will 7 3 21 l1 1- 1- 1" .1 Hanover J .1 Shannon 3 1 Mt-68-5 3-S 24531-MAHV li w 109 8 1 1 V - -i M Garner .1 N Hoffman I ■ -li 8-6 4-S 24487 LTTTT,R BIGGER w M I I » l »i4 ■■ 41 8i .1 CallahanW P Johaaoa t; 7 «. -24528 ROSE JULIETTE wa 106 C 8 R ■■■ •. H 4- .1 McTasr*rtL M Morris I 7 7 2| 1 245G5- TRIP H.i . wn 112 2 2 4 ** 2* ."■- .- P Keogh E Hera 21 13-612-51 1 24650 AL.PADIR w Ml I 1 k tl •* ,;J •* 1 McAtee T Clyde 8 8 8 3 8-5 14661 *LARKIN w M 5 8 8 I 7 7l* 7" 8 Brown V Walker » W i 24518*M1.1A REACH w 107 1 7 7" 7] i 8 I V M • han.i M Goode M M M 1" ■ Time. 24!,,. 4845. 1:14-.-,. 1:4015. Track good. Winner — 1»,. f, by Box — Margaret Kent trained by J. .1. Shannon. t| Went to at 2:15. At poat 1 minute. Stan good and slow. Won easily: second ami third dri ing. LUCKY R.. close up from the start, wore MARY II. down in the tirst three eighths and drew out In the stretch to win as his rider phased. MARY II. ran a good race ami stood a hard drive gamely th ougll the stretch. LITTLB BIGGBB closed a good gap in the last Quarter and fast. ROSE JULIETTE tired. TRIBOLO dropix-d back after running well for a half mile. The winner was entered for 8860; uo bid. Scratched — 24629 ChlTator, 105. Overweights— Molly Reach. 1 pound. fk /• rj ~% O BBOOHD RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 19368 -1:44% — 3— 104. Purse 6600. 4-year-olda and _j __ upward. Selling. Net value |.. winner :;i.ii: see.. ml. ___ third. •«:■■■. "index AWtPPStj 1 "i Str tin Jockeys Owners o II C I :: 24651 • II mTTTcT-oUIj WB 8 168 2 i :." Li M 2| lj .1 Metcalf B Murray J 2J S_ 4-5 2-6 24676 KNEBLET w 4 Ml I : 2» l1 ll 1 ■ -• M Garner V B MU ell G C I I 1 21532 CHILTON KING wn 0 IK! 6 3 V 31. 2 f .". T Koe— ier H McCoalsky k 8 8 3 6-3 21533 BATWA wn 7 113 1 1 8* 8 8* I" I1 C Y.-miunL a Bereejnl 10 ir, ir, | Q 24531 -iAMEL I. IA wit 7 111 I 1 i;11; 7* 6 6" W l.iihy .1 L Cool 8-5 6-5 1 2 .". 1 •". 24569*NIGADOO wa 6 Ml I 7 4 6 1 4i and■ V B Crown W Walker lo :, 24862*SHRBW«BIJRY wa 4 Ml 7 r, :,.. |i. :, 7,; 7- B McDottR L Bresler • W i 21172 LADY RILLIE W 6 MO 4 I 7- 8" f • 8s 8s I Lowder C Graffagnini I" 40 lo 15 17666 P*NCESS CUNARD w 4 102 9 9 9 9 ! :• 9 .1 MV T.-igi t I. A Broaddus 15 10 H B iime. 24, 49. l:14"r . l:41s. 1:49. Track good. Winner — P.. g, by Orlando Hannah Dixon trained bj E, Ifarray. Went to posi at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and low. Won driving: second and third the some. CHAD B1TFORD, after racing prominently frogs the start, finished gamely and sol up to win in the last seveiitv cards. KNBELET set a uo«h! pace and would have won but for swenriag o_| badly in the last eighth. CHILTON KING tired after showing prominently to the last eighth. BATWA finished fast. CAMELLIA closed a big gap in the last aaarter. The winner was entered for 8300; as bid. Scratched -24661 River King. 103. oveiweighis Princess Canard, 2_ pounds. £ A VT - O THIRD RACK 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 24416—1:40% 3— Of.. Parse 00~ year olds __i_ 4 JL O itid upward. Fillies and Mares. Selling. Net value to winner 8369; second, 865; third. 835. i liul.K Horses AWtPPSt V -j :% Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C V S 24488 penniless w6 ill 3 6 l- V ih 1 ■ 1 T Koerner A R Joplin ; :. s r. 7 :. :: ■. 1 1 24651 INVESTMENT ws 3 99 »: 1 1:?. 1- .- 2". 2- .I nilab.uiM. Arthur 6: Klof., . -1 8-6 1 18 21530 BEST B. AND TR w 4 Ml 7 4 t| 8* ::- V 3* W Obert W CahiH S N lo 1 8-3 •21051 MAYME W. w S Ml E 7 ;". ; ii,; 41 4- C VanDanL ,v Seregnl E 7 7 21 l 24528* MARGARET O. w I !is 2 :; 4 :. 6 6* B" B Barns Milam .v Levy 20 89 38 I 2 24529- WFJLGA w s :: 93 4 I 6 ] I- 4- I* 8* P J M Elmmer 21 3 I 8-6 1 2 24308 KYRENE WB 6 MB 1 2 7 7 7 7 7 .1 Crown M Cabin He ES M SO 15 I Time. 25. 49-5. 1:15, 1:41*;. l:43-5. Track good. ■Winner — Br. m. by Ornament Catpnrse trained by W. O. Joplin. Went to pos| at :::o4. At post 1 minute. Start g 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PENNILESS, after racing In closest pursuit to the lasi turn, drew out la the stretch utt won easiag Dp. INVESTMENT set a good pace from the Start and. being hard ridden through tlie last eighth, ool-s vd BEST BIB AND TUCKER. The latter showed speed and finished gamely. MAYME W. d 1 I gap ill the lasi quarter. WELGA ran a good half. The winner was entered for 011; no bid. overweights Investment. 1 pound: May me AW. 1: Margaret 0_ 2. i A -T "I A FOIKIII RACK 1 Mile. 2441S— 1 :::7 . 5— loo. New Country Hand cap. Vn- __ 4sr I A 4ir 8600. 3 J 11 olds and upward. Net v.iiue to winner ..0: second. : third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt . j "-, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P _S__ 244,10-IN1H. t:cE wb 8 Ml 4 2 4 :: 2ti 5 1 .1 CallahanR .1 Austin i i 9-192-6 oat 24567 DR. LARRICK wit 4 los E :: 1 1 1»1 1»| 2* 21 T Koerner B B Blkins *J P.i ::•. I 101 l 2460«-,iI.IFF FIELD wi: 5 102*. I I I 0 4" 4" :."k .1 McTagrt I :.- erw vi kStabh- E E E 8-5 7-M 24460*GOLDCREST BOT wb 4 107 2 4 21 21 V ::1 P .1 Kederia .1 W Schorr :. 7 7 2 4-5 244IK STAR SHOOTER w 1: 4 !t7 I E :.. - S* .".; "■ W Braze NevadaStockFm 15 24 M I 24650 GREENWOOD w3 M :. 1 ::■ 6* I I 1. McAtee G 11 Marlman M M M I Z Time. 24-5. 66%, 1:14. lr.. Track good. Winner — K. g. by McCei — Princess Orna itrain.d by A. L. Aastfaa, Went to post at 3:29. At | ost 1 miuiile. Start !:oi..l and slow. Won driving: second and third tie-same. INDOLBNCR was hard ridden and. wearing DR. LARRICK down in the last eighth, won drawing clear. DR. LARRICK showed the ssost early speed and ret ■ fast pace to the last eighth, then tired. l.llf FIELD ground by coming wide Into the stretch, but tinislud fast GOLDCREST i:ov raced close up most of the way. GBEENWOOD ran well to the last turn. Scratched 24008 Imbroee. 103. OMiweights ClilV Field. 2J pounds. rt A *T "I PT FIFTH RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 19363 1:44% -104. Purs.- 00 t-year-oM? and 3 TT I X upward. Selliiisr. Net value t.» winner y/.Kl: second.".: third. .". Index Horses AWtPPSt , ■. - Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C I S 24660 IR. GENTLEMAN wb 8 US 3 2 _* V 2- V V J Metcalt AV C Metsger 2! 2 fl 51 _ :, 24521 *.! Ess. LOUISE wb 5 MI . .". 2«1 V l 2" 2» "W Moehanl T Looojej ; f E 2 4 5 2460X MOCKERY WB 5 US I I I I I B* 3»* J P.-ngast J 1 1 Kossuth 8 7 2 4-6 24491 GUIDE POST vp. « 112 4 4 3* ¥■ 4- I :.. 4" . i Koerner B Rosenthal 2 E E 2 4-8 2 1568 iMiss THORPE v 7 llo 1 1 B 2" 2t 4» r p BobinsnA I! Lowe « t; .", 2 4-5 24402OLD BEN w 6 112 2 I •:. :... :. I i J BotweU C .1 Brockmlller 3. 4 1 7-8 3-6 Time. 24%, 48,. 1:14, 1:69*4, 1:43. Track good. Winner— R. b, by MeGee--The Lady trained by J. II. Raker. Went to Hist at 3:56. At i ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving, ikisii GENTLEMAN was Bared close up to the stretch ind. when strongly urged, be won- J Efts I R LOUISE down and won going way. The latter raced Into the lead, but tired and came near losing second place. MOCKERY was taken wide, but naished with a rush. GUIDE post raced well up all the way. MISS THORPK set the early pace and tired. OLD BEN was well heaten after going tliiee i|iiailcrs. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. i_ A rT "| /j SIXTH RACK- 1 1-4 Miles. 44432- 2:00 f. -6—113. Purse S40O. 4 ear olds nndTip- £_ Hk I 1 O ward. S lliug. Net value tn winner $.-.XI: senaid. yor.: third. $::5. Tndev Horses AWtPPSt M *■■ ■. Str Fin Jockeys Owners O ]| C P S 24648 AT ABOT wn 4 los 7 7. 2.. 2« 1- 1* l4 E AmbroseC Moss 20 -o to 4 ~1 24681* POLLY H. ntM 3 I 7 B« :t4 ::- 2»1 "W Obert W Cahill B-fi 9-S 9-6 2-6 1-4 24616*BBAU PBRE wb S MC I 1 1- 8* 2". 2 ::• B Brown W AValker 1 4 1 1-5 1-2 24530- Ml KLEN M. WB 8 16* E 7 C 7 8* l; 1s B Corns W 11 rlogan 3 3 2 4-6 2-5 24671 *L o KKCALDT WB B 1M 2 2 B ;» 7 B* 5- T Koerner S I...uis 12 28 20 s ?. 24610-H.UCKY GEORGE w7 112. 1 1 l"- 1- l fi« 8» W WtftooW .1 Mailman 3 4 1 7 T. 1 2 24560 t_ VAN ZANDT W 8 118 C 3 ::■ l| 5* 7 7 1. Gauge] Leigh 6 Castin 20 20 20 S 3 Time Wk%, 493s. 1:15. l:41«i. 2:075. Track good. Winner — P.. g, by Ocden -Uaterock trained by J. Johnston. Went to i«ist at 1:21. At Host 1 miniile. Start looiI and slow. Won easily: second and third driving ATAI.OV. after being saved | the Inst aaarter, drea out with a rush lo win as his rider pleased. Polly II. moved up steadily throngh the last thr eighths ami wore BEAU PERB down for see,, ml place The latter raced well up all the way. bat finished tiring. HELEN M. was a distant trailer most of the way, hat finished weil. LUCKY GEOBGE iuit badly after selling the pace to the last turn. The winner was entered for 8300; B0 bid. Overweights Lucky George. 2. POBBdB.

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Local Identifier: drf1916012601_2_8
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