Juarez Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-01-26


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! ! , , i i • i i ■ . i i 1 • 1 " • • 1 1 JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916. — Fifty sec.m.l day. Jockey club Juarez. Winter Meeting of HK or more days. C. hooks ..n. 1 Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Charles F. Price. Presiding Judge, W. H. Shelby. Starter, Mars Csssidy. Rac- ing Secretary, B. Jasper. Racing starts al 2:30 p. in. Chicago lime 3:30 p. 111.. • Indicates apprentice allowance. 4 A rj -| T_7 IlUST RACK 3-3 Mile. 1 1:: ;-::i _ 110. Parse 8399. 2-year-oMs. Maidens. _Ci T i X i Selling. Net value to winner .2..: s.-c, ml. 830; third. 825. Index Horses A Wt PPSt :_ ■:, S t i_f7u Jockeys Owners H I S 24617 . AS LI : Ho V ATI v. 112 1 .; 1* 1*| O Moles* thl B Clark 8-5 7-6 7-5 3-6 1-4 24499,RIPoSTA w W2 lo 8 23 . G Corey E E R.iinl 5 7 7 3 1 LKANKIE W 112 I .". :,. A Lichens I Wallbaiiser :! f, E 8-6 7-M 24534-ol.D HARRT w 112 :: 4 4] 4*1 J Howard B A Jones E 8 8 4 2 24534 ELEANOB MABIB W 112 11 I. HartWllF D Weir | 12 12 4 2 24617 PHIL EPSTEIN w 108 7 ! !i ** B Peeney P De Beqae 28 ::o 30 12 c 24617 SATISFIED w 112 E E !■ 7 W Onnes D W Christian 31 38 30 12 I ALAN w 112 2 2 s 8 li CavanhW McLemore 20 to 3d 12 I 24534 BED MAN w 112 ! 10 M . R Booker .1 Gird 20 M 39 I 24687*JKAN W KI0 »l 7 C-.IO J Morys J P Clifford i 7 0 8-5 1 10 Time. Bt%, 35a,. Track good. Winner— P.. g. by Luke Ward— Sue. d trained by R. N. Vestal. Went to post .11 2:2.. At ]Mist .", minutes. Start good and slow. Won ea-ilv: second and third driving. NASLEDOVATJ was kept straight today, led throughoot and won easiag up. BIPU8TA was on the outside and escaped ■ jam which occurred after they had Cone an eighth and ran a good ami game race. I BANKIB began slowly, but Onlshed with a rush, old IIAKRY swerved across the trad from the in-sMe. forcing JEAN onl with him. ELEANOR MAR1B tired. The winner was entered for 00 • no bid Scratched 24CS7 Mediation. Illl; Kato. 115. rt A "T "I Q SECOND RACE — 1 Mile. 13724 — 1 :36%— 3— 102. Purse 8390. 4 year olds and up __ jb m X O ward. Selling, gel value 1 1 . winner 82__ eeniid. $.10: third. 5. Imlev Horses AWIPPSt 4 ■_. :■-- str Fin Jockeys Owners o" H C P S~~ 24699--PROSPi:o SON WB 3 105 E 9 U 1* 1- 1« 1- C Hun" AV P Knebelkamp4 i; S 2" 1-%9 24688VOI.ADAV II. w 6 116 113 13 16 10 6* •* G MoIes*thJ Green 8-6 2 8-5 7-10ont 24653*I.ONF STAR w 7 105 sit 7" B* 6" B 2» W Rickey I A Stevens 10 W N 4 2 24619 KATHAKINE G. w4 108 13 8 B 5 S» 6*1 4*| R Pauley T Eggers | 10 M 4 2 24655 cisko wb 8 105 :i 4 4 :;" 8* 21 :■" .1 Morys Polh .v.- Lamar M 10 10 4 1 24622 P. RNARD W 6 110 ! 2 9 7» 7 | 8 1 6 1 R Booker Booker and Allen 4 E E 2 1 24688*i:NHi RAM K wb t as 1 1 7 18 s i* I 7 C Mergler J 11 McCarren 10 10 10 4 2 24699*KLKPPFR w 4 109 11 14 14 12 9 M s1 T Buckles Hall Broi 28 M 28 3 4 24S88 WF.YANoKK wb 6 113 15 5 :; 4 | 4 ■_ , "-■ . ." T Henry W A McKlnney C *. I 2 1 24G58WI1.D CHAR v. si; 7 105 12 I 23 2- 23 4h lo* It Sbarpe JNMounee 4 4 4 2 1 24688 BAKE WB 8 110 6 15 1a 13 12 11 II B MeCownC IT Jones 28 M 26 I 1 24621*M1SS SEDALIA w4 !i7 1 1 "All II 12 12* D Graves RG Crown 20 39 36 12 I 24535 KLFCTROWAN w .1 108 7 10 12 9 13 13 i:J A Pickens F Mallory 29 29 Si 3 4 24701*1 Ituii EYE w 7 lor, 1,1 :: 0 14 11 11 it .1 Mason C Crooks 26 20 26 3 4 24688 MASTLR .101: wc 5 110 2.12II 15 15 16 1". C Gross D Dennlson 4 G r. _ l Time. 24--,, 48!5, 1:16%, l:44-. Track good. Wiaaer Ch. g. by ln pero Lulu Mara trained by K. Spenee. Went to imisI at 2:.-.4. At post 2 minutes. Start R I and dow. Won easily; ■ecaad ami third driving PBOSPEBO SON raced into a quick lead and. drawing away, won in a canter. Vol.A- DAY II. it seil a great gap. from a slow beginning, and finished with a rush. LoNK STAB made up tct i ii, I and finished gamely. KATHARINE G. ran fairly well. tISKO. WLVVNoKK and WILD BEAB piit after racing proniineutly to the stretch. The winner was entered for 09; no hid. Overwelgh ts — Katharine Q.. :; pounds; Miss Se.ialia. 4. ty A rj -| __ THIRD BACI M Hue, 19318 57% 5 126. Puree 8306. .".year-olds and upward and ~W I I * f Selling. Net ts lae to winner 8225 _» ■_ .ad. 850: third, 825. "index Horses AWtPPSt U j "4 Sir Fill Jockeys Ow 0 11 C P 8 24691-PANliAillAPI w S 113 2 1 2-1" •» i . a Garner Holland Bros 8-S 8-5 8-6 7-161-3 24691 CABONDOLET wa 9 US 7 I c .". 3* w Ormes B 0 Brown 6 . 6 " 1 24576 lol. Ill: wc. $ IIS 11 B 1] I-1. I*] I* Pickens B .1 Bant ey 2 2 J 7 loi 3 24689»gi:m.KL PICKETT w 3 90 10 11 «; ; 6* E] I" T Buckles I Wallhauser 10 IB 1;, 6 18910 TLMP DUNCAN wn 5 IH I 2 q p 1.:,- k McCownD Moore lo .... sj -n 10 24389 1! AltSAC wit i; 112 1 9 9 I* 7*1 6"1 J MclntyreG Mayherry • I c -, ;, 24055 F.ll IL MAY w I U»; 8 S 10 lo 10 7-. B Pauley I Kenn dy I . BJ M 1 | 24691 JEN. CBAWFOBD w 6 113 4 :: 5*1 61 8* s- A Calms L Stone 10 c 12 1 • 24655 LITTLE BLURS wn :: us E b 71 7U s- 91 t Henry 1 R Miller .; 7 7 ?, 24428 SENATOR JAMES W 6 112 9 7 B 9 9 1"" G Gross B 1 Kaufman R 10 10 I | 19808 YESTEBSUN w 11 4 112 I I II 11 II ll 1. Hart w* HP .1 Malone 1 1 ■ |6 13 6 Tine. 234, 48«s. 1:02-,. Track good. Winmr Ch. m. by Abe Prsak Pampiita Ira I I by il. V, R ■. Went to |Msi at 3:28. At ix.st 8 iniiiutes. start rood and slow. Wofl driving: second and lliird the same. IANHACTIAPl was outsprinted early by MoLLFR, but passed tlie latter in the stretch ;ini withstood :i bum challenge kf CAKONDOLET. Tin- latter eaase fast through i in- stretch ami l anisbed gamely. MOLLER tired after sotting a good pate to the last eighth. GENERAL PICKETT - liaished well. TEMPI DUNCAN ghowed speed The winner was entered for 00; no IM. I Scratched — 24699 Ortyx, 107: 24464 Nifty, 112; 24483 Doe. Allen. 112: 24S77 lordillo. 110. Overweights i:ili. May, 1 pound: Yostoisun. o. - fcj A F7 Lf FOURTH HACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 13687— 1:03%— «— 130. Paraj s:;00. 4 -year-olds ! and tfc I andJ and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ■*--■": second, id; third. ■ -■"». I iihIon, gorge; AWtrPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 : 24537U.nl its w ."i 120 E 4 l«k 1] i- . p V Orrats Daniels A Hodges8-5 8-5 8-8 7-1*1-4 ] 24702 ULVRNEY w 6 H 0 4 3 2i» 34 33 2 C Hunt W F KnebelkampC s 6 I l 24690 ITl.l. V JOE WB 4 lull ■ 5 7 fi»* f ■■■ 11 Stearns R P Dickinson fi 7 f 2 1 j 24537-. i:m i waat 125 7 g V -- -" * a Pletoena J Tigue 7-5 s-3 a-s 7-101-4 -4578 LACK ROSE wa B .. I 2 43 4 | 5« E . .1 M. rs J 1* Dickinson t7 7 5 1 1 ., 24537 CARRIE ORME W 4 90 C 7 6 7 7 CJ T Henry E J DConnell 2| :: I 1 2-5 , C4430 HEX W 4 100 1 1 5-* 6 I 7 B Marco F D Weir 0 7 7 3 7-3 j tCoopled in betting; no aeaaral e place or shew hotting. Time. 24, 49. 1:01?5. 1:08. Track good. Wiener— Ch. g. by Dick WeUes— Edna Bbanaoa trained by C. R. Daniels. r Went to post at 3:00 At post ". minutes. Start had and alow. Won handily: second and third driving. UllITS raced int.. a natch lead and. making the pace fast for the going, wen all the way. RLAR-M:Y raced forwardly throughout and made a tast and game tinish. ML l.Y joe closed a log gap from a Hum beginning. SENECA pressed the winner closely to the- stretch and tired under his big impost. LACK-ROSE showed speed, but quit in the stretch. I Overweight! — Lackrose, 1 pound. I £ A rj 6 "| FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1216 1:00% 6 118. Pane $.300. .".year-olds and up- 1 £ *dh I tmi X. ward. Selling. Net value to winner %£2 : second. $•" : third. 225 J "l adez Horses AWtPPSt % 2 :Sj Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S j 24657 QUID NUNC w 7 PI S 3 2 2 L"3 1-J A Pickens C Mulholland 3 4?; 4J 3-2 2-5 | «24619*»TH.I.«i|Si. i! 4 101 : 2 1=1 1=2 lnk 2J J Morys .1 F Clifford 6 !l 8 3 1 | 24687*F1NNIGIN W 7 104 2 9 7"i 63 3i 32 E Graves M Doyle 6 7 7 2 1 5 i24704 kIP NELSON WB 6 112 17 6" a1 5-i 4-1 C Gross H W Hoag 6 7 7 2 1 , 24703 .1 KE ARGENT w 7 112 7 1 4-1 3uk 41 0» W Orm»s T Hatfield 2 21 21 1 2-.". 2451G- Hot TAW WB 6 M0 3 4 31 4= 6s 68 J MelntyreL Tryon 1 7-5 4-5 1-2 1-4 24703 8TARANISE WB : • ■• 5 S 9 9 h,~- 7- C Hunt S M Henderson 8 10 10 3 8-5 24324 CANAPA W B 107 6 6 64 7° 71 S3 J Mulhure A B Pattenoa 7 S S 3 7-5 23228- V VN HORN w 7 108 4 5 S3 81" 9 9 R Feency A B Morgan 10 15 15 5 2 . Time. 23 i, 48%. 1:15=5. Track good. Winner— Br. g, by Woolsthorpi — Dictynna trained by C. Malbolland. Went to post al 4:28. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Woo easily; second and third dfiv- ■ iug yi ID NUNC raced in nearest pursuit f TILLOTSON to the last eighth, then passed the latter with .■ rush aad won easing up. TILLOTSON set a good pace and finished gamely, hut tired under pressure ; near tie tnlatl PINNIG1N made up ground steadily and finished fast. KID NELSON finished resolutely. ; JAKE ARGENT and CHOCTAW tan ]M* r races and caa do much better. Tiie winner was entered for ; S2U0; BO bid. s tatclicd — 24066 Safraaor, 107: 2tr 77 Miss Rain Harbor, 103; 24636 Originator. 110; 2!."77 YallaUa, 102 Overweights — Star.tnise. 4 pounds; Vail Horn. 1. ; fc-j a P7 6 O SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 13724— 1:30%— 3 — 102. Parse 00. 4-year aids aad upward. 5 rx: I aal aU Belling. Net value to wiiiicr SMBj second. $." : third. *2-~.. j InTlev" Horsed AwTlISt U V- % Sir Fin Jeckeys Owners O II C P S 24580 .lollN CRAHAM v. . 107 3 7 :.- 2» l" 1*1 Is W Ormea DanieU «e Hodgeat E .". 2 1 j 24632-/. I M wij 7 107 1 1 1 1. - _ - C Gross T 8 Parker 3 0 5 2 1 j 245801 LNRROOK m 0 107 4 2 03 6 6 4«s J«| 1; Marco McCoy and Kmmick2 4 4 3-2 7-10 ] 245791111 1SI PAUL w 8 106 2 21 t* 31 :i5 4-1. A Pickens C Hawk 6 6 5 2 7-10 j 1 24692 *i .I» W 4 lo4 7 I 4 4- 4." I . 6*1 .1 Morys A i: Morgan 4 4 4 S-5 4-5 j 24539 MONEY MAKER w 4 io7 E E I B* E* •"- 63 C Hunt W K Knebelkarnp7 S 4 S-5 7-10 ; 124.186 1 M I 1 SILL wb s 109 4 7 7 7 7 7 T Henry W A McKinney 3 5 5 2 4-5; Time. 24%. 48%, 1:1*, 1:41%. Track good. Winner— Er. g. bv Fake or Modred— Leeaja trained by c. B. Daalels. Went to post at 4:r :; At ]iost 1 minute. Start good Bad fast. Won easily; second and third driv-in" JOHN GRAHAM was kepi dose tip In the early running Bad, being seat to the front in the last i quarter won easing up. ZIM set a good pace to the last turn and drew away from the others for second I place in the final drive LI NB ROOK raced under stout restraint until an eighth from the finish, then ! came with B belated rush. LOUISE PAUL tired after being a forward contender to the stretch. LAD ! showed speed but quit. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. S.-ratched— 24700-Type. 104. ;

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916012601/drf1916012601_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1916012601_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800