Fourth Race [4th Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1916-01-26

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FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. 13412— 1:2:;-.,— 5 — 110. KING BOX, b. B. 6 102 By Box— Eric Belle P. J. Miles. 24690 Juarez 3-4 1:21 hvy s im 3 3 4 4 .- K Graves 4 Billy Joe, Lukemae, Curlicue 24514 Juares 7 1:26 fast I MS E 2 1 4 4 4" B Graves Q Loftus. Little Siting. Kootenay 24484 Juares 1 l:37%fast S 110 Wheeled. 1: Graves 1; Lit. String. Obza Star, IlardBall 1 2444S Juares 7 S l:25%fast 4 112 1 1 1 1 1* 1*1 E Graves fi Diss star. Brooks, Lackrose B88 Juarez 3 ll:12" 8-5 14 4 4 4 4 4. 1: Haynes S Kootenay. Little String. Loftus 24340 Juarez 1 l:3SV5fast 8-5 108 2 4 4 3 21 In K Haynes .ri Olga Star. Dundreary, IlardBall 1 Juares 7-S l:25%fast n-5 110 3 2 3 3 33 25 F. Haynes r. Blarney, Bonanza. BrookneM Juares 7 8 1:25 fast 6 ME 4 11 1 l: : K Haynes 8 Wilhite, IlardBall, Stor of Love 1 24220 Juarez 7-8 1:27 fast 8 104 4 4 4 3 3l 4= E Haynes ti Maznik. Kootenay. Little String , DUNDHEABY, b. g. 4 98 By Sernpronius — Ameeras W. A. McKinney. 21702 Juares 7-8 l:32%hvy 6 Mh ! 2 G 1 Mf|T H nrj 7 Star of Love, P..-.H.k . !■ 24578 Juarez 7 . ! : ; -,iist o MS s 2 2 2 11 3-i A Pickens a Wilhite. Little String. HardBal] 1481 Juares 1 17%fast 4 M6 :: 3 ". I 8] 4f T Henry r, LH. String. Olsa 8tar, HardBal] Juares 7 8 l:M*4fast 4 105 14 2 2 I* 1- W Schorn R Zim, Strathearn, Money Maker 24340 Juarez 1 l:38Vfcfast 21 1"" 3 2 2 2 U 1 T Henry r. King Box. oi-a Star. Hard P.all luares 1 l:38%fast 3 102 14 4 4 4l 1* T Henry 9 Balsee. Stratacarn, Hard Ball 24 11 Juarez 1 I ...I-.ta.-t 7-5 91 3 11 1 l1 li T Henry ., Flitawav. Ch. McFema •41«8 Juarez 1 l:::: 14fast 8-5 ! •! 3 2 2 2 23 1 T llettry B Zim. Liabrook. Nannie McDeo 11 s Juares 1 1-8 l:54%fast 2 94 211 1 rn 1 1 ! Henry 7 Flitawav. Nannie MeDee. Fairly Juares 11:41 fast 2 K 12 1 1 1* l* T Henry 8 I.. Innocence, Moonlight. Gano 24oto Juarez 1 l:40%fast 3 100 1 3 4 3 3« S-1 J Morvs 19 SVallywag, Oxer. Pro B«aBs HABD BALL, br h. 5 105 By lolf Ball— Nanino Noland J. V. Mounce. "4702 Juarez 7-8 l:32%bvy S5 10C 2 3 1 1 :- 5*1 A Pickens 7 Star of Love, Brooks, Bonanza Juarez 1 i::,"-,ltw 21 103 12 1 1 1-1 A Pickens :■ LittleString. Bonaasa, S.ofLove 24578 Juarez 7 s 1 : :6 4 105 7 2 3 3 2* 4*1 B Graves : Wilhite. Lit. String. Dundreary 2448 1 Juarez 1 l:37%fast 6 106 5 11 1 2" * 11 shilling t. l.ii.Striti::, OleaStar, Dnndreary luar 1 l:37%fast S5 106 .". 222 2*11* M shilling R Dryad, «. McFrrran, Loa. Paul 24340 Juarez 1 l:38Vtfast 3 lti 5 3 3 4 4 11 ; il Shilling 6 Kins Bos. Olga Star, Dundreary 24276 Juarez 11 -fast 7-10 lor, 6 2 3 " -■ 4i ll shilling 8 Dundreary. Balree, Strathearn 24250 Juarez 7-s 1 : .. fast E K 7 7 5 4 43 "" T Hayes 8 Wilbite, King Box. Star of Love "42"S Juarez 1 1 .33 fast 12 101 6 6 6 6 4? 4 II Shilling 0-Brookfleld, Star of Love. Wilhite I 1 e I e OLGA STAR, ch. m, 6 115 By Star Shoot— Olga Nethersolo W.F.Kncbelkamn. 24702 Juares 7-S l:32%hvy S-5 115 1 7 7 7 7 l C Hunt f Star of Love, Brooks, Boaanss 24484 Juares • 1 l:37%fast 6-5 112 2 5 5 5 4:1 2" C Hunt Ij Lit. String. IlardBall. Dundreary 2144S Juarez 7-S l:25%fast 2 102 2 4 3 5 4" l2 C Hunt S Brooks. King Box, Lackrose 24340 Juares 1 l:3S%fast 2 100 1 5 5 5 6 2» C Hunt 5 King Box, Dundreary. Bard Ball M2M Juarez 7-8 l:2B%fast 30 98 4 5 5 6 5 5"! C Hunt C Blarney, King Bo. Bonanza 23717 Latonia 1 3-16 l:58%fast 12 99 9 9 9 7 71 44 C Hunt 12 Dude, Transport, Anris.a 23522 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 2S-5 103 2 1 2 2 1* li K LapaiBe 8 Jenny Geddes, Goldy, Chilla 23477 Church 1 1 3-16 2:00%fast 61 lol 4 4 5 5 41 4= K Lapaille 7 Expection, L.Pnehita, Moekery LUKEMAE. b. g, 4 98 By Luke Ward— Jessie Mae I. E. Clark. 24690 Juares 2-4 1:21 hvy 4-5 Mi 4 4 3 3nw ;:» W Bchora 4 Billy Joe. King Box, CurBcue 24678 Juares 7-S l:26y5fast 5 102 4 4 4 4 6* f,« W Sehorn 9 Wilhite. Lit. String. Dundreary 24466 Juarez 3-4 l:ll%fast 2 105 1 5 5 41 W G Molesth B Beaeea, Kootenay. Carrie Ornn- 24370 Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 4 105 1 6 4 33 21 G Molesth t! Blarney. Bex Beach, Kgmont 24273 Juarez 61 f 1:06 fast 7-5 101 3 3 3 3- 1*1 H Shilling 45 Bev. James, Billy.Ioe. M. Maker 242M Juarez 3-4 1:13%fast 15 104 1 6 5 6» 3i G Molesth 8 Bevelry James. Zim. Brighouse 24106 Juarez 51 f l:05%fast 5 105 6 6 6 6 6"J E Haynes » Seneca. Boyal Interst. Masalk 24075 Juarez 61 f l:0Sy5good 15 105 5 5 5 521 47i C Gross 7 Yorkville. Charmense, J. Argent 24008 Juarez 51 f l:06Vblast 10 107 5 5 6 6 6141L Gentry 6 Seneca, Carrie Ortne. Brookneld BONANZA, b. g, 7 100 By Broomstick — Ophlrdale M. Quinn. 24702 Juares 7 8 1 £2%hvy i Ml 6 4 4 I 6« 31 E Graves 7 Star of Love. Brooks, Olga Star 24656 Juares 1 l:69%hvy 6-5 1 »2 3 4 4 4 3T 3 C Hunt 5 IlardBall, LittleString. S.ofLove 2457S Juarez 7-S l:26Vsfast 12 102 6 6 5 6 71 S»i D Stirling ! Wilhite, Lit. String, Dundreary S 11S4 Juarez 1 l:37%fast 10 103 1 4 4 4 5 5«i D Stirling » Lit. String. Olga Star. IlardBall 21298 Juarez 7-S l:257 -fast 4 105 1 4 4 4 43 35j R Shilling 5 Blarney. King Box. Brooxfu Id 24250 Juarez 7-S 1:25 "fast 3 103 3 3 4 6 6S1 6"JA Pickens 8 Wilhite, King Box. Hard Ball 24298 Juarez 11:38 fast 10 106 4 2 1 1 121 53 R Shilling « Brookfleld. Star f Love. Wilhite 24172 Juarez 7-8 l:25%fast 6 10S 4 4 4 4 42 44i J Acton 5 Curlicue, S. of Love. Kootenay

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Local Identifier: drf1916012601_6_3
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