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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Canadas lnanifn ent parliament building, which cost more than ,000*000, *ajr in ruins yesterday, swept by a tire attributed by some to a bomb or Infernal machine. At least six lives were lost and I many persons wen- injured. The lire wa- under • control at 3 a. in. Friday after raging furiously rot six boar*. IU known dead are: Mnie. Pray, wife of II. A. Bray of Quebec and daogbter of the late -George Taagaay of the legislative council: Mate. Meiiu. wife of Louis Maria of St. Joseph i de Beance, Quebec; Robert Fanning. ■ waiter eat-ployed In the building; Alph des .lardins. a doininion t 1 olicemaa; A. dee .lardiu.-. a plumber. Another domin-,;in policeman i- bettered to have been killed with De* .la. din- when the roof fell upon them while they were working with others in the Chamber below the speakers quarters. William s. Loggie, member of pari ameal for Nortbuinberland. N. P... is reported miKing. It was stated last night that Frederick 5 1. Pardee, the chief liberal whip in the house of j commons, also was missing, but it was subsequently learned that he went to Saruia. Oat., Thursday morning and that he could not have re turned before the fire. The financial loss is difficult I to estimate, bat the contents of the building were ot great value. It is believed that the parliamentary library, in a rear wing, was saved. While ; the tire wa- burning soldiers carried out many of ! its 200,000 volumes. The parliament building was rated as one of the finest Gothic structures on this * continent. It covered f ur acres on Parliament t Hill. 1 real Berlin yesterday ■ dispatch said: Information reaching the A— oclated Press today in diratcs that under no circumstances will Germany " admit that the sinking of the Lusitania was an illegal act. The new instructions forwarded to Anabaaador Yon Beraaterif, accoedteg to this information, contains simply one phrase of the new formulation of the proposed note of regret for the sinking of the l.usiiania. The suggested sentence I* abort, consisting of only eight words, and does s not contain the word •■illegal." It represent* the exterme limit of Germanys concessions in the Lusi tenia ease.