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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Advices to Boaters at London state that, ac-eordinK to wireless dispatches received at Elizabeth-ville. in an action between Belgians who are invading German Fast Africa in the Lake Kivu district and tin German force, hear] louses resalted on both sides. Jt is said that the lighting still continues. The Belgians attacked ■ German post situated across the frontier ami captured several trenches. KevUed registration figures show 713,796 men Bgd women oters on t lie pull books as eligible voters for the February 28 primary. This is 55.302 fewer than were on the books at the mayoralty election last April, which was the high-water mark. The total woman vote registered now is 252,258 and the man voters another 461.488. Advices from Swiss sources to the Overseas News Agency of Berlin says the shelling of the French fortress ..f Belfort recently by heavy Herman guns has d great damage. It is said about fifty houses have been destroyed, that entire streets have been damaged badly and that the well-to-do inhabitants have tied to Switzerland. The battleship Oregon, ••bulldog of the navy." •rent on the retired li*t yesterday when it was tamed orer without formality to the naval militia of California, at the Mare island navy yard. The Oregon gained fame by a cruise around Cape Horn Which ended in the battle of Sanitago, July ::. 1888. A telephone message from Natchez. Miss., says the main levee, thirty-five miles below that city, broke yesterday. The water from this break will li 1 a large area of rich farming land.