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OxNLY FOURTEEN MORE DAYS J ■ HIGH CLASS NEW ORLEANS MEETING APPROACHING A BRILLIANT FINISH. Most Valuable Stake Race of the Meeting to Be Decided This Week — Majority of the Horsemen , Slated for Hot Springs. i New Orleans. La.. February 20. — Racing has now reached its crest at the Fair Grounds and the | fourteen remaining days of the meeting should stir-pass all that have gone before. The patronage is remarkable and. while there is agitation in some quarters against the sport, nothing that will interfere with the full schedule of fifty-seven days , being carried through, is expected. There were many notable raring folk here in, the past Week and th y all expressed amazement and satisfaction wiili the flourishing conditions that prevail. Ike coming week will witness the decision of the Hotel Mens Association Handicap of 84,990 guaranteed. The weights for this race will he announced tomorrow and will be compiled by a board consisting of Messrs. Murphy, Campbell and McLennan. Tlie Hot Springs racing venture is now absorbing attention from most of the horsemen here. Official announcement was made yesterday that narry Morrisaey would do the starting. Special trains will rush the horsemen and turf followers from here to the Vapor City on the day of the close of the Fair Grounds meeting. Although J. V. Schorr failed to win a purse dur ing the past week he still has a commanding had in the list of winning owners, several seconds and thirds bringing his total up to 98, 386. By virtue of the victory of Marion Goosby in the Merchants Handicap Saturday. M. . Moore Jumped into second place, with $:i.71o to his credit. One hundred and twenty-eight owners have WO* .$.".00 or more during the meeting and ten have won ,100 or more. Those above the ,000 mark are .1. W. Schorr, 85.908; If. C. Moore, $::." l.".: E. Hera, $::.2!0: C. J. Brockmiller. ,615; Barrone Stable. .44" : W. c Metzger. S2.4:J5: E. I!. Klkins. .:iMJ: G. A. Cochran, .22J: P. M. drill, 82.220; and J. T. l.ooney. ,200. Jockey Ted Koerner is still at the top of the list of winning jockeys, but Mack Garner is making him hustle, as the latter is only six winning mounts behind him and really lias the best record, considering the fact that he was on the ground twelve days during the meeting because of suspensions and two days of illness. Koerner has ridden twenty-six winners ami Garner twenty. Jockey Joe Kederis likewise is pushing Garner, as he has ridden eighteen winners. Sixty-five riders hare accepted mounts here and forty have scored once or more. Thus far only two horses have won more than three races. Guide Post has won six and Jessie Louise four. Work-outs this morning over a fast rack were: Ask Ma — Three quarters in 1:18%. Alfadir — Three-quarters in 1:19. Alley— Mile in 1:43%. Al Iierce--Three-quarters in 1:18. Armor -Mile in 1:91. Atabov— Mile in 1 :4 ::... Blondi — Mile in 1 :48%. Bala Welsh live-eighths in 1:04. Belamour — Half mile in ."1-.-,. Cardigan -Half mile in 53%. Celebrity — Mile and an eighth in 1:38. i Bars is j -Mile in I :."»i. apt. Ben — Three quarters in 1:19%. Carbide Fire-eighths in 1:03. Morgan Three-quarters in 1:19% Dangerous March— Mile in 1:47%. Deliver -Mile in 1 :44%. Gypsy Blair — Three-quarters in 1:15%, Gallop- Three-eighth* in 3S%. .Hide Boat Half mile in ." o. Homer —Mile in 1 :45%. Glint— Five eighths in 1:03. Irish Gentleman Mile in 1:44-.-.. Ina Kav — Mile in 1:45%. King K.— Mile in 1:45%. King Kadford — Three-quarters in 1:18. Lady Cowers — Three quarters in 1:17% Lvnn— Mile in 1 :48%. I.indenthal — Mile in 1 :44.-.. La Mode— Mile in 1:54. Lucky George -Three-eighths in 37%. Lusszi— Mile in 1:4V Milestone Thico ipiartors In 1:15%. Mattte C — Mile in 1:45. Mabel Dulweber Mile in 1:45. b idecai— Mile in 1 :44%. Nigadoo -Mile in 1:43%. Pleasurovillc Mile in 1 :4I .-.. Iolly If. -Three -quarters in 1:21. Patrick F. — Half mile in 50. Rifle Shooter— Hall mile in 51%. Republican - Mile in 1:43%. Rhymer— Quarter mile in 26. Souvenir -Three-quartern in 1:21. Sir Oliver — Quarter mile in 25. Self Savin— Mile in 1 :HI. Sebago — Three-quarters in 1:17. leilo* Sullv Quarter mile la 23%.