Juarez Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-21


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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX.. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1916.— Seventy-fifth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Mcei- ing of 100 or more days. s books on. i Weather clear. Presiding Steward, II. F. Breivogt 1. Presiding Judge, W. 1!. Shelley. Starter. .Mais Cassidy. Rac- ing Secretary. E. Jasper. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 3::!0 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. O 1 1 Q FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 12800—1.00% 0 115.1 Purse |M0. .".year-olds and up- -itl It/ ward. Si Lin g. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. index Horses AWtPPSt 2 "-4 Str Fin Jockeys Owneis O II C P S 3507S*MAR TILOHMN wi: 7 107 S 5 5- 4J1. 1* I* J Mason J P Dawson 10 10 7 3 1 24989 FAVT1-: ARTICLE WS 4 M0 12 1 2- 2_ 2» 21 A Pickens Phillips and Benton6 S S 2 1 2507S*LOVSRS LANK w r. 105 9 I 4- 3- 4= :l- T Buckles Hall Pros 8 10 10 3 s-5 25055* PET. STALWART tv 4 104 11 S 1| lh 41 i Hunt W F Knebelkamp:: 1 2| 4-5 2-5 24504*BUNNT w 4 102 4 11 lo M 54 5 K Craves L Stone 20 M M 12 f 25078 KATHARINE G. WSU 4 108 5 12 3 7-. 8* 63 Alalms 1 Eggers 3 4 4 fi-5 3-5 25057 FREEMAN wb 4 109 1 10 7l 9 9 7l C KirsehmJ C Ferriss 2 11-02 1 1-2 25015 CKRTHELMA WSU 4 107 3 4 ti1. $■ 71 M Buxton H McMahon 7.21 25073*.! A. MS w 6 107 10 2 Ik B 1 S| C Driscoll I Striker M M 12 « 24653 LADY LUCY BAY w 9 Mo 2 7 9 10 10 10* Gentry N Meyers M 12 12 i 2 25070*BAT MASTERSONw__ 107 I ti 12 11 11 11s .1 Morvs L Haymaker 7 12 12 4 2 24771 CESARIO wsb 7 112 7 9 11 12 12 12 J Howard J T Hutton 20 20 20 S 4 Time, 23*5, 48V_, 1:13V4. Track fast. Winner — Rlk. g. by Aryan — Clara Byers trained by F. F. Borland I. Went to post at 2:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily: second and third driving MARSHAL TILGHMAN, after being saved In forward pursuit of the paeemakers. forged to the front in the stretch and won in a canter. FAVORITE ARTICLE forced the pace from start to finish and outstayed LOVERS LANE for nacoud place. LOVERS LANE was always a forward contender and finished gamely. PETE R STALWART tired after setting the pace to the stretch. BINNY closed a big gap. The winner was eaten d for 00; no bid Scratched— 25107 Airline. 104: 25055 Jiiuielia, 105: 247:14 Fairy Fay. 110. Overweights — Katharine ;., 1 pound. t P_ 1 if SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. 13X24—1:30%— 3— 102. Pane 00. :: year-olds and up- 3t 1 ____[ ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; third. 5. Iialex Horses AWtlPSt Vt 2 "4. Str Fin Jockeys Owneis l H C P S 25000 BEAN SPILLER w4 99 ti 3 ll 1*1 1 1- -j T Haves M Quinn 3 3 8-5 7-102-5 248«8*HKN. WALPANK w S 112 112 8* f 2-. 2. E Cullen H Tulhtr 2 4 4 55 3-5 25094* REY wsb 7 107 I « 4- 43 4:* .",3 H Shilling T S 1arker I 4 3. 1 2-5 25038 tVIREO w B 6 107 2 2 53 52 „l» Si 411. R Feeney H C : Smith 5 5 E 8 5 7 10 2SOOO*NANNIE McDEE w _ 7 9S 4 5 ti « ti 4h 5» C Hunt W F Knebelkampt 4 3 4 5 1-2 25017 RHODES w 4 I08 5 4 $• 3" 33 ti ti C Kirsehin.l C Ferriss 10 10 10 3 1 Time. 23%, 47=3. 1:13. 1:40. Track fast. Winner — R. g, by Cunaril — Dorset Flower trained by J. H. Reed. Went to post at 2:33. At post 1 minute, start good anil slow. Woi driving: secpud and third the -aii.e. BEAN SPILLER ltd his opponents throughout, but tired and had to be hard ridden near the end. HENRY WAI.BANK raced 1:1 nearest pursuit ami math- a game thallenge in the last titty yards. REX iiine fast through tke stretch and finished close up. V1RBO 1.111,0 wide into the stretch a,d finished with a rush. The winner was entered for 1916.sh00: no bid. Overweights — Bean Spider. 4 pounds: Yireo. 1: Rhodes. 5. 4 p_ -| £ -| THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1 120! t; 1:00%— O— 115. Purse S.iimi. :: year olds :,nd 1111- __l O X _ J X waul. Selling. Net vain,- t. .viutiei- 25: sett, ml, ii: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % -t Str Fin Jockeys ___j___j O H C !• S 25070* *EL MAHDI wn5 110 4 5 31 21 __ 1| K Craves 1 ; -I Miller 1 5 G 8-5 7-18 24953*1. ESDI A WB 4 MB M 7 til ;,- 41 _-c Hunt P. X Vestal 2 2 hBfihB5 1-4 25034 / BNOTEK U ti 110 $ I 1- I4 l»t t v Unn-s TS F.iirbairn 4 5 5 s 5 7-10 1 9980 *EV RAN w 12 107 I 6 41 4:; 3-. Ji 11 Shilling C Q Sells M 20 20 8 4 25034 FITZtJERALD w ti 112 7 9 9 S 5 5- R Booker J Booker 15 15 15 ti 1 24552 WATR WARBLRwS 3 1O0 2 10 S $ 7= •» K Martin M Rieuer 8 lo | :; g-S 25073 BOAS w 11 112 3 4 5 ti- 8 7] E McEwtnll Herrmann M 12 12 5 2 25O50*TEE TO wu • M6 I I 7-1. M M hB» W Rid n y DA Btevean 10 13 12 5 2 25020 INEZ WB 4 107 11 1 - 3- ti1.. » • Gross g Veiller 2 2. 2 4-5 2-5 25076 1:11. likens w. ws 6 115 9 2 11 11 11 M| R Feeney R B Williamson 10 m 10 i 2 25057 BARRAC wb ti 112 1 11 10 10 9 11 H Caran_F Wadsworth s _ 8 3 _-5 Time. 23V3j 472/5. l:13V/5. Track fast. Winner— Ch. h. by Voter -Cassandra trained by .;. J. Miller,. Went to nosl al 3:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third drir-Ing. EL MAHDI. after raeiag in close attendance on the early pueeuiaker, moved into the lead la iho lasi Bixteentk and gamely withstood LESBIAS Challenge. The latter closed a gap and finished exceedingly fast. ZKNOTEK tired after making a fast pace to the homestretch. EVRAN was always ■ tor-ward contender. FITZGERALD closed a gap and finished gamely. INEZ quit. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 2510s Noble Grand. 107: 23004 Barhartta, 102. 1 Iverw eights — Water Warbler. S pounds. rt P I OO FOIRTH RACK— 1 Mile. » i;:7_4 — 1 ::;«■•.-, — 5— 102.1 Purse $:; »0. :;-ye.ir-olils and up- £J O JL JU £l ward. Sidling Handicap. Net value to winner 20; second, 0; third. -S2-5. v- Ib-rses AWtllSt i ■; ■"■. Str Fin Jockeys Owners il jj r |- S 25075 MONEY MAKER W 4 110 i 5 4- 4- 4 1 3 1 1* C Hunt W F Knebelkamp. 11-52 15 13 25050 HARD BALL wsb 3 111 2 2 5 5 5 4»t s- H Shilling J X Mounce 2 U-511-S4-5 1-4 25075 •DUNDREARY wb 4 108 3 3 . 1 . 21 2« $• A Pickens W A McKlnney 2 2 Q ■ 1-3 25075-BONANZA WB 7 Ho 1 1 _ 1*1 1*1 1" 4h E Cullen M Quum 3 4 2. 7-101-3 25092 FLITAWAT W 5 t$ 1 4 31 33 ;;"• 5 5 T Hayes H L Craine 4 5 1 ti-5 3-5 lime, 23%, 4715, l:12«i, 1:38. Track fast. Winner Ch. g. by McGee— Marie Frances trained by K. Barueu. Went to post at 3:42. At jiost I minute. Start g I and slow. Wun driving: second ami third iin- -Hue. MONEY MAKER, after being rated and saved in the e.ulv running, moved up gradually in the i.st quarter ami. Bnlsklng gamely, won in the last two strides, hard ball moved up with MONEY MAKER and ■tumbled when an efarhth out. but finished fast and gamely. DUNDREARY made hi- cbal-i-nue when an eighth from home, but tired in the last sixteenth. BONANZA set | fast pace to the last tiulith and gave way. FLITAWAT ran well to the Stretch. 1 he winner was entered for ,W0; no bid. Overwfights — Flitawa.v. 1 pound. t fT -| Q FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 19310— 57%— 5— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aud »pvjii»L d_______X_____0 Selling. Net value lo winner 26 : see I. 0; ihird . S25. Ldex Horses AWtPPSt U . "t Sr Fin Jet keys Owneis O H C P S 2500S LITTLE JAKE w ti 107 ! 1 1 " . r- 1-.. l". M Buxton J H Adams 2 1 q 1 2 5 24S5SROBT. MANTELL w 6 M0 2 2 6 S 4- ! C Hunt SingletonAMoore I I" S - 7-io 25074s* JAKE ARGENT w 7 110 .". 2 » Ji •» :: B Cullen T Hatfield ! _ 2] 1-5 1-3 25074 ROSEMARY w 4 M8 I 4 2 : I | Pickens C N Freeman 3-2 2 2 1-5 1 I 24003 M. R. BUBANKS w 7 107 i a I- H E " J Howard G .1 Dnj 4 4 2. 7 101-3 Time. 23, 47. 59. Track fast. Winner -Ch. g. by Knitseh — Stella Perkins trained by J. Durklu. Went to poal at 4:10. Al post I minute. Start gaud and slow. Won easily: sett, ml and third dri - Ing. LITTLE JAKE took the had with a rush and. setting a fast pace, withst 1 all chsllenges and "on easing un. ROBT. MANTELL eioso, | _n, [a ,iH. last i|iarttr into a fast going second. JAKE Al! fJE-NT raced well throughout, but tired slightly near the finish. ROSEMARY and MACK B. EUBANKS showed early s| ,i. Tke winner was entered for .s;::i 0; no bid. Scratched - i25Q M i.MoIler. 115. -| 4h A SIXTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. 12412 2 lToTi Iurse !c::imT :: year-olds "iiliitl llp-Q 2pr 1 _. _" ward. Se lling. Net value to winner 322.5: sei I. 0; ihird. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt , _■ ■; Str Fin jockeys Owneis o n c p S 251 11 LAD wb 4 M$ t 1 f |ak S| V I" E Cullen T Hatfield 10 12 12 I 2 25O70IB. CULBERTSONwb 3 M I 1 I ■» I I 17 2J C Hunt 8 M Henderson 3 3 _ I ■". I I 24951 illl. ANTOINTTEwp. ti lor. :; - m li- i- Ji T Henry J Bishop 3-2 $ -5 7-6 ff-tOl-1 2505! ch McFBRRANwsb 4 110 1 ti 1 »I 21 21 1*1 N Taylor C I Crinpen - 3 2 4 5 1-3 25004*BOGT JOHNSON w 4 ino :, :; :: 5". :,. $ 5» o Gentry A C MeCatT.rlv S 7* 7 3 1 24007 JOHN SPOHN wsb 4 101 2 2 U 2 4= ti *; j Acton F McClintock 1 1 I ti 5 3 0 Time. 23«D, 47%. 1:13-,, l:26i5. Track fast. Winner— B. . by Dorante -Mnrletts traiuetl by T. HatOeld. Weill to |iosr at I :•_. At nest 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: second and third the -anii. LAD inove.l up when turning for inure, eime fast next to the rail and. getting tkmugk a small 1. 1 i ning. gol un to win la the last stride. I.ll.l V el LBERTSON. after being nnder restrainl Is I be earlr rtuining, finisheil v-iih ■ whirlwind rush, but failed to nuiie get up. PHYLLIS ANTOINETTE made Hie pie com He- half and raced gamely. CHARLEY MeFERRAN was si,u. ,,ff ., i the baefcstretrk and ■ -, , x red quickly, but tired. John SPOHN quit lifter setting the early pace. The winner was entered for sJtHi: no bid. Uvtiwt ights— Lad, 2 pounds; Billy Culbertsou, _; John Spohu, 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916022101/drf1916022101_3_4
Local Identifier: drf1916022101_3_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800