Was Owner of Bayardo and Lemberg, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-21


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■ 1 l ■ I • I 1 , I 1 1 ; . WAS OWNER OF BAYARD0 AND LEMBERG. Mr. A. W. Cox. who prefers to race under th-nom de course of Mr. Fairie. is a son of Mr. A. K. Cox. of Hafod Elwy. North Wales. Like many another familiar figure On the turf. Mr. Fairie is ,1 mining magnate, being one of the original Broken Hill syndicate. He has been racing a good in in. ve;irs now. his fir-t success Inning been 1 riled - long ago as 1888, but it has been during receni seasons that hi- greatest triumphs have been achieved. In saying this one does not overlook the fact that some twenty years a;n Mr. Fairie won the One Thousand Guineas with a daughter of Galopin named Galeottla, which, in the bands of Fred Pratt, the present lav Wantage trainer, easily heal Sir James Millers La Sagesse. In the Oaks, however, Ihe tables were turned. La Sagesse defeat ing the One Thousand heroine by a length and a half. It was not until 1908 that the white and or.tii.-jacket again attained any particular prominence, but in the year named a bob of Bay Ruiald name I Bavardo made his appearance. This Kilt made his debut in the New Stakes at Ascot and though, apart from Pereta, Ihe class of the field was nut great, Bayardo was permitted to start at 7 to 1 against. He won the race easily enough, however, and fallowed with six further victories in bis hist season at the lose of which he was unbeaten. Odds were laid on him for the Two Thousand in the following spring, but he could get no nearer than fourth to Minora, while in the Derby be finished fifth. He wis. however, not at his best in the early part of the vear. but the real Bavardo was on vj. at Doaeaater, and Mr. rafales colt had 110 difficult - in crediting his owner with the St. liOger. A- 1 four vear old he won. among other races, the Gold Cup at Ascot, but he net with an unexpected re-1 verse in the Goodwood "up. in which, with* odds •! 20 to 1 bet oa him. he succumbed by a Bjeck to the three -year old Magic Mr. Fairie had. hourever, no reason to romplaia of his luck in this seas n. as Lemberg compensated him for Ihe failure of Bayardo at Epsom I twelve month earlier by winning the Derby, though it wa only by a neck that the son of Iyllene defeated Greenback. Charles OMalley being third and Neil ,nw fourth. The last named had previously sot the better of Lemhcrg by a short head in the Two Thousand, but the Ifaatoa colt was short of a gallop or two that day and his Derbv triumph was quite expected. It was also hoped that he would win the St. Leger. but in Ibis race he was beaten by both Swvnfurd and BrottUittO. Prior to f t» i — In- had run a dead heat with hi-- old ■tttagocdat. Neil Qow. in the Bel Ipse stakes, in which rare a year later he a- well trounced by bis Doncaster rottuneror, Swynford, — Loudou Sporting Lite.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916022101/drf1916022101_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1916022101_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800