Fifth Race [5th New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-21

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FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 19898— 1:44%— *— 104. JULIET, ch. f. 4 104 By Peter Quince— Avon II. C. B. Reid. 25049 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1 : 18-3 103 12 4 3 3t 1% C VanDun 9 Surpassing. Kneelet, G.M Miller 24890 N.Orlna lm20y 1:41 %faat 50 198 :i 9 9 :i 7- 7li,ic VanDun 9 Guide Poat, Ask Ma. Bertodaan 24748 N.Orlna 3 11:16 hvy 30 no 5 5 6 41 #»• C VanDun 7 Stout Heart, Jim Baaey, Z;n Del 237and1 Latonia 1 l:41%faat 84-f 111 s C 7 S 7 7*1 0 Garner 12 intone. TlBotaoa, Mattie c 23740 Latonia 8-4 l:lS%faat 183 107110 S S 7= 7=3 P ConnellvP; Pimitri. Scrutineer. Dignity 21385 latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy fid 107 11 11 11 11 H" W W Thuil M.Csidy. C.onDiverv, A.Krnter 22S70 Lexgton 3-4 1 :13/afast fid 101 11 10 10 9» 9 »»F Herbert 11 Korfhnge. AuntJosie. Car.Orme CLUBS, ch. g, 7 HI By Royal Flush III. — Melton Mowbray W.Perkins I 25082 N.Orlna lm29y l:42%faet 7 112 2 6 7 5 5« 4*| W Andress . In-ury. ChadBuford. MlaaFannle 25031 N.Orlna lmTOy l:45%taat 4-6 Ms i t ;, i ;.j 4-; ji Garner s Helen M.. Chad Buford R Kin" 24927 N.Orlna 1 1-M l:48%faal 3 6 198 4 3 2 2 Ik al v Andress 7 Intone. Cliil. King. LuckvGeor-e 19042 FortErie 1 1-4 2:04%fast 12 105 4 2 4 5 51 6*1 J McCabe S Tippecanoe. G. Britain Klelmrne 15980 Hamton I 1-4 2:0S%faat 21 111 2 3 4 3 41 4 .T Hanover 8 DoneraU, Tactics, Bariiesrat 15889 Hamton 1 1-18 l:4S%faet 8 105 1 1 1 l i»j i» C Dlanmon 8 PoUy H., Tippecanoe Mnaa—rfc 15647 Wlndaor 1 l:39Vfcfast 8 105 13 4 4 31 3-J C Dishnmn 7 Donerail. Kleburne Paintbrimh, Windsor 1 1-16 l:46%faat 31 IOS 1 3 3 5 41 4-1 G Dishmon 5 Dr. Samuel. Donerail. Rudolfo PLANTAGENET. h. fr. 4 112 By Ogden— Mamie Worth R. T. Wilson. 25028 N.Orlna lmTOy l:44%faat 4 M8 211 l 2 2".. I McTag1 S M.Warren, Toyabee ImwuUi 24976 N.Orlna lm20y l:41%taat 7 107 9 7 s s 8* 8*» J McTagrtlO Belli:.. v. KeWtta iu.kvCe •■,. 24925 N.Orlna 1 1-M l:47%faat G loo 5 1 1 2 2 2* .T McTaari 7 Aatocrat, M.Mgomerv himTm 24S56 N.Orlna 1 1-18 l:49%gnod 8 110 111 4 40 «aa j McTagrt R Yodelea, La Mode i.-f nto 24827 N.Orlna 11-19 1:51 mud 6-5 110 1 1 1 1 1«1 2«1 J M.ia-ir fl BlPato, Leiakwa * L oKik.-ii.iy 24732 N.Orlna lm20y l:4«%mud 3 109 1 1 1 1 ju a J McTagrt 7 River King. Gcn-ar Chili-24709 N.Orlns ll:48%alow 20 107 1 2 2 2 3 3» J McTagrt 7 Kate K.. Ask M , York lad 24409 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 8 112 10 9 8 9* 9- W Dilley 11 SirP.Joe. N..rthligl,t, Aristocrat BLONDE, ch. g. 4 106 By Boanerges— Statira J. C. Yeager 25029 N.Orlna lm70y 1:45 fast 8 193 . 7 G 1 G* 57 M Garner S K. Delia. Nigad.... Miss Y. tors 24962 N.Orlna 1 1-16 l:48%faat 3 100 2 13 3 4- 4« H Phillips S HelenM.. l-.Snii itii.-H. I ,i 1, ,, 24849 N.Orlna 1 1-16 1 :53%hvy 12 M8 2 4 5 6 6 «•* H PbiUlpa G Bean Pere, | arsi ., , ,-. ll 24814 N.Orlna 3 4 1:16 good 15 M8 7 11 10 71 Si II Phillips 11 Chilla. Ancon DewDrmf 24669 N.Orlna 11-181*8 goods HI 3 7 8 6 4n 3". M Garner S Puck. Oranre Mtn v„L« 24487 N.Orlns lm20y l:42%fast 12 197 19 8 9 8 71 G*| W I.illev 10 L. Rigger, M.Waters R lullette .4415 N.Orlna ll:40%faat t 111 8 6 7 6 4 !•• W Meeban 7 C. Morgan. Narmar Santerelle 20492 Douglas 3-1 1 :l»!%mud fid 1031 7 6 6 4» 41 W Mechanic; Mex. I.anghorne •em.vr ek 20252 Churchill 3-4 l:13%fast fid 107 6 6 6 fib 5 "1 J Kederis 15 SkllesKiiub. W Crowu Mauneri 1 BEN S BROTHER, b. g. 4 109 By The Irishman— Bessie Bisland MengesandPhillips. OSO X.Orlns 5-4 l:14»4fast 16 107 :; tf, u j-j io j. Gentry 12 Presto* Lynn, Scrapper. C.Bdsc 26023 N.Orlns ,v i l :"»;-.-, i-;i .«t 20 i.e. io g ;i ; ;■-• M Garner 13 Vn. Junnde, Ai n, Gtlewonian 24991 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 last 13 104 s vj, s M l IM Garner 12 Joe !».. Rubicon II.. Gold Cap 14873 N.Orrna 11-16 1 I9%fast M 108 2 13 7 f V* K Guy • M. Duhreber, Mi s Waters, Tivi 24816 N.Orlns 8-4 1:1* good 30 108 6 33 3J 3«1 M tianuT 11 Ratlna, Rubicon 11. Joe 1 . 14472 N.Orrna 65 f l:07*6good 30 HO S 10 12 12 12** B i.iiv 12 Linda Payne. Vilev. Dr.Kendnll 24410 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast 30 112 2 14 62 9° M Garner 10 Gabrio. Presumption, E. Brvson 21520 Denver 6J f l:ll*4mud 77-10 103 5 3 3 221 3* C Gross 0 I*. Antoinette. LoanShark. Vesta 21479 Denver 61 f 1:06 Vast 14J 105 6 4 6 4i 35 C Gross 7 Joy, Rag. Master Franklin LI175 Denver 5Jf l:06%fast 141 109 1 3 5 3 * 31! C Gross S Trulane, Concha, W. C. West COTTON TOP. b. g. 4 io« By Cottontown— Miss Doyle W. R. Mizell. K -7 N.Orlna I l:4l1fcfaat 20 112 4 1111 11 S1 s4 r Adams 11 R. Oak wood, C.aBoy, Politician 24S24 N.Orlns imiv l:47**mud 10 no 1 t; 6 5 5* 5 -!• Adnata 1 Mattle c. Prince 8., Narmar L4330 N.Orlna 1 1-16 1 :5l7r,hvy 20 Hi 1 6 7 7 7"1 7,T F Adams s Bus. Agent, ll.lenM.. RiverKiug 24437 N.Orlna lm20y 1:41 fast 30 101 3 6 7 7 7 ~-1 L McAtee 7 Northflght, Miss Waters. Batwa 24398 N.Orlns 1 1 :45 /fegood 15 110 8 8 8 8 7s 0"".l Malier S B.Simmons. Ileasureville, C.Boy 239S3 Bowie lm20y 1:46 fast 50 97 5 6 S 8 8 8,0"E ForehndlO Casaba. Blue Mouse. FrontRoyal 23943 Bowie 1 1-16 LSP/ 26 90 6 6 7 6 74 77J E Forehd 10 Hiker, Mamie K.. Aldonus 23929 Bowie 1 l:49-shvy 44 104 6 5 5 6 41 4-i ■ Graves 10 Molly O.. Jaeklet, Lights Out £3847 Plmlico 3-4 l:14%fast fid 94 13 14 14 14 14" L McAtee 14 Aldelmran, Lady London. Hiker 23698 Laurel lm20y l:51M hvy 26-5 100 6 7 7 I 51 6,01.T Pargton 8 Wodan, Bamboo. Lights Out £3638 Laurel l.n20y 1:45*4*1 ow 22 97 5 7 7 7 6s 4" T Hayes 8 Seorpii, Reliance, Roger Gordon 23501 Lausel lm20y 1:52 hvy IS MS 7 7 7 6 6s 6*»JJ Smyth 7 Balfron. Carlton C... Trovato 23465 Laurel lni70y l:54%hvy 26 1051 8 4 2 2 2» 3-J I Smyth 8 Billie Baker. Watertown. Task BATOUCH. b. g. G 111 By Ornament— Tehera J. Wakeman. 2476S N.Orlna 3-4 l:lfi%slow 60 115 9 s 8 9 911 .1 PenTrast and Talebearer, Diadi. Blue Wins 13882 Charlen lmJOy l:45%good 60 97 1 1 3 6 6h 7° W Hinphy 7 Peacock. Tom Hancock, Linhrook 13874 Charlen lmJoy 1:44 good 20 109 2 18 I ."- 6*. R" Wahlron 6 No Manager. I. Kid. LadvRankin 13853 liarlen 11:47 hvv 60 143 G G 7 7 61 811 V Hinphy 7 Font. Servicence. Master Jim 13818 Charlen CJ f 1 :l2ysslow 5 ]«8 7 7 6 r.J. 4 R Waklronl2 T.T*kess, Henrietta W., M.8ister 13794 Charlen ::-4 1 nsgood so 113 7 7 7 7 718?.R Picicett 7 SteHata. Moisaat, Letonrno 13731 Charlen 3-4 l:18*4slow la 109 1 3 4 5*1 7**fR Pickett 12 Lit tie Ep. Belfast. Mich. Angelo -■• liarlen 1 1 : 45%a;ood M 1034 7 9 ■ 9 9U|F Rmndph 9 I*. Innocence, Carbureter, orperth • Charlen 1 l:43i£good 50 1 4 3 3 1 5 ." 7,u M Nathan *s Berenata, Ford Mai. V«-n. Strome 1 - M liarlen 3-4 1:11 good 15 112 3 2 1 2h Ink R pjekett 11 Floral Crown, Plain Ann, Baser LADY RILLIE. ch. m, 6 108 By Cunard— Miss Rillie C. Graffagninni. 24982 N.Orlna 1 1-16 1 :48ifast 50 106 7 S 8 S S 8S?.R Guy fj HelenM.. L.Spiriti:elle. Leialoha £4825 N.Orlns lm20v 1 :4S%mud 60 ]i7 2 8 8 7 7* 71HK V.uv 8 Lvndora. Irrawadd* Investment 24749 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:49%slow 50 107 6 6 6 6 6 650 R Guv t. Cnterpart, R. Meteor, Spassing 21712 N.Orlns 11-16 1:49 good 40 100 8 7 8 8 85 B"|P Lowder .1 ChadBnford, Kneelet, Cbil.KhHI 24472 N.Orlna M f 1 :07gond 60 110 12 12 11 11s H»" J Brown 12 Linda Pavne. Viley, Pr.Kendall 19148 N.Orlna lmiiov IMJifast 10 106 12 9 10 9 13* 14s" J Smyth 15 Juno W-. Insurance Man. Bogarl 19129 N.Orlns 3-4 1:16 fast 12 10.r, 10 9 10 lo1 7«* V Cooper 17j lalan. Kiltie, Prospero Son MO N.Orlns lmJOy l:43/ 10 I08 4 2 4 6 6J 8" iW Wartonll Shepherdess, Lenavaal. R. Lloyd FHIL GRACE, b. h, 6 111 By Sam Phillips— De Bonne Grace W. T. Gunnels. First start

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