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The Monthly Form Book last chance, boys, to get our X -_». won. For full containing charts of all races run on recognise* Saturday, Apr.*". / 4 J hi test "y;-Bow b,K.k tracks In North America during the month of SL is :lU l «- sts. f|7lt*Jj "« "" sale, any Bead for it today. V KrfandEUt news-stand. 39 ots. MARCH, is now on sale. Our last 82 X V*/ Todays Special: Siiecial was Bo- ** July-Kate-Go- rax, 3.50 to , On-Go. PRICE .00. THE TURF REPORTER. Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only ht 509, 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904. Chicago, 111. sent as registered mall, with an extra charge of ten — _ - — NEPTUNE . . . .340-100 WON cents for registration. Not responsible for book- KINGf was our free daily Best Wednesday. The New sent as regular mail. Theory S stem complete in No. 250. Get it. TODAYS BEST: DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. . - tTr l?aa5* ,,, ,.. , American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., m.- Chicago, it « ™_, » , 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois. 74 Exchange Street :: :: Buffalo. N. T. ,. t»/m» / v ik-tk ,M 1575 to „ BORAX, 100, won, and a scratch were — BJatariajra 8 N Specials. Deot miss next Satur- NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. ll..u.v lost. "Yesterdays Form speiiaV lost. Mags Todays Special: New Mexico. Mighty. Mighty, Eorm Special: No. 315. Book No. 466. Standard Robin. Vesterdavs Special. KING NEPTUNE. 340- Turf Guide, 403. 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago. 111. 100, WON. XX SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY. — SSM Send for it. Last one. PHARAOH, 5-1, WON. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM.