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DEL0RIMIER RACING ON USUAL DATES. Montreal. Que.. Aoril 25.— Manager Roy Irving, of the Montreal Driving Club, has just returned from a trip to Hot Springs and Houston. Texas. On his arrival he stated that the Montreal Driving Club would race on the dates originally claimed by them from Saturday. May 20. to and including Saturdav. Mav 27. at Delorimier Park. "These dates have been claimed by the Montreal Driving Club for many years." said Manager Irving, "and. as Deuel was allotted dates by the Canadian Racing Associations, we had our printing done to suit the dates claimed and cannot make a chance." The program for the first two days has been distributed, while the races for the remaining five days will be made up to suit the horses at the course. There will be seven or more races each day, with no purse of a value less than 00. Charles Cam-peau. who is racing secretary and presiding judge, will be here next Monday. This decision of the Delorimier management will bring the Doival meeting into conflict on its opening day both with the Delorimier and Woodbine tracks.