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Ready for Louisville f louisville racIP tii-t The Standard if you want to get a good line ■ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ . __ _ on the horses at u»»ovc track. You get a Free A .1 SI II T I I ll °# U« O l» II II L I 11 L H Form Special every day. Mia, the horses that are ready to win. It gave MANY A WINNER at LEX- AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER. INGTON. TWO af the BEST BETS on MIDDLE I My many clients will vouch i"or my marvelous success at Lexington. Ycu can employ me ."or «,_ »../,„ ir— a-nT-o-r.*- ■ i » ii PAGE WON Yr-STERPAY. or sale at all news- ?12 for Churchill Downs meeting of 13 days. ■tea* that handle this paper. SI cents per copy, Dtal fool y..„r time and money away on ay*. Mi for a week. teas, ipiack dope and clieap tips. Consult a ,..,.,...., peciali*t of the frame. Remember, the stable esterdays Form Special won. ,„,..„.,. b ;1iw;ivs 11.t M ti„,se i gtn. Hav.- a WEDNESDAYS FORM SFECIAL: No. 501. locker of your awn. One win- that is worth Ike money. I wire one or two horses dailv at LOUISVILLE AGENT: M « look. Teieu-rapb remittance or lenut bv Eiler and Goodman. 227 Fourth Avenue. S3SS "*£ Sbe"2fe STWSL.nS: THE STANDARD TUBF GUIDE vin" ,li,",s ,:" " 1,lK""- uM"in- ,1;,-v *■» «* Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago. Illinois. JJOTERETONJSVLECY Jrtai Churchill Downs Races nandfandand Si",!iv -, V""" II1,";r- v two z Have Just Eeturned From ra fLNvlr.wrioS.M™ LEXINGTON RACE MEETING. .*Jyy W- I mi-- em. Kj.orter BM Am in :• position to trive information on haflM X now on sal-. i;."i ct -.. f," t it. Todays that are fit and ready. And the liirkt ■MO* is let the Special: Black - October - No-Won- day I wire. One or two dailv at 11 a. m. Sun-Won. SI for ate wftfM. Hilda Apt., 513 Second St., Louis- THE TURF REPORTER. vllle- Ky- iA»-.a subs.-rilrs can call or phone. R. 509 Baltimore Bldg.. 22 W. Quincy St.. Chicago. J. B. SWEIGERT. DERBY DAY SPECIAL M i] it. ,.ri, e st Mas, . in or ,„„ ,.-. * we. v NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Sol dailv wire service free. s.-nd S3 todaj for TnnAV s avreTiT. bPtCIAL. this special. Dwl mi-s it. TODAYS BEST: Fort- . , „ „ South-Let-Not-Ire-For. Book 252. Maine, Monologue, Monologue. Robin. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldy.. Chicago, Room 801, 53S S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois.