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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Guy Fortune carried 113* pounds in race 25895 instead of 1151. Samuel Ross good two-year-old Crank, by Celt — Crosspatch. is aptly named and quite justifies his name and pedigree, being an atrociously bad actor at the i ost. The keen interest taken in racing in New York was plainly indicated when ten times as many patrons visited the United Hunts meeting Saturday as ever before. The scene was a repetition of Hewlett Park and Mr. -Alan Pinkerton believes there will be at least 25.000 spectators at Relmont lark on tli-- opening day. The Meddler— Flocarline colt, which Mr. J. T. Smith bought at the Mackay sale has turned out a pronounced roarer. George Odom says he is much disappointed in the horse and if it was known at the time of the sale that the colt should not have been put under the hammer. Odom will negotiate with Mr. Mackay to make some sort of exchange for the colt. W. Shaw is still in this country and amy ride here this year if the weights are high enough to give him three or four mounts a day. He has received some pai ers from Germany rc]H rting the results of races there in fact, according to the data, considerable racing is going on in Germany. "Mickey" Miles who is also here, will go back to Rudapest as soon as the war shows signs of clearing up. Governor Stanley of Kentucky, who witnessed the race from the judges stand, was among the first to congratulate Mr. John Sanford upon the victory of his colt George Smith iu the Kentucky Derby. There was not a happier person at the track than Mr. Sanford after the finish, and not a more nervous jM-rson. according to his own statement, while the horses were racing through the stretch. He was the recipient ot congratulations all around. Eighteen horses liclonging to II. G. Redwell have arrived at Montreal, seven of them being taken direct to Rlue Ronnets for the spring meetings at Dorval and Rlue Ronnets, while the remaining eleven were taken to Delorimier Park for the meeting which opens there next Saturday. This latter string will lie campaigned on the Montreal tracks in chaige of trainer William Short, while the seven at Rlue Ronnets are in charge of Stephenson. The remaining horses in the Redwell stable will he shipped to Montreal after the close of the Toronto meeting, wiiere several of them are entered in stake events. Jams Rutlers string of thirty horses, which have been trained at Empire City, were transferred to Helmont Park on Sunday. Some of them will be raced at Jamaica. They all look well, hut the majority are not quite up to racing form. Nearly every trainer complains of being late when the question of the condition of their horses is put to them. John P. Maylierry says some of the horses he has seen are a month or six weeks behind. This fact indicates that horses that have been racing on the Maryland tracks this spring may beat better horses ixi the early days Uere. owing to their fitness.