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I , I I I I . , , , I 1 1 , 1 DOUGLAS PARK ENTRIES. r Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 2:30. I XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. I Track record: 20775— 1:10%— 3— 109. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Hnn. 26837 Incle Hart 100 1 :12y3 0 111.. 725 20589 Luzzi 103 1:13% 3 99. .720 rH;*o »--,?--■* . • : 103 1 : 12% 4 107 X 720 20703 T nele Jimmie 109 1:12% 5 106X715 23! ?»"■ Strickland ..105 1:13% 3 99X710 ~?£.l ?aTlno 115 1:13% 3 104X710 20305 Bean Spiller 97 1:13% 4 109X710 r*j-il Lukemae 112 1 : 11 % 4 109 x 710 gffg J*"* I*1 1 115 IJ.3% 7 109®71O 2529 jrosvenor 113 1*3% 6 111 X 710 rri Type 113 1:13 4 109X705 ■£and3 Coreopsis 113 1:13% 7 111x705 nSSf J Choctaw 103 1 :13% 0 111 x 700 ~,t15. 1 olltel,e"s M -lOS l:10%s 0 111.. 680 Uncle Hart seems rounding to form. Second Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 11684— 1:37%— 3— 101. 26841 Hrookfield 101 1:37% 0 113x725 2E0*" S0,1*® •••-, 1111:41 4 99X720 J» S21-» Miss Fannie 4 99x715 255 "a,r"«*l 108 1 :41 % 5 108 X 715 22SL Ka,1,h. I n- ls*f 3 92.. 700 32i? KTus,.mo M ••••104 1:42 3 92.. 090 Ws* 2~- lom reen ..103 1:40% 4 107x090 *** , ,.T,aIM:r TiP 100 1 :40% 6 108 . . 680 Brookfield is right 011 edge and his general form is best. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selliug. Tr,Rk record: 20775— 1:10%— 3— 109. 20071 ,™„ Billy Joe 1111:13 4 115®725 20099* Droll |gg 1:12% 5 112X720 ."«-«o. LffK ia5 1:13% 3 108X715 20.»S9- Wanda Pitzer 112 1:12 0 113x715 22J8 Bed Cloud 95 1:13 3 108X710 iSSfrt SklPS h.nob 1111:12% 4 115X710 aSK.7 , Water War 114 1 :13 3 102 X 705 Hilly Joe appears to liave regained his good form Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Lyndon Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: 20775 — 1:10%— 3— 109 26630 Bringhurst 105 1:11 g 120x740 26631 Waterblossom 120 1:11% 4 124X735 26669= Amazon 112 1 :12 4 109 x 730 LliOOO1 Converse 101 1 :12 4 10S x 7- 5 2 S1S» Hnrs and Stars 110 1:12 4 100x7~0 264M8 Hawthorn 108 1 : 11 % 0 113 X 720 Bringhurst is improving. Fifth Race — 5-8 Mile. Spring Trial Stakes. ,500 Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: NX22— HM — • — itg 20135J HARRY KELLY.. 118 :58% 125x735 26208s Berlin I"lx7"5 26668f Judge Young 113 1:01% 111 7 * 20S20I America 105 1:01 KiK 71.1 2t!3ii4 Buford 109 1:00 111 "715 20739 f Green Jones 112 1:01%h 111x715 20820 RosewiNNl 110 1:01% ION 710 2li73!J Geo. C. Love 112 l: r_% 111x705 20252 High Gear M ..110 1:01% 105.. 700 tVV. II. Baker entry. J.I. W. Schorr entry. Harry Kelly outclasses his opposition. Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: 11707 — 1:42% — 4—116 .26670 nt Jr H4 1 :44 % 4 KMi X 725 -6702 otary 3 100 720 . H!!I£? Bonanza 115 1:43% 7 113®720 , J678.» Brooks 3 97 x 715 ?EX Kumont 100 1 :46 4 109 X 715 25IS Dr Mo,,re 3 94.. 710 9 26R3S John V. Klein M104 1:45% 3 87X690 * BKPJB apt. Rees M ...108 1:45 3 90.. 090 General form of Pif Jr. appoara the best. Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Truck record: 14387—1:51 — 4— 104. 20SJ1 Samuel H. Meyer.. 105 1:51 7 117X7°5 J 20X19 George Roescli ... 4 110x720 I 267XS3 I-uly Wortliingtou. 3 88x715 5 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A Wt nan MM Flitaway 107 1 :53% 5 107X 715 26819 Impression 97 1:50% 7 Ip y7i5 26819* Helen M 92 1 :53% 5 99 X 710 26704 St. Charlcote 4 10"x705 20X36 Waterproof 4 105®090 Samuel R. Meyer can win on his good form.