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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. i , Communications without names and addresses I I will not be noticed nor answered. No answers will | I be sent by mail and none by wire unless reply pre- I I payment is made at time of wiring query. I J. H. S.. Chicago. It was a losing transaction. J. F.. Windsor. Ont. Nannie McDee finished last in the race inquired about. L. H. B., Toronto, Ont. Three horses started when Call Boy beat Montclair at Woodbine May 28, 1908. R. D. W.. Cincinnati. O. "Breezing" is not in the dictionary and is senseless. In some quarters it is used as a track slang synonym — a mighty had synonym at that — for the perfectly good English word cantering, which means galloping slowly. C. W.. St. Louis, Mo. Index numbers from 21471 to 21476 inclusive, cover the racing of July 5, 1915. at the Aqueduct track of the Queens County Jockey Club. Similarly index numbers from 21086 to 21691 cover the racing of July 17, 1915, at the Belmont Park track of the Westchester Racing Association.