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MANY HORSES GATHERING AT RENO. Reno. New. June 17. The big stable of thoroughbreds owned by Charles W. Clark, son of ex-senator Charles W. Clark, has been shipped from the Kentucky circuit to this city to participate in the nineteen days meeting, iieginuiug July 1. Announcement to this effect was made yesterday by Jacob Betas, general manager of the meeting, who also announced that the Wingfield ilsMii of twenty horses will come here. The latter are racing at Tijuana. Mix., and will leave that place Sunday in a ftaactel train of seven ens. containing other stables :ilso racing on the Mexican course. ■•Sect F. Leightou. who will officiate as presiding judge MR, has arrived ami immediately took up the reigns of management of his department. He announced that only horsemen of the better type are wanted ami that the racing laws of the state of Nevada will be strictly obeyed at the meeting. With judge Lcighton will be associated in the stand S. Christeaaea. of San Francisco, known as the dean of the harness world. Mr. Christensen has been an owner, trainer and driver of note, also has heen prominent in the running race field and. with his knowledge of the rules, should add great prestige to the sport here. L. O. Henderson, the other member of the judicial family, is a banker of Elko. Nev.. and a stockman of note. He has long been identified with the sport and also i- a member of the state r.n in_ hoard, assuring the followers of the -port ab-olute heticsty ami fairness during tin meeting. The Hooker stable of four fast ones, including Skinn.v B., Little String. Fitzgerald and Hernanl. has arrived here from Tijuana, as well as the stable of Dr. R. II. McCrosson of Bridgeport. Neb Among the stables coming on the hig special from Tijuana June 19. are the lollowing: William Raw-son stable, including Consoler. Prepaid. She Will, Fair Mary and Mug: Dick Ripley stable. I.londie. Oakland. Trnlane and .ludge Sale: MBride stable. Engraver. Dovie and Jessie: Caywood stable. Senip-silla. Milts* CamplMll and two two-year-olds; Rat-tcrsoti stable. Jose, Canapa. Sovereign II.: Kessin-ger stable. Canto. Sweet Sam. Velie Forty and Lady Render; Hamilton stable Cordie F. and Herds; Moody stable. Mot-curium. Cassia and Azurea; White stable. Miss Edith. Allen. Alice Marion. Clumsy; Munson stable. Infidel and Parachute; OMeara stable. Circulate. Cells. Lewis and Darkey; Cushman stable. Mollie Cad: Jack Shields. Early-morn. Sonada ami Superl: Daniels and Hodges. Ltftus and John Graham: Frank Rhiuehart. with a stable of sixtten. The Booker stable, which had a successful season .at Tijuana, arrived today and includes Skinny B., Little String, Fitzgerald and Bernard. Other strings which have reserved stable room include the famous Wingfield string, owned by millionaire Wingfield of Reno, including twenty horses; Galbreath stable. Short. Hatfield, "Frisco" Hong. Val-Mititic. Rillerman and Ford strings. The latter now are racing at Tijuana, but will leave there on the 19th of this month for this track.