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. CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN DERBY FROM ITS INSTITUTION TO THIS TIME X, h The Derbv run yesterday had the least value of any since its first running in 1SS-1. Its high tide vear in that respect "was in the Worlds Fair year, when 1916.sh0,000 was apportioned among the placed horses. With yesterdays race included, the condensed history of the race is now as follows: Year. First. Jockevs. Wt. Second. 1 Wt. Third. Wt. Vnl. Time. 1SS1 .Modest v Murphy. .117 Kosciusko 117 F.ob Cook 115 0,700 J: !!!1, ISS5 Volaute" Murphy. .Ilia Favor I--" Troubadour ...VS !.570 i::l!t ISSt! Silver Cloud Mnrphv..l2l liluc Wing 1-1 Sir Joseph 118 S.liIO 2:7Vi 1SS7 C. II. Todd Hamilton. .11S Miss Ford lKt Wary lit! Ri.OOO Z-AW!. 1SSS F.mpcror of Norfolk . .Murphy. .12:1 Falcon 1-1 ls Angeles lit! ll.HO 2:mu. IKS. Spokane Kilov..l21 Sorrento 1 IS Retrieve lit! 15.110 11:11 "i lSitt Cncle I.ob Kilev..ll5" Santiago US Ken Kiiigsbiiry.loS Lri.2i-0 2:55, IS! I Stratluneath Covington.. 112 Poet Scout 115 Kingman 12! l.S.tilO 2: !., 1S02 Carlsbad 1..K Williams. . 122 Zaldivar 122 Cicen 115 D!,!i:!0 :::01i, IS.Kt l.otindless Garrison. .122 St. Leonards 122 1littord 122 -10.500 2:".i! ISO! Rev el Santa AnitaVan Kiiren. .122 Senator Grady 122 Despot 122 l!,7.r.O 2::!! 1S0S Iink Coat W. Martin.. 127 Warreiiton 122 Isabey 122 0.225 2:I2,i 1000 Siduev Lucas Hullmaii. .122 .lames 122 Lieut. Gibson, .mil !, 125 2:10" , 1001 Robert Waddell Rullmnn. .1 1! Terminus 127 Hie Iarader. . .122 10.275 2::!:: A IPO" Wveth Lvnc..l22 Lucien Appleby 122 Aladdin 122 10.875 2:IO5 1 !:: Tlie Ticket llelirescn. .115 Claude 127 T.ernays 122 27.025 2::;:: loot Highball Fuller.. 122 Woodson 122 Rapid Water. ..122 2t!.:!25 2:P.:t! Dodge F. Murphy. .121! Faux-Col 120 Franklin 122 7.0H 2:01 IS! 5, 1801!. 1817, IS!!, 1!05 and liiOO, no racing. Washington Park Club disbanded and track dismantled in l.iOti.