Empire City Entries and Past Performances for Friday, July 21, Daily Racing Form, 1916-07-21

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Empire City Entries and Past Performances for Friday, July 21. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. c c Ind. Horse. AVt. Kec. A.AVt.IIan. The figures under the hcading "Roc." in the 0701,: ai..i.,i..,i- 4 1 n-.v7iin entries below show tic best time of each horse -ul -M-,IalMr "-.X.00 I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter 27312 Sinai 4 10.1x700 1 where it finished. In cases where record was 27888 Mcclicka 4 105x700 I made on other than a fast or good track, abbrc- irM, , , r ,,-.,..- J viations show track conditions. -,0M As" -;l" lLX0n o , 27172 Bciijainin 3 10S..G90 Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time, 1:30. 27G3S Wood fair M 1115.. GOO XKuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. 27S1G Kcsistilde AI ... 3 103..GSQ M maidens. Apprentico allowance. 27291 Hesitation M ... 4 115.. G75 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. ,MS Q"1 vive ir 3 103..G73 2year-olds. Selling. An extremely open race. Track record: Oct. 22, I.tOO 1:0G 2 103. Fourth Race 1 Mile. Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.AVt.IIan. Bronxville Handicap. 279271 Aimce T 101X725 3-year-obis ami upward. 27SS33 Moonlighter M..101 l;0S;?i 112X720 Track record: July 19, RUOliI.S 5 110. 27S1S Mae Murray M..1K l:Iisy 109. .710 27SS5 Hank ODay 110 1:30 4 !iX735 27!27 Doc Meals 102 1:09 112.. 710 27777 Holiday OS 1 :3S 5 9SX730 2G7G! Stalwart Aan 101X705 2781f.3 Tea Caddy 100 1:4411,8 3 102.. 730 27S123 Lantana 101 1:09 If, 102X705 27811 Sandman II 107 1:39 5 111X730 27S12 Marblehcad M . ..100 1:09; 105X700 UTS-It! Daddys Choice . . .101 1: 13 !f,sy 3 9GX725 Aimce T.s general form is a bit the best. 278S73 Guubearer 103il:3i:;i 5 99X720 Second Race 1 1-8 Miles. Hank ODay has considerable weight off. -1-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Fifth Race 1 Mile. Track record: July 23, 1!10 1:51 3 US. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 2775S SHYNESS 101 1:55m 4 111X725 Track record: July 1!, lJUt 1:3S 5 110. 27371s Jem 103 1:51 4 103X715 27SS4 Fair Count 109 1:10 4 11G..715 275123 Little Nearer 107 1:52 7 112.. 715 2781 13 Dorcas 105 1:10- 3 105X710 278173 Jesse Jr 115 1:51 1 105X715 272C,:! Big Fellow 10G 1:10 3 110.. 710 2G571 Peacock 5 101X705 27G3S Glcipner 99 1:12 3 110.. 700 27S17 First Degree Ill 1:53 .r 101.. 705 2755S Saturn M 110 1:41 If. 3 101.. G90 27S17 Sam Slick 110 1:5C 4 10G..700 27125 Cantara 102 1:42 54 3 110..G90 27921 Napier 107 1:53 i 7 10SX700 277G23 No News .AI 3 101.. 090 Shyness is in excellent form. "Gr27 Our John AI 1 10G..G80 Mile. K:lir Co,l,lt lIar.s to be improving. Third Race About 3-4 S-year-olds and upward. Selling. Sixth Race 5-8 Mile. Track record: July 20, 19101:08 3 113. 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. 27S153 Dervish 4 110X725 Track record: July 11. 19141:002102. 27I523 Ruck Shot 3 10S..720 ""S-S Town Hall 115 1:02 115. .700 27780 Ambrose 0 110X720 27SIS Comrade 112 1:02 115. .095 27097s Mr. Specs S 115.. 715 27S1S Buchanan Brady ..115 1:0314 115 .090 27S8S3 Plumose 3 lo:.X715 -7S4S Pcnrod 118 1:03 115.. G90 27780 Humiliation 5 110X715 --72 Counsel 105 1:0314 115.. 090 22;i8t Longfellow 5 115. .715 -TS-I.S Bd Garrison 115 1:03 115. .GS5 2GG5G3 Pharaoh 8 115X710 2781S Kimberly IIS 1:05 115. .GS5 277S03 Ninety Simplex ... 4 115X710 Russian Pinion, ch. 25513 Tie Pin 1 110.. 710 f-. .v Armeath 277SO Royal Interest 4 115X705 II. Miss Rose.. 115 27700 Slellarina . 3 103.. 705 Reprobate, ch. c, 27815 Salon 5 1150705 by The Common- 27SSS3 Alberta True M. . 5 110. .700 cr Hortensia .. 115 27551 Flag Day :. 103X700 Town Hall seems a bit the best of those that 27S15 Springmass S 110X700 raced. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. Oct. 22, 19001:012103. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds AVt St Vi 14 SA Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish AIMEE T., ch. f. 2 104 By Garry Herrmann Ostra I. M. Hedrick. 27927 Kmpire 5-S l:01!f,rast 6 104 1 4 1 33 21 I. Byl.es 9 Gloom.Gus. K. tlrav, T.Baroness 27666 AqMuct 5-S 1:01 last G 104 10 8 S S3 4i L Iykes 10 Marie Odile, Cheer. Mirza 27369 Aciduet 5-Sl:02fast 12 102 5 0 5 11 I" L Lykcs ti BrightStar. Chatterbox. W.Eves 27197 AqMuct 5-S l:01tast 6 111 6 3 3 3 5J h Lykcs S Pass. Fancy, Chatterbox. Rebel 27019 Jamaica 5-S 1:03 slop 9-5 107 1 111 1J L Bykes S Riposta. Marbleheatl. Bendlet 26939 Jamaica 5-S 1 :01fnst 10 101 1 3 3 3" 2 L, Lykes 4 KathrynGray. Solveig, B.BascIi 26S62 Belmont 5-S st l:0014slov 7 10S 2 4 5 6- 65 B Iykca 7 Itivcrdale, Kathrvn Grav, Rebel 26.196 Belmont G-S st 1:01 fast 7-10 107 2 1 1 li 1 L Lykes 5 Old Drury, Lantana, Barry 26323 Jamaica 5-S l:01rast 11-5 100 1 2 2 23 21 L Lykcs 4 Nonesuch, Lantana, G. Gracious MOONLIGHTER, b. c. 2 112 Bv Yankee Rapine J. Garson. 27S.N3 Kmpire 51 f 1:0S fast 13 101 1 12 25 2 J McTagt 5 King Baggot, Doc Meals. Flare 27701 Kmpire 51 f l:0Sfast 15 101 3 2 3 31 45 B McDott 5 .Mirza, Kath. Grav. Ilanobala 27732 Kmpire 51 f l:llslop 30 112 2 2 3 3 31 B McDott 7 BrotherJonathan, Tootsie, Rebel 27.193 Aifduct 5-S 1:03 fast 20 115 5 4 4 65 6" B Hoffman S Spinster, Rebel, Dyson 27341 Aiduct 5-S 1:01 fast 15 101 7 10 10 103 93 B AVrscherl3 MnrieOdilo. Sandal. M.Momenta 27132 Jamaica 5-8 1:01 good 15 105 3 3 4 3l 4 II Shilling Mirza. Old Drurv, Jitney 269S5 Jamaica 5-8 1:02 good 7 16 1 3 3 3 3"i 1 Lykcs 4 Nonesuch, Riposta, Sandal 26S75 Belmont 5-8 st 1:02 fast 50 99 3 4 4 4 334 L Lykes 4 Cheer, Bad. Flower. Spinster 26S24 Belmont 5-S st l:00mud 40 99 1 4 4 45 4" L Lykes 0 Cheer. Lantana, Rebel 26744 Belmont 5-8 st 1:02 mud 20 110 3 4 7 7 7" B Wrscher 7 Running Shot. Mirza. Old Drury MAE MURRAY, b. f. 2 109 By Heno Watita Brighton Stable. 7S1S Kmpiro .1-8 l:01fast 20 110 S 9 9 63 5" B Taplin 12 Killdce. The Knocker, C. Court 27732 Kmpire 51 f l:llslop 7 109 7 0 5 53 52 B Taplin 7 B.Jonathan. Tootsie, Mnlightor 20795 Belmont 4i f st 54mud 10 112 4 2 2 31 4" K Taplin 4 Y. Witch, Fan. Bala, Namesake 2C639 Belmont 5-8 st 1:00 good 2J 109 3 4 3 3 3i B Taplin 4 Kath. Gray, G.Gus, Moonlighter DOC MEALS, ch. c. 2 112 By Doctor Boots Flexible I. M. Hedrick. 27927 Kmpire 5-S 1:01 14fast 100 112 2 . 7 0 51 6" C Hughes ! Gloom.Gus, AimceT., Kath. Cray 278S3 Kmpire 51 f 1:0S fa-it 100 102 2 5 4 3 2 C Hughes 5 King Baggot, .Moonlighter. Flare 27812 Kmpiro 51 f l:081f.fast 100 115 1 10 11 103 S" J Gartner 12 Gcrt. Marie. Rim. Shot. Lantana 27761 Kmpiro 51 f l:0Sfast 100 104 5 4 5 5 G33 J Gartner 5 Mirza, Kath. Gray, Ilanobala 27606 AqMuct 5-8 1:01 fast 100 110 3 9 9 9 S1 J Gartner 10 Marie Odile. Cheer. Mirza 27457 AqMuct 5-S 59fast 100 106 4 10 10 10 10 J Gartner 10 The Dean. Cheer, Bright Star 27422 AqMuct 5-S 1:01 good 60 102 G 7 7 7 77 J Gartner 7 Yellowstone, Itivcrdale, Al.Oilile 27293 AqMuct 5-S 1 :01fast 100 115 2 G G 6 G ,T Gartner G Chatterbox. Spectre. Pas. Fancy 27172 Jamaica 5-S 1:01 fast GO 112 1 8 8 8 9 AV Kclsay ! Cheer. Solveig. Bright Star 27019 Jamaica 5-S 1:03 .slop 40 110 7 7 6 6s 5 II Shilling 8 Aimce T., Riposta. Marblehcad 26769 Bait. Ab5-8 67fast 8 108 lh G Corey G Eden Park. Curls. Stalwart Van STALWART VAN. b. f. 2 104 By Stalwart Vantage J. Farrell, Jr.. 26769 Bait. Ab5-S 57fast 1 115 43 F Bergen G Doc Meals, Bden Park, Curls 200S7 Bait. Abli f 5S fast 2-3 112 2l C Jackson 7 Curls, Doc Meals. Bden Park 2657.1 Mlboro Abtif l:00,mud 3-2 115 l3 C Jackson 5 Eden Park, Abe Martin. Curls 20.160 Mlboro Abtif 59 fast 7 105 ll C Jackson ! Bden Park, Tarvcs, Sally Boots 26156 Mlboro Abllf 59 fast 3 107 5l AV Obert 0 Sally Boots, So Bze, Curls LANTANA, ch. f. 2 102 By Dr. Leggo The Peeress G. Preeco. 27S12 Kmpire 51 f l:0S14fast 12 1Q1 4 2 2 2l 351 II Shilling 12 Cert.Marie, Run.Shot. Ilanobala 27060 AqMuct 5-S 1:01 fast 20 1031 9 5 7 Oi 5k3 L Mink 10 Marie Odile, Cheer, Mirza 27422 AqMuct 5-S 1:01 good 20 91 4 4 4 43 41 B Wrscher 7 Yellowstone. Riverdale. M.Odile 27309 AqMuct 5-8 l:02fast 60 103 G G 6 51 5i L Mink 0 AiiuecT.. BghtStar, Chatterbox 2CS62 Belmont 5-S st l:00V4slow 20 104 6 5 3 41 59 Q Precco 7 Riverdale. KathrynGray. Rebel 26824 Belmont 5-S st l:00mud 15 91 5 11 2 23 Q Precco Cheer. ICebel. Moonlighter 26596 Belmont D-8 st 1:01 fast 10-5 107 5 3 3 3 35 K Graves 5 Aimce ., Old Drury, Barry 26323 Jamaica G-S l:0M4fast 10 96 3 3 3 3 3s Q Prcece 4 Nonesuch. Aimce T., G.Gracious 26124 Pimlico 4 f 56V4slow 182 97 8 6 4 45 4 Q Preece 8 Yellow Sally, Tarvcs, Aimce T. 25863 Pimlico 1-2 49 fast 376 105 3 6 6J 5l Q Preece 11 Gold. Bantam. Y.Sally. LucileP. MARBLEHEAD, ch. c, 2 105 By Meelick March Past W. M. Sheedy. 27S12 Kmpire 5. f l:0S14fast 20 100 3 3 4 4 L Lykes 12 Gert. Marie, Run. Shot. Lantana 27666 AqMuct 5-8 1:01 fast 20 10S 2 4 5 71 J McTagt 10 Marie Odile, Cheer, Mirza 27593 AqMuct 5-8 1:03 fast 8 110 6 6 5 51 52 K Campbl 8 Spinster. Rebel, Dyson 27172 Jamaica 5-S 1:01 fast 30 107 3 2 3 3 4S3 J McTagt 9 Cheer, Solveig, BrightStar 27049 Jamaica 5-S 1:03 slop 25 110 3 3 2 31 3s J McTagrt 8 Aimee T., Riposta, Bendlet 25S27 H.deGce 41 55V4good 48 115 4 4 G G G" J Bullman G Riverdale, J. Wgfleld, Kgfisher SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. July 23, 19101:513118. SHYNESS, ch. f, 4 114 By His Majesty Mrs. K. G. W. Glick. 27758 Kmpire 1 l:43fast 7-10 108 1 2 2 1 Is l3 II Shilling 0 S. Helen, Charmeuso, SctSpuarc 27371 AqMuct 1 5-16 2:1414fast 2 107 1 1 1 1 ll 1 II Shilling 5 pandpan. Jem, Virile 27151 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47good 1S-5 111 4 4 6 2 2i 23 G W Carll G Gallop. Saratoga. Daingcrncld 27046 Jamaica 1 1-S 1:55 mud 11-10 104 2 1 1 1 l1 lJ L Lykcs 5 G.M.Millor. Old Broom. Trovato 26473 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01thud 5-4 10S 1 1 1 1 l1 1 G W Carl 8 H.Ball. I.Gentleman. L.H.Adair 20076 Churchl 11-10 1:47 fast 17 102 2 6 6 5 4s 41 G W Car 11 7 Sleeth, RrookBold. I. Gentleman 25992 Lex ton 1 1-4 2:05fast 5 109 5 2 11 2i 23 G W Carl 0 OlgaStar, KrisKringlc. Cadenza 25938 Lex ton 1 1-8 2:00 bvy, 4-5 107 2 1 1 I V 1 G W Carll 0 Spassing, C.Francis, Bedictiaa JEM, ch. g, 4 103 By Ogdcn Fair Cathcrino M. Daly. 27371 AqMuct 1 5-10 2:l-IVfst 3 103 3 3 4 4 33 3 R Ball 5 Shyness, Pandean. Virile 269S9 Jamaica 1 1-8 1:51 Rood 6-5 103 1 2 2 2 l1 li 11 Bull 5 Gallop, Still. Helen, Mcitlo Park : 20599 Belmont 1 1-10 1:48 fast 8 110 3 2 3 4 3?- ii C Bgame 4 Virile, Nephthys, Illuminator : 26012 Iimlico 1 1-10 1:49 fast 13-10 107 5 2 2 2 2 lh R Ball 8 Bnisedge, II. Lauder, Tamerlane : 25971 Pimlico lmTOy l:47fast 22-5 10S 4 3 1 4 5 6JJ C Hgame 8 Gloaming, II. Lauder. Yodeling : 256GI Bowie 1 l:42fast 41-10 102 4 3 3 2 Ink iu n Ball C B.ltoyer, Rublican, Illuminator : 21021 Bowie lm20y l:43fast 14-5 103 0 4 5 4 4 41 J MeCahey 7 S.W.Juson, Lohengrin. Rellcau 23940 Bowie lni70y l:47fast 31 39 3 2 2 2 l1 ll J McCaheylO Shenge, B.Around, S.AV.Jhusou LITTLE NEARER, b. g. 7 112 By Golden Maxim Lconalla C. H, Bobbins . 27512 AqMuct 1 1-S 1:53 fast 7-5 113 1 5 5 4 3 2i 1j Lykes j Nephthys, Transit, Napier 27273 Aqduct 11-10 1:47 fast 11-10 107 2 0 0 5 2" 1 C Fbther 1 Cliirilavcn. O. M. Miller, Ahara 271 Aqduct 11:40 fast 15 113 111111 10 10 GB2 C Fbther 11 Kil. Hoy. Saratoga. Woodward 20913 Jamaica lm70y 1:11 fast 8 109 4 4 4 4 4 21 C Fbther 4 S.MMeckin, J.J.Lillis, StarGazc J.CSS7 Belmont 1 1-2 2:3S slow 5 115 5 C 4 4 4 31U Mr Alpcrs C Martian, Top Ilat, Virile 20713 Belmont 1 1-4 2:07 fast 41 112 4 4 3 3 3 35 O Fbther 4 Saratoga, Pandean, Daingerfield 20000 Belmont Ab 2 1:47 fast 13-10 141 1 Fell. II AVlUms 3 Hustler, Agon JESSE JR.. b. k, 4 105 By The Commoner Bessie McCarthy Quincy Stable 2?S47. Umpire 1 1-S l:G3sfast 20 115 7 4 1 3 3 34J C l!i;:unc 10 Transit. Stal. Helen, Carlton G. 27731 Umpire 1 1-10 l:51slop 7 111 0 5 5 5 5 l1" C Bgame i Devil Fish. Carlton G.. Transit 27551 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 0 10S S 5 0 5 3 J 33 R Ball 11 Kae 15., Weiionnh. Golden Gate 27177 Aqduct 1 l:10ifast 0 105 13 1 2 l4 1" I. Mink 12 Sam Slick, KoynlMeteor, Alston 27291 Aqduct 1 lMlfast 30 110 3 6 G G G3 Gi AV Kclsay 7 Dolina. Q.orParadise, T.-a-Ling 27152 Jamaica 3-4 l:15good 15 115 0 9 S 7 Cfi AV Kclsay 11 liilyllavens, Burglar, Brighouse 270S1 Jamaica 3-1 l:11,good 15 115 7 0 4 51 35 W Kclsay 11 llrighouse, AI Bloch, R.OaKwood 27006 Jamaica lin70y lMG.slow 30 111 1 3 3 4 4 4,s J MeCahey 4 Republican, lllminator. Transit 267G1 Bait. AbGi f l:22andfast 21 110 46 R Watts 5 L. England, Jacklet, Republican PEACOCK, ch. g, 5 104 By Glorificr Albcrtola S. Pinkcrton. 26E74 Mlboro Ab7-S 1:31 good 2 111 41 II Watts 7 HedgeKose, Bailee, PageAVhite 20120 Pimlico ImlOy lMSsIow 9 112 5 0 5 5 11 43 F Keogh 7 B.ofDunbar. Supreme, Slierdess 2"".ii97 Pimlico ImlOy l:4.rislow 2S-5 10S 0 0 0 0 0 5" F Keogh G Greetings, Tamerlane, Dinah Do 25S29 H.deGce lm7"vl:lG!igood :a-.r. 112 7 0 0 6 6 G"3 W Dolye 7 L. England, 11. Lauder, Pardner 257S9 H.deGce lm70yl:51 hvy 14-5 115 7 5 3 2 21 2l AV Dovle S Mr. Mack, Menlo Park. Valas 25GS3 Bowie 1 1-10 1 :55slop 12-5 107 5 2 2 1 l1 l5 J Dodd ! Mr.Mack, RlueMouse. L.Travers 250IS Bowie 1 1-10 l:53is!op 2S-5 105 7 0 3 1 11 11 M Mntain S Jabot, Itaby Sister, Supreme 2T.633 Bowio lm70y l:47faat 421 100 5 0 4 3 2 1 M Mntain i Itatwa, Suiirenie, Euterpe 21015 Bowie 7-S l:27fttst 5a 109 4 0 4 1 10 11" M Buxton l.r Yenghce. Protagoras. S.LazeriaD 23952 Bowie 1 1-1G l:51fast 5 112 G 7 3 2 21 33 M Buxton 10 Jabot, Kncclet. Key Oakwood FIRST DEGREE, br. p. 5 104 By Kilkcrran Talpa J. W. Goldblatt. 27S47 Umpire 1 1-S lTV.fast 12 110 S u 7 S 9 U17 II l riuirrtl Transit, Stalwart Helen. JesseJr. 27111 Latonia 3-1 l:i:fast 55 105 7 9 S 7 5i II Fiquhrtll Nobleman, Mristown, Ipression 25222 Havana 1 3-10 2:003rast 3 112 1 3 3 5 4s 41U D Connelly Ji Zoroaster. Tamerlane, Napier 21S1A Havana 1 1-10 l:15fasl 31 107 1 5 5 1 4 4 J I Connelly .1 Aldebaran, B.Canler, B.guiuec 246STi Havana 1 1:11 fast 1-2 111 2 2 2 2 2s 1" I Connelly 0 T.Fasliion. Afterglow. L.Uankin 21125 Havana 1 1-S l:r.2fast 2 III 2 2 2 1 Ink ji c Turner .Napier, B.Baker, C.F.Crainger 24101 Havana 1 1-10 lMBfast 15 102 5 0 5 4 4h 41 R Urauhrt i B.Carder. StoneheiiKe, DlnahDo 2I1G1 Juarez 7-8 1:25 fast 3 95 4 4 0 0 41 It Unialirt II Loftus. Wilhite, Kootenay 21100 Juarca 7-S 1:20 fast 4 101 G 3 0 0 6 03 A Mott 7 Wilhite. l.ackrose. ISrooklicld 21034 Juarez 7-S 1:25 fast 7 97 5 5 5 5 5 518 R Urquhrt , Con. Tower. Wilhite. Kootenay 23540 UUonla 1 1-10 l:10fast 4 109 7 7 0 7 4 431 W Andress y I. Gentleman. Christie. Mud Sill 23T.1R Iitonia 1 1-10 l:10rast 11-20 10S 4 5 0 5 51 51 J Acton S Counterpart. Erin. Stanley S. 22174 Church 1 1 l:3Svfast 41 105 3 4 5 5 41 4i J Acton 7 EdCrunip. Bronzewins. Converse 23259 DouRlas 1 1-S l:52?fast 17-10 109 4 4 4 5 41 4 J Acton 5 Sleeth, Oh;a Star. Iieulah S. SAM SLICK, ch. p. 4 10G Bv Rock Sand Artful Cleveland Stablo. 27SI7 Umpire 1 1-S l:53"V.fast 12 110 1 0 9 9 S3 S li Hffmanll Transit, Stalwart Helen, JesseJr. 27177 Aqduct 1 l:40fast 21 105 4 0 7 . 4 31 21" R 1 lotTmaul. Jesse Jr., Itoval Meteor. Alston 27112 AMuct 11:11 fast 7 115 0 0 5 3 3l 21 li Hoffman 7 Stal. Helen. Narmar, Stellarinu 23X7 Pimlico 1 1-1G l:ISfast 50 100 10 11 9 10 9 S".VI McTaKrtl.". Luther, Gallop, Afterglow 23S2R Pimlico lm7oy 1:47 fast fid 103 10 12 12 13 13 13,,.,.C Turner 111 Caidain Parr. LilvOrme, Pierrol 23312 H.deCce lmTOylMlrast 15 109 10 1111 12 12s 9"i.I Butwell 15 Gloaming. Guv Kislier, Volant 23237 H.deOce lm70vlM.Vf,fast 10 1 071 0 5 1 0 51 5" J J Butwell 115 Hedge. Karl of Savoy. Borax 22951 Belmont 1 l:llifast 11-10 109 0 G 0 0 0 GO Bgame 0 Ben Qtdnce, Borax, Brian Boru NAPIER, b. e. 7 108 By Scmpronius Lillian Fonso I. M. Hcdrick. Sm Umpire lm70y l:444fast 100 107 0 0 0 G 01" G- C Hughes 7 Nephthys. J- J. Lillis. Sasin 2S17 Umpire 1 1-S 1 i-ifast 60 115 10 10 10 10 10 W C Hughes 10 Transit. StalwartHclen. JesseJr. 277S0 Empire 11:12 fast 100 114 15 15 15 15 13 1115J Clartner l.r CarltoiiG.. !. Counsel, N. Simplex 27090 Fmpiro 1 1-10 l:40yfast 50 1S 0 G 0 0 0 C," J Gartner Woodward, S. MeMeekin, Gallop 27512 Afiduct 1 1-S 1:53 fast 40 105 3 4 4 G 5 47i J Gartner i Nephthvs, LittleNearer. Transit 27270 Aqduct ll:tlVfast 50 110 OSS S 7 41 J Gartner S Monoeacv, Transit. Tactless 27170 Jamaica lm70v 1:10 fast 10 112 0 0 0 0 0 51 J Gartner i Itepubcan. Q.ofPdise. E.Kenna 27151 Jamaica 1 1-10 l:17gool 40 ins 0 0 5 5 5- 5 J Gartner i Gallop, Shyness, Saratoga 270S7 Jamaica 11-10 IMS good 10 95 4 3 1 4 4 4 17 J Gartner 1 S.Mc.Mkin. S.W.Juson. Nhthvs 20771 Bait. AbOl f l:23V?.fast 21 117 2J A Mlhews 7 Castara. Goodwood. Kay oLight 2CGSS Bait. AbOl f l:24sfat 21 111 I2 A Mthews T, Kay oLight. Godwood. Jacklet 266S4 Bait. AbGi f 1:25 fast 3 115 3J R Watts T M.Fox. Carlavcrock, Geswinthe THIRD RACE About 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. July 20, 1010 1:0S 3 113. DERVISH, blk. p. 4 110 By Delhi Coppclia H. Fink. 27815 Kmpire Ab3-I lOfast S 110 3 2 2 21 2 II Shilling ! Gloaming, T.asSteel, T.-a-Ling 27172 AiducL 01 f 1:20 fast 11 110 7 3 0 0l G8 F Keogh 11 Gloaming. IIMliati B.llcnsley 2G790 Belmont 3-4 1:15 mud 7 125 2 3 3 2 l 21 R McIVott ; Yankee Notions. Schoolboy 20370 Belmont 3-11:15 fast 10 117 3 4 4 5 5i J Loftus .r Tea Caddy, T.asSteel, Y.Nolions 20205 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 7-10 125 3 2 1 l1 11 J Loftus r. Armament. Piquette. Striker 2G1GS Jamaica 3-4 l:13Lfast 0 117 3 2 2 2s ll J Loftus 1 Ambrose. Pnllux. Navigator 21013 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 15 110 9 S S S S C Borel t Palanquin, Yadupeep. Azyiadc BUCK SHOT. b. c. 3 108 Ey Joo Carey Sain Shot F. W. Spiers. 27152 Aqduct 5-S 5."-irast S 103 S 7 4 3" 33 A Collins 11 T.asSleel, Mr. Specs, KingsOak 27209 Aqduct 3-1 lill.fast 11 101 0 4 3 21 23 A Collins 10 llanuortli. N.Simplex. Hliation 27192 Aqduct 3-4 l:14f.fast S 9S 10 9 9 S5 S!M A Collins 11 T.oth.Ming. Pumption. Bvale 20910 Jamaica 3-4 l:14"f.fast 5 103 9 S 7 91 31 A Collins V. Etruscan, Carmense, Resistible 25579 II. Spgs 51 f l:07fast 3 105 0 3 3 2 2 F Murphy Billy Joe, Insurgent, Un.Jimmie 222IS Saratoga 51 f lillfchvy 8 110 2 3 S S 1071J McCabc 10 Feminist, Ind. Chant. Startling 21921 Aqueduct 5-S 1:01 fast 5 110 5 3 2 2i 25 M Buxton 7 St. Isidore. Whimsy. Meadoworth AMBROSE, b. g, 6 110 By Disguise Ambrosine Marrono Stable. 277X0 Umpire 1 1:12 fast 3 115 5 1 1 S 10 12 II Shillingir CarKoiiG., G.C sel. N.SimpIev 27097 Umpire Ab3-4 l:13fast 0 107 1 2 2 22 23 1 1 Shilling 7 Gnat, Mr. Specs, Libvan Sands 20911 Jamaica 1 1-10 l:ISfast 9-5 10313 112 3 3; II Shilliii; i Pandean. ClilTHaven. Monmouth 20792 Belmont 11-10 1:18 mud 2 103 1 3 3 3 3 S" I. Lykes J Ida CI lire. Fuzzy Wuzzy 2CG3S Belmont 1 l:41M,good 7 101 111 3 21 3 I. Lykes 0 S. MeMeekin. Sasin, Charmeuse 20513 Belmont 1 l:427ht"ast 1-2 101 1 1 1 4 4 4" It Ball -1 G. Counsel. C.Haven, Safellomc 20170 Belmont 7-S l:2Sgood 5 120 111 1 G3 53 J Metcalf S Maifou. Flag Dav, Charmeuse 202S7 Jamaica 1 1-10 l:4Sslov 3 110 3 1 1 1 1 2 J Metcalf 4 S.JlcMkin. Armament, S.Uelcn 20200 Jamaica 3-4 1:11 fast 7-10 117 1 1 1 2 2 J Metcalf 5 Naushon, Glint.Pertshire 201GS Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 7-10 121 1 1 1 l1 2 J Metcalf 4 Dervish. Pullux. Navigator MR SPECS, ch. c, 8 115 By Woolsthorpc Jil Greenwood A. C. Blumo. 27097 Umpire Ab3-1 l:13fast 5 10S 0 3 3 3 3s M Buxton 7 Gnat. Ambrose. Libvan Sands 27152 Aqduct 5-S G.lTifast S 110 3 0 5 5- 2 M Buxton 11 T.asSteel, Buck Shot, KingsOak 21902 Aqueduct 3-1 l:13fast 21 1 10 5 4 i. 51 3 T McTag 1 1.: Acis. Azviade. Striker 21S.S2 Aqueduct 3-1 l:13irast 12 113 1 4 5 3- 2" C Turner Presumption. Palanquin, T.Bell 2I7S0 Belmont 3-1 l:Mfast 15 US 1 3 5 II 41 A Nicklaus ! Dinah Do. Minslrel. Grumpy 2172S Belmont 3-1 st l:12Vf.rast 15 107 13 13 13 12 1217 A Nicklausl." T. as Steel. Gninipv.D.ofDunbar 2i:. Aqueduct 3-1 l:10Vislop 20 107 0 2 G 41 a1. .A Nicklaus ! Isirose, Plnnlageiiet, S.of Vallev 21171 Jamaica 31 f 1:07 fast 0 112 7 0 0 7i G" 11 Sunder 1 1 Fenmouse, Plantagenel. .Minstrel 2 IKK Jamaica 3-1 l:13andfast 15 110 0 0 4 4l 3l C Bgame S Etruscan. Aliara. Prairie PLUMOSE, b. f. 3 103 Bv King James Plumeria J. E. Davis. 27SSS Umpire AL3-I 1:11 fast 5 103 2 3 2 1?. 21 J MeCahey 7 l.usv Joe. Alberta True, Dolina 27770 Umpire Ab3-I 1:13 ait 20 99 1 4 4 41 l1" J McCahoy S Slumber II.. B.llensley. L.Sands 27172 Aqduct 01 f 1:20 fast 15 93 2 2 4 41 7 II CampbHO Gloaming, Hiliati B.llensley 27107 Aqduct 3-4 1:15 fast 15 101 2 2 4 4- 03 R Ball ! Estimable, Lilyileavens, Kezinh 2000S Pimlico 3-1 1:15 fast 21 107 0 C 0 G- X" .1 MeCahey U Ima Frank, Marianao, J.Straith 20013 Pimlico 1 l:12Lfast IS 111 2 2 2 2 4 5ln J MeCahey 0 Marianao. Greetings, IPconteuse 259G9 Pimlico 7-S l:27!ifast 200 100 7 3 5 7 S S15 J Drcycr S K.Maiden. T.othiling, U.Bryn 22SSI Pimlico 3-1 l:13ifast 72 99 1 G 5 h 07 J McCaheylO Tom Elward. Ilighllorse. Tralee 23S09 Pimlico 3-1 l:13rast ISO 91 10 9 15 15 14 M Gamer 1." Franklin. Spur. Socony HUMILIATION, ch. s. 5 110 Bv Aeronaut Millie A. R. Newman. 277S0 Umpire 11:12 fast 10 100 0 0 0 9 9?. 9" R Ball 1." CarltonC., t5. Counsel. N.Siir.plex 27550 Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast 10 100 0 G S 7s 73 It Ball 12 Kings Oak, T. as Steel. Brooks 27472 Aqduct 01 f 1:20 fast 12 105 1 1 1 2 21 U Ball 10 Gloaming. B.Hsley, L.Heavens 27121 Aqduct 1 l:Ugood 10 103 2 1 3 4 4" 46 R Ball H Gallop, Republican, Transit 27312 Aqduct 1 1:40 fast 12 101 4 1 1 2 2 2 R Ball 7 Al Bloch, G.M.Miller, U.oLight 27209 Aqduct 3-4 l:llfast 7 109 2 3 2 3U li R Ball 10 Hanworth, B. Shot, N. Simplex 270S1 Jamaica 3-1 1 :1 1 Jgood 13-5 110 0 4 7 7 51 R Ball 11 Brighouse. Al P.loch. Jesse Jr. 20320 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 12-5 110 2 11 ll 1 R Ball ! Amans, Maifou. Stcllarina LONGFELLOW, b. e. 5 115 , By Chaucer Kalydor J. Livingston. 2-TiSl 11 deGce 3-1 l:12fast 00 110 12 12 12 12 12 J McCabe 12 Sand Marsh, T.asSteel. B. Path 299S K-itonia 3-1 l:13i.fast 10-5 105 10 S 7 0 3s K Lnpaillcli Koval Tea, Oakland. Suregei. 2i711 Douglas 3-1 l:12l4rast 20 los 9 9 0 31 3C L Genlrv H Droll. Gabrio, P.irka JX,?A Churchill 01 f l:0i.,fast fid 110 14 12 12 12 11" T McTagtll P..andSlars, K. Goose, Huntress 20J70 Chmcliill 5J f l:Wslov 101 113 12 14 11 13 123 W AV Tlorl l Hawthorn, Chartier. BusyEdith 17300 Church 1 3 -11:13 mud 29 93J 7 77 75iB Marco 7 Leochares. Hodge. The W. Moon PHARAOH, br. h. 8 115 Bv Meddler Hatasoo W. T. Ryan. 2GGT.G Bait. AbG. f l:247ifast 1 1 IS 3" W Doyle i Ireda.Iohnson. Tactless. II. Rose 205X1 Mlboro Ab5..f 1:10 mud S-5 111 11 AV Doyle 5 Heartbeat, Tactless. Fr.Jolinson 20500 Mlboro AuG-lf l:r.lfast 3 107 41 C Whymk 1 Ina Kay. Recluse, Republican 20107 Mlboro Ab.Vf 1 :09"-ivfnst S-5 1 20 3 li AVatts C Monty Fox, Deduction, Balgee 20292 Irospct Ab 1 l:45i,fast 21 113 A Mthews .r. Jesse Jr., Alston, Marianao 20091 Pimlico 3-11:10 slow 2".t-10 109 3 3 1 3"t 1" -F Keogh 7 R.Oakwood, Marj.A., Itosemarj 25R2T. H.deGce 3-1 l:14?f.good 10 113 S S S 9 9"i AV Uolye 13 M.sChoice. L.IiOiidon, Ullection 25707 H.deGcc Im70y1 :4.rifast S 107 0 2 2 3 4 07 AV Doyle !1 Luther, Blackford, II. slirother 25090 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 goo137-20 120 1 0 4 31 31 AV Doyle 7 Csterton, Tactless, Gtlewoman 25G11 Bowio 3-4 l:17ysIop 2S-5 111 5 4 4 l1 1 AV Doyle 7 Hiliation, OTisTrue, Csterton NINETY SIMPLEX, ch. r. 4 115 By Marathon Flash of Lightning E. E. PeckV 277.S0 Umpire 11:12 fast 13-5 103 7 2 3 3 5i 33 A Schugrir. CarltonC., 5. Counsel, S.ofVIley 270.U! AqMuct 1 1:41 fast 41 101 S 4 4 4 2 3 L Mink 11 Andes. Daingerlield, Fuz. Wuzzy 27550 Aqduct 3-4 1:11 fast 12 117 12 12 12 12 ll13 A Sehugrl2 Kings Oak, T.asSteel, Brooks 27209 Aqduct 3-4 l:14fast 41 10110 S S 4 32 L Mink 10 Hanworth, B. Shot, Humiliation 22721 BlueBon. 1 l:39vfast 131 107 5 Pulled up. J Callahan 0 Coislean. Itedland. St. Lazerian 22071 BlueBon. 1 1:3S fast 9 99 4 0 0 0 0 05 11 McDott . Ten Point. Plate Glass. H.ofOak 220SI FnrtUrie Gl T l:00good73-10 102 G 7 7 7 0? F Cooper 7 Venetia, Southern Maid, Vogue 20210 Pimlico 1 lriPrLfast SI 90 5 7 C 0 0 G15iL McAtee 7 Runes, Cclto, Aolant TIE PIN. b. g, 4 110 By Armeath II. Toi San J. S. Ownbey. 25513 Havana 1 l:40fast G 99 5 1 3 2 l1 l3 F Jenkins i Charmeuse. Scorpii, T. Fashion 25199 Havana 3-4 1:11 fast 4-5 10110 10 10 91 10 M Mntain 10 1-ord Wells, Ford Mai. Sn. Allen 251S5 Havana 1 l:40fast 7 102 0 4 4 2 2 41 M Mntain 0 QenApple, DinahDo. Tamerlane 251 10 Havana 3-1 1:15 good 0-3 101 G 3 1 l1 21 J Sterrett ! Borax, Paulson, Lambs Tail 23310 Havana 1 1:4 leftist 3 102 4 3 1 2 31 4s R Hargln 8 Energetic, Q.Apple. AA Ctowu K llaviina 3-4 1:11 fast 1-2 10S 5 4 1 1 l J Cruise .S Sc. Knight. B. Rock. Dan. Star 25271 Havana 51 f l:00fast 7-G 107 0 0 0 5 31 R Hargton 5 Borax, Dinah Do, Quick 25101 Havana 3-1 l:13Vf.fast 9-5 103 4 G 5 11 43i II l.anerty 7 Altamaha, Mer.Jubilee. B.First 2I35S Havana 3-1 l:13fast 2 110 4 4 1 Ink ij a Nicklaus S Paulson. Copperlown, Crisco 21253 Havana 3-1 1:14 Tast 7-5 109 5 3 4 4 3-1 C Miller 8 Suif.Allen, Mer.Jubilee, P, Leaf ROYAL INTEREST, br. g. 4 115 By Don Royal Usury J. W. Goldblatt. 277S0 Umpire 1 1:12 fast 25 10S 3 1 1 2 31 13u It ITrqulirtin CarltoiKL. G. Counsel, N. Simplex 27552 La tenia 3-4 l:13fast 49-10 10S 1 2 2 4 5 R Goose II! Luzzi, Deliver, King Box 27101 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 5 109 2 2 2 12l 12 R Goose 13 Shine, Alt tmaha, Black Beauty 25I0O Havana 51 1:0S fast 1 111 4 1114 1 1 Connelly C. Paulson, Wavering. Stubborn 249S1 Havana 5?. f l:0Gfast 4-5 107 5 G 1 51 fi,ull Connelly S Zali. Sordello. lCdmond Adams 21572 Havana 5-S 1:00 fast 0-5 10SJ 4 3 2 2 2 C Turner S Marjorie A.. Big Lumax. Tener 24170 Havana 3-1 l:13Vf.fast 2-G 107 G 2 2 2 1 C. Turner 7 Sonnv Boy. Quick. Bine Mouse 24411 Havana 3-4 l:llfast 4-5 1101 3 1 2 11 2 C Turner G M.sChoice. Altainaha. Monereif STELLARINA, b. f. 3 103 By Star Shoot Ballerina L. Becker. 27700 Umpire 1 l:41fast 20 SS 9 S S S 9l S R C AVattslO Hanworth, F. AVuzzy, R. Meteor 27412 Aqduct 11:41 fast 0 90 3 2 2 2 41 41 1 Lykes 7 Stal. Helen, Sam Slick. Narmar 20:2:0 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 41 93 G 2 3 3s 41 L. Lykes Humiliation, Amans, Maifou 202X4 Jamaica 51 f l:0Sandslov 41 95 8 8 7 01 51 L. Lykes 8 Ancon, Agon, Charmeuse 20104 Jamaica Gl f 1:08 fast 5 103 3 5 7 5 33 J McTagt 1 Pawhuska. Virginia W., Rae B. 2C0S3 Pimlico lm40v l:4GVfast 12 97 5 5 G 7 S1 813 J McCaheylO Nash, Obolus, Scorpii 25981 Pimlico 3-4 l:155fast 7i 93 8 G 6 8 53 E Forehd 12 Golden Gate, Tactless, Fenrock SALON ch. g, 6 115 By Salvation Alondra H. August. 27S45 Empire Ab3-4 i:10fast 100 112 S 7 G Cl 781 J Hanover ! Gloaming. Dervish. T. as Steel 2755G Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast GO 100 8 7 9 81 12,s E Camph112 Kings Oak, T. as Steel. Brooks 270S4 Jamaica 3-4 l:14good 15 115 13 13 12 12 10,s L. Mink 14 Brighouse, Al Bloch. Jesse Jr. 20940 Jamaica 3-4 l:14fast CO 120 11 11 11 121 9" M Buxton 13 Etruscan, Charmeuse, BuckShot 2C842 Belmont 61 f 1:22 mud 30 113 3 4 4 4 43 M Buxton 0 Armament, Crmeuse, Y.Notions 20005 Pimlico 3-4 l;14fast fid 110 12 11 11 11 lls R Jarboe 12 Reflection, Pontefract, Casaba 25170 N Orlns 1 1-1C 1:48 fast 15 108 4 3 3 3 4 6 T Koerner 7 Helen M-. MissFannle. Kelsetta 24D02 N.Orlns 3-4 1:13 fast 20 11112 12 12 12 11S1J Metcalf 12 Royal Tea, Garl, Dew Drop ALBERTA TRTJE b. m. 5 110 By Chuctanunda Auriesville Brighton Stable. 27888 Umpire Ab3-4 1:11 fast 12 107 3 1 1 2 31 E Taplin 7 Busy Joe. Plumose, Dolina 27770 Empire Ab3-4 1:13 fast JOO 110 3 1 3 31 7" 13 Taplin S Slumber II., B.llensley. L.Sands 27152 Jamaica 3-4 l;15.good 100 100 Left at the post. R C AVattsll Lilyllavens, Burglar. Brighouse 27050 Jamaica lm70y lMSvislop SO 101 7 6 6 6 51 .5 R A AVatts 7 Q.ofParadise. Ronkiss, Narmur 26411 Belmont 3-4 1:16 fast 20 Ul 3 3 3 3i 411 E Taplin 4 Estimable, Voluspa, Springmass . : : : : : . FLAG DAY, b. g, 3 103 By Poop oDay Vic Kinnoy E. F. Cooncy. 27554 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 7 103 G 3 3 4 51 0 A Schugrll Rae It., AVenonah. Jesse Jr. 20904 Belmont 1 l:41fast 9-5 10111 1112- 3i M Gamer .r Old Broom, Rose AVater. Maifuu 2K04 Belmont 01 f 1:22 slow 11-5 110 2 4 3 23 21 F Keogh G VginiaAV., L.Heavens, Soolboy 2C0: Belmont 1 l:41lgood 8 100 2 2 5 5 G 5 U Graves 0 Sam MeMeekin, Sasin, Ambrose 20470 Belmont 7-S l:2Sgood 4 110 2 3 4 2 ll 2 R AValdron 8 Maifou. Charmeuse, G. Counsel 26190 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 11-5 103 5 3 3 4l ll AV Lilley a Estimable, Asli Can SPRINGMASS, ch. m. 8 110 By Handspring Massada S. J. Baioccbi. 27S15 Umpire Ab3-4 l:10andfast GO 10S 1 5 0 73 01 A Collins ! Gloaming. Dervish. T.asSteel 27770 Umpire Ab3-4 1:13 last 1C0 110 7 7 7 G3 3 A Collins 8 Slumber II., B.llensley, L.Sands 27591 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 100 101 4 4 4 5 fi 7Ri A Collins 7 Kil. Boy, Sandman II., Saratoga 27477 Aqduct 1 l:40fast 20 100 2 2 1 1 41 9l A Collins 12 Jesse Jr.. Sam Slick, Roy.Meteor 27107 Aqduct 3-4 1:15 fast GO 110 1 0 0 0 531 A Collins Estimable. Lilyileavens, Keziali 27190 Aqduct 11:40 fast 100 103 G 7 10 11 11 11" A Collins 11 Kil. Boy, Saratoga, AVoodward 27119 Jamaica 1 1-10 lMSsIow 100 1 05 1 3 4 3 33 3" A Collins 0 Kil.Boy. G.M.Miller, Tamerlane 20910 Jamaica 3-4 l:14fast 00 115 12 12 12 13 1317 J HanoverKt Etruscan, Charmeuse, BuckShot 20075 Belmont 1 l:40f,fast 50 110 5 G C 0 0 G:u Ar Kclsay 5 Pccllenry, IdaCIaire, F. AAuzzy MALABAR, b. g, 4 . 115 By Peter Quince Berry Maid J. W. May. 27S10 Umpire 1 l:IOfast 20 113 4 1 G 0 5 5" G Garner 10 Set Square, Golden Gate. Andes 277S0 Umpire 1 1:12 fast 30 10S 2 0 9 12 12110" K Lapaillel5 CarltonC. G.Counsel. N. Simplex 27731 Umpire 1 1-10 l:51sIop 20 109 4 4 3 4 4 G K Iapaillc 5 Devil Fish, Carlton O.. Transit 27033 AqMuct 1 1:41 fast 20 110 4 0 1 1 4l 10" M Buxton 11 Amies, Daingerlield, N. Simplex 27177 Aqduct 1 l:40r.fast S 10G 7 8 9 7 01 6i M Garner 12 JesseJr.. SamSlick, Roy.Meteor 27152 Aqduct 5-S 59fast 15 113 9 8 7 4k 5 ! Keogh 11 T. as Steel, Mr.Specs, Buck Shot 27412 AqMuct 11:41 fast 13-10 110 111 1 V 64 II Shilling 7 Stal. Helen. Sam Slick, Narmar 27209 Aqduct 3-1 l:llfast 10 109 5 5 4 G 51 R McDottlO Hanworth. It. Shot. N. Simplex 20321 Churchl 1 1-10 l:47fast 19 102 1 2 2 2 21 3 II Shilling 7 J.Louise, Lit.Bigger. L.H.Adair 20213 Churchl 1 1-10 l:4Gandfast 59 101 S 8 8 7 61 5 A Carroll 1 Yenghec, Jcs. Louise. Hard Ball SINAI, b. f. 4 105 By Dr. Leggo Norinne C. W. Gasser. 27312 AqMuct 11:40 fast 30 102 G 3 5 7 7 7:l F Hopkins 7 Aimoch, Huiliation. G.M.Millor 27231 AqMuct 1 1:11 good 12 102 3 2 2 2 P 0S3 L Mink 7 AlBloch, Dngerlield, Uypogphy 2T020 Il.Spgs lm70y llOAfast 8 100 1 4 3 5 5 5 K Lapaille i Consoler. Bcv. James. StanlevS. 25574 H.Spgs 3-4 l:14fast 12 107 9 S 8 S Sl U llayncs 1 Scaramouch. Car.Orme. Oldl.ob 25530 Il.Spgs 5-S l:01fast 2 109 G 4 4 31 3S M Buxton. 7 SirL.Joe. S.Dan. Col.Ashmeade 254SG Il.Spgs 3-4 l:ltrast 3-2 100 2 2 2 1 l3 R Hayncs 8 Smoky Dan, Budweiser. Sebago 25152 Il.Spgs 51 f l:0Sifast 3 112 4 2 2 2s 2i K Hayncs 0 Mater, Lcialoha, Bula Welsh MEELICKA. ch. f. 4 105 By Meelick Glassweed W. P. Fine. 27SSS Umpire Ab3-1 1:11 fast 20 103 1 7 7 7 01 L Mink 7 B.isv Joe, Plumose. Alberta True 27700 Umpire 1 l:4lfast 30 103 4 G 0 0 71 0,s F Hopkinslo Hanworth, F. AVuzzv. R. Meteor 20771 Bait. Ab5-S 59hfast 2 10S 71" G Corey 7 Examiner. St. Helene. MolKcan 20702 Bait. Ab5-S 5Sfast 3 107 2 G Corey 8 Tralee, Finalee, Glomcr 200S2 Bait. AbOl f l:23fast 21 111 G51 G Corey 7 Scrapper, Task, Delia Mack 20577 Mlboro Ab51f l:14mtid 21 112 2 U Carter 7 P..Ilibbs. NnocJ.A.Jr., Kaggcn 202 M.lboro Ab5if 1:10 fast 5 112 33 G Corey G Merry Twinkle, Task, Donner ASH CAN, b. g, 5 115 By Burgomaster or Aeronaut Trash W.D.Althouse. 27081 Jamaica 3-4 l:14?,good 25 100 10 11 9 Sl 01 U Campbll 11 Brighouse, Al Bloch. Jesse Jr. 2G9S0 Jamaica 3-4 l:11good 3 100 2 2 2 2s 23 U Campbll 4 K.Oakwood, AVoodfair, Gammon 2052;! Belmont 1 1-10 l:1Gandlast 20 1W 5 5 0 0 0" 0 L Lykes 7 S.Mc.Meekin. I.Claire. Monocacy 20115 Belmont 3-4 st l:131ifast 20 110 9 9 9 7 7 I, Lykes Jharmeuse, CyMorriek, Naushon 20322 Jamaica 3-1 l:13"7sfast 12 103 4 5 5 41 35i I, Lykes 8 Rat! B., Ag Key Oakwood 20218 Jamaica 3-4 l:14fast 20 111 5 S 11 7 10"i C KuimncrKI F. AVuzzy, Dr.Gremer, SfeHome 2G190 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 8 107 3 3 3 3 33 H Ball a Estimable, Flag Day BENJAMIN, br. g. 3 108 By Ildrim Belle of Belle Mead Cleveland Stablo. 27172 AqMuct 01 f 1:20 fast S 9910 S 5 Sl 105 M Garner 10 Gloaming, Hiliation, B.Henslev 23KS1 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 31-5 97 G S 10 9 HJ P Lowder 10 Tom Elward, High Horse. Tnilee 2::-kS Pimlico 3-4 l:14fast 131 109 1 3 1 4"k 1:, J McTagrt ! Bambi, Puss in Boots, Alfadir 23770 Laurel 5i f 1:11 hvy 721 103 4 3 5 5i 79i P Lowder U Tiajan, LordKockVale, SkyPilot 23295 H.deGce 51 f l:0Slfast 11-5 105 3 5 0 41 2H L Miidt 11 Higli Horse, Servia, Dr. Gremer WOODFAIR. ch. g, 4 115 By Fair Play AVoodvine D. Douglass. 27G3S AqMuct 1 l:42fast 30 109 7 7 0 0 0" 0" F Hopkins 7 Gkipuer, Dr. Gremer, Narmar 27050 Jamaica lm70y l:lSslop 20 102 3 4 5 5 0 03 J McKver 7 J. of Paradise, Itonkiss, Narmar 20C-S0 Jamaica 3-4 l:14god 12 1 071 1 3 3 33 3s M Buxton -1 KcyOakwood, AsliCan, Gammon 20S27 Belmont 1 l:l3?imud 25 110 3 4 4 4 4 lsl K AVealhy 1 Old Broom, Sandow. Voluspa 20791 Belmont 1 1:41 mud 100 115 5 G 5 G 4 47 K AVeathy 0 AVoodward, Pinch, Gamniou 20078 Belmont 1 l:43fast 20 111 2 4 G 4 43 481 M Buxton G Marchena. Ronkiss, Ganimon 26322 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 20 103 8 7 7 8 C K AVeathy S Rae B., Agon, Asli Can RESISTIBLE, b. f, 3 103 By The Commoner Irresistible J. B. Sheridan. 27S10 Umpire 1 l:40fast 10 103 1 2 2 3 Cl 10l R 11 off man 10 Set Square, Golden Gate, Andes 2755S AqMuct 1 1 :39rjrast 10 103 4 2 0 7 7 S12 K McDottll Chiclet, Ronkiss. Pinch 27294 AqMuct 3-4 1:14 fast 30 103 2 3 5 S 97 J McKver B5 L.Hillington, KingMart. Ronkiss 27152 Jamaica 3-4 l:15good 20 99 S 4 93 9 J McKver 1 1 Lilyllavens. Burglar, Brighouse 20910 Jamaica 3-4 l:14fast 00 93 2 4 4 21 47 L Iykes 13 Etruscan, Charmeuse. BuckShot 20200 Jamaica 3-1 1:14 fast 25 105 4 3 4 G 5 K AVeathy J Naushon, Ambrose. Glint 201G4 Jamaica 51 f 1:0S fast 30 103 7 2 2 63 9" A Schugr 0 Phuska, VginiaW.. Stcllarina HESITATION, ch. g, 4 115 By Star Shoot Bonnio Blue II. S. L. Tarsons. 27294 AqMuct 3-11:11 fast 15 115 7 13 13 13 127 II Shilling 12 L.Hillington, KingMart, Ronkiss QUI VIVE, ch. g, 3 108 By King James Proud Duchess A. Miller. 2101S Saratoga o f 1:13 mud 13 110 3 3 4 5 5 J Butwell Maifou. Casro. Harry Gardner 21S 15 Aqueduct 5-S 1:01 fast S 112 10 7 3 U 013 J Butwell 10 St. Isidore. Sir Vivian. Venture 21195 Aqueduct G-S 1 :02,good 20 112 2 3 2 2" 710 J Butwell S Murphy. Trumpator. PastMaster 21275 Aqueduct 5-S 1:02 fast 15 112 9 S 7 71 9t0 J Butwell 12 Sasin. Bromo. Favour 20377 Churchill G-S 1:02 good 31 109 0 .7 7 1 7U Butwell 8 T. Decision, Mars. N., S. League FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Bronxville Handicap. 3-ycar-olds and upward July It, ltI! 1:3S 5 110. HANK ODAY. br. g, 4 96 By Peep oDay Eric Belle J. W. Schorr. 27SS5 Umpire lm70v 1:43 fast 13-5 103 2 3 3 4 1 43 L Mink 1 Kernrock. Trial by Jury. Roly 27412 Latonia 13-10 1:57 fast 37-20 107 0 1 1 1 31 5V. D Connlly 8 I. AVilliams, - Fnmkliu. Pif Jr. 27205 Latonia 1 1-4 2:03s.fa.st 31-5 105 4 1 1 1 2 lk C AanDun 7 Pif Jr., Pels, AVater Witch 271SS Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 59-10 110 2 1 4 7 5 1"i L Gentry 8 L.Kotlia, Embroidery, G. Hughes 2CS!8 Douglas 11-10 1:17.1111 19 112 7 0 S S 71 G Garner 8 Gipsey George, Cheeks, Christie 20031 Douglas 1 1-1 2:01fast 50 101 9 9 10 10 9- S1" 1C Lnpaillcli KdCrump, Boamer. AVaterAViteh 20140 Churchl 1 1-S ltflandtast Sl 100 G G G 5 1 4VJ C Hunt G Royal II.. AVblossom. M.Goosby 20320 Churchl 51 f 1:00 fast 27 110 2 7 G 1" 21 L Gentry 8 Amazon, Dr. Moore, Kinney HOLIDAY, b. g, 5, 98 By Broomstick Leisure A. Barklie. 27777 Umpire lm70y l:43fast 7 102 3 3 G G 5 5 19 J McTagt T. Capra, Kd Crump, Bac 27557 AqMuct ll:2Sfast 31 10S 3 11 1 H 31.1 McTag t 0 Gillies. Harry Shaw, Rae 209SS Jamaica 1 1-10 l:10good 3 901 111 1 11 23 J MeCahey r. K. Maiden. Blue Thistle, Sasin 20035 Belmont 1 1-10 l:IO"tgood 2J 90 1 4 4 4 4 43 J MeCahey I F. Fairy. AVoodward. Spshootcr 20155 Belmont 7-S 1:27 fast G 105 9 9 9 9 9 76 R Ball 0 Capra, Malachite, Dad. Choice 2001S Pimlico 3-1 l:137f.fast 38 105 8 7 8 7 7 A Schugr 8 Kewessa, Sir Edgar, R. Maiden 25971 Iimlico 7-S l:2Sfast 10 109 3 1 2 0 6 610 J McTagt 8 1. Henry, Fiittergold, Uenwood TEA CADDY, ch. c, 3 102 By Rock Sand Teas Over A. Belmont. 275 10 Umpire 1 1-10 1:15; f,fast 20 109 3 2 2 1 21 3s L Lykes Spur. Celandria, D.iddys Choice 20037 Belmont 3-4 st l:10Jgood S 100 2 4 3 4 0s J McTagt 7 II. Noon, Benevolent, Phosphor 2G370 Belmont 3-1 1:15 fast 7-5 100 5 3 3 23 l1 B Baylies 5 T. as Steel, A.Notions, F.Wuzzy 20201 Jamaica 1 1-10 l:15fast 15 9S 2 5 S 9 10 1013 J V Ryan 10 Capra. The Finn. Boots 20100 Jamaica 3-4 lAfast 30 99 0 11 11 S3 5-i J P Ryani:. Sand Marsh, High Noon, Jacoba 23S09 Iimlico 3-1 l:13Vfcfast 20 99 13 15 10 1- 43 L McAtee IS Franklin. Spur, Socouy 23791 Laurel 3-1 1:15 hvy 2S-3 103 4 9 11 ll3 10"! AV Lilley 12 Dodge. Spur. Anita 23759 Iiurel 3-1 1:13 fast 23 103 S 10 10 S 73J W Lilley 12 Sir Edgar. High Noon. Hanson 23725 Laurel 1 l:43Jslow 10 100 4 3 2 4 4s 3 AV Lilley 10 King Neptune. Spur. Ind. Chant SANDMAN II., b. g. 5 111 By Broomstick Sandria J. O. Talbott. 275 11 Umpire 1 l:40tfast 3-10 113 2 11 1 1- li T McTagt .r Dorcas. L. Sands. Curraghaleen 27729 Umpire 1 l:43,f.slop 13-5 IIS 2 112 1 31 J Butwell ;; Daddys Choice. Gunbearer 27591 AqMuct ll:39rast 13-5 110 3 3 3 2 21 2i L Lykes 7 Kil. Boy, Saratoga, Republican 27171 Aqduct 3-1 1 :l2.fast 9-5 110 4 5 3 l1 2 L Lykes 7 Hauberk. Fenmouse. Rae 27271 Aqduct 1 l:3Stfast 7 107 4 3 2 1 2 41 C Fbther 10 P.ay. Candle, Grumpy. II. Shaw 20S7S Belmont 1 1:40 fast 12 110 5 0 5 5 39 3i ft Ball 5 Roly, AVhimsy. Cantara 25950 Pimlico lm70y l:10fast 4 113 0 0 0 5 54 G13 F Keogh C. Kewessa. Corsiean. Greenwood 25X90 Pimlico 1 l:llfast 5-4 120 2 2 2 2 U l1 F Keogh i Celtabel, Juliet, Eddie Henry 25717 H.deGce Gl f l:07Vf.fast G 115 7 0 4 3l 4i F Keogh 10 Sea Reach. Renard. EddieHcnry 23S9S Bowie 1 l:llfast 40 103 5 3 2 2 21 3 F Hopkins 8 Eagle. Noureddiu. Ambrose DADDYS CHOICE, b. c. 3 96 By Trap Rock Earth E. Herz. 27510 Umpire 1 1-10 l:ir.ufast 20 PU 0 0 0 0 3s I5 L Mink i Spur. Celandria. Tea Caddy 27729 Umpire 1 l:13tslop 3-5 101 3 3 3 3 3 1J L Mink Gunbearer. Sandman ,11. 27030 AqMuct 7-S 1:25 fast G 93 3 4 4 4 4 41 F Hopkins 1 Hanson. Bay. Candle. Sun God 27123 AqMuct 3-1 1:15 good 10 92 7 7 7 Oh 1" F Hopkins 7 Startling, Pleione, Miss Puzzle 27370 AqMuct 3-4 mJJf.fast 20 90 7 7 0 0 0 L Lykes 7 Startling. It. Maiden. Kewessa 20712 Belmont 3-1 l:12fast 12 115 7 SO 0 5ai F Keogh 8 AV. Hackle, M. Puzzle. M.Henry 20155 Belmont 7-Sl:27 fast 15 91 U 7 0 G 33 L Lykes 0 Capra, Malachite. Pleione 202S0 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 slow 20 100 9 9 9 0 3si M Garner U Fernroek. Mustard. P. of Como 20203 Jamaica 51 f l:0Gfast 25 10S 5 0 0 0 G" F Keogh 0 Malachite, Grasp, Feminist GUNBEARER, b. h, 5 99 By Fowling-piece Wcybridgo G. H. Browne. 27SS7 Umpire 1 l:3Sfast 15 110 3 5 5 4 V- 31" F Keogh " Roots. Sun God, Kilkenny Boy 27729 Umpire 1 l:13Aslop 3 10S 12 2 1 2 21 M Buxton V, Daddys Choie. Saudinau II. 27175 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast G US 0 G 4 4 4 410 ii Lykes Bay. Candle. Borrow. Sun God 27310 AqMuct 1 1:39 fast 41 1031 G 4 2 2 3 31 J McTagt 5 Flying Fairy. Grumpy, Top Hat 27175 Jamaica 3-1 l:12fast 20 10S 10 10 10 10 9 J McTagt 10 Old Koenig. M. Henry. Startling NcwmkKEiig. 7-S l:2lllrm 25 107 17 R Stokes 23 Mt. William, Sir Edgar. Dacier NewmktUng. 7-S l:27Jfcsort 25 101 4 R Stokes IS Y. Pegasus, S. Lake. Dan Russell NcwmktKng. 7-S good 14 117 20 AVhalley 22 Tosson, St.Antoine. Clairvoyantc FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. July 19, PJ1C 1:38 5 110. FAIR COUNT, ch. c. 4 11G By Voter Cerito J. Butler. 27SSI Umpire 1 1:39 fast 31 109 5 4 4 1 31 381 II Shilling 7 S un MeMeekin. Saratoga, Andes 27090 Umpire 1 1-10 l:4Vandfast 41 121 4 2 3 4 l1 4i J Loftus Woodward, S. MeMeekin. Gallop 27425 Aqduct 1 l:41good 7 110 1 2 3 3 3 2 J Loftus It L.Hillingtoii, Engelbert, AirMan 20092 Belmont 1 l:39fast 15 10S 3 2 3 3 3 3t4 O Borel .I Sam MeMeekin, Gino 2037O Belmont 1 l:39andfast 40 99 7 10 10 10 10 91D Steward 10 Stromlwli. Sharpshooter, F.lalry mm Laurel 5 f 1:07 fast 22-5 110 2 5 4 4t 13 c Borel 8 Hanson. D. Eagle. Between Us 170S0 Laurel 3-1 l:14fast 9-5 110 0 2 2 2s li C Borel 1.! Marvelous. SIuuiDcrcr. Rusila 1603S Saratoga 51 t 1:07 fast 41 10S 10 8 7 71 GJG Byrne 11 Runes. Gloaming. White Crown DORCAS, b. f, 3 105 By Ildrim Dawte Clevelard Stable. 27511 Umpire 1 l:10,fast 15 103 3 2 2 2 23 2U R Hoffman SdmaiilL. L.Sands. Craghalcen 27702 lOmpiro lm70y l:4Sfast 4 10G 1 2 2 2 2 1 R HolTman :t Ronkiss, No News 2755S Aqduct 1 l:39fast 0 105 0 S 2 3 4 4s R llolTnianll Chiclet. Ronkiss. Pinch 27291 AqMuct 3-11:14 fast 13-5 103 S 0 0 G G7 J McTagt IS L.Hillington. KingMart. Ronkis3 27131 Jamaica lm70yl:10good 11-G 99 2 2 2 2 lh 2i M fJarner G 11. Rock, Curraghaleen. B.Olivcr 20S2! Belmont 11:11 slow 10-5 100 2 1 1 2 23 23 J MeCahey -1 Aroodword, IPURock Meditation 20793 Belmont 1 1:41 mud 20 104 4 1 2 5 53 5" J McTagrt i Celandria, Capra. Fenmouse 20597 Belmont 5 f stl:05Vfast G 101 4 4 4 3l 33 J MeCahey 4 I.rac. M. Puzzle. L.Hillington 20527 Belmont 3-4 st 1:13 fast 3 105 1 2 3 21 2 J McCaheylO Churchill, Si. Rock, Bet BIG FELLOW, b. c. 3 110 By Kilkcrran Talpa E. C. Arnold. 27203 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 20 101 G 5 5 5l 5s., Iv Lapaille S Aogue, J. J. Murdock. Othello 20935 Latonia 1 l:38fast 11 100 7 4 2 3 4 41U F Murphy 7 Capt. Pees. Fleuro. King Gorin 20593 Douglas lm70y 1:41 fast 74 102 4 3 3 1 2 43i F Murphy S Money Maker. Fleuro, Pif Jr. 0184 Churchl 3-4 1:12 f.fast 79 10S 7 7 7 71 Cs.i AV AV TlorlO B. Baggage, John Jr.. laux-Col 25S09 Lexton lm70y l:49.Ehvy 25 10G 1 4 5 4 3 3 M Garner 5 Dodge. Milestone, Jack O Dowd 23764 Latonia 5A f l:07fast 12-5 112 1 3 2 2 2 C VanDunlU S. of Plcasuie. Alex Getz. Jerry 2i:53S Latonia 5 f ltfGandfast fid 93 7 0 6 5 43i J Morys 10 M. Henry, Milestone. L. Always 23307 Latonia 51 f l:00fast 4S-5 100 7 6 5 53 5i J Acton 7 Kathleen, J.J.Muurdock. Cosmic GLEIPNER b. g, 3 119 Bv GiVantcum Nil Dcsperandum P. Lorillard. 2703S AqMuct 1 l:42fast 11-10 99 4 3 4 2 11 13 B Campbl 7 Dr. Gremer. Narmar, Piquette 27294 Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast 30 110 12 13 11 11 11 R McDottlS L.IIillington KingMart okiss 23200 H.deGce 5 f l:0Sfast GO 112 8 9 11 91 ll3 D ONeill 11 Ed. Henry. Gibraltar. B.Troopcr 229S3 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 40 114 12 13 13 131371D ONeill 14 Remembrance. Wiznrd. O.Prince SATURN, br. c. 3 104 By Astronomer Kanna D. Gideon. 7 Anduet 1 l-39fast 8 110 11 10 8 9 S1 5 C Fbther 11 Chielet, Ronkiss, Pinch 27294 AoMuct 3-4 1:14 fast 4 110 3 8 8 6 4 C Fbther 13 L.Hillington. KingMart. Ronkiss 26527 Belmoht 3-4 st lll3 fast 12 110 9 6 5 4 63 C Fbther 10 Churchill Dorcas St. Rock 22429 Saratoga 51 f l-07fast 40 113 7 7 6 91 8" C Fbther I?. Chicle. Primero. Favour is34 Aqueduct Is 1:01 fast 20 108 6 7 7 1 7 C Fbther 7 Sr. Isidore; Buck Shot. Whimsy CATTTARA b e 3 110 By Sain Inspiration H. H. Hewitt. 2 A7iftct ll-41good 20 110 5 5 9 S 0" J Butwell 11 L.nillington, F.Connt, Egelbert ?0S7S Mmnnt 1 1:40 fast 60 102 4 4 4 3 43 4c B Wrscher 5 Roly, AVhimsy, Sandman II. PiX sli-i? fast 11 " 112 2 3 4 G4 S J Butwell 14 Tolroma. Virginia J.L. Dorcas 4tLurel 5 1 li" hvy Va 4 4 5 4 41 J Butwell j Shrapnel. VgIniaM. S.Stalwart 271 H .leGce 5 f l-07cood 20 112 3 7 7 7 OJ J Butwell 7 Favour. Vermont, Fleuro 22510 Saratoga 3-4 l-17slow 40 95, 5 6 6 7 7 L McAic- S FrlarRock. Achlcycmnt. Kilmer 469 Saratoi 3-4 1:i: fast 100 110 13 13 13 13 13?.J McCabc 13 PussinBoots. Dominant. B Smnko 20000 DouHas 5-S l:00good 21 114 8 7 7 7 7"U McCabe 8 Bulsc. John Jr., Black Coffee W0SD,Slas MH 5 112 4 4 4 5 G.5 J McCabe a ICllison. Cane Run. John Jr.. 50"73Schm iff Swl 1182 6 5 5S3 J McCalio Ellison. M. Hcnr, H. Apparent ZOmLxBton lit 54fast81 115 1 2 2 V J McCabe JG MargarctN., Cardonrc, Thnwood NO NEWS. ch. g, 3 104 By Celt Queens Messenger J. Butler. 277G2 Empire lm70y l:4Sfant 5 110 2 ."5 3 3 3 332 11 ShillinR 3 lorc:is. Ronkiss OUR JOHN, ch. gr. 4 106 By Aeronaut Millie A. W. D. Altliouso. 0527 Belmont 3-4 st 1:13 fast r.0 113 8 S C 93 W A ScliugrlO Churchill, Dorcas. St. Rock 25784 H.deGco 5J f l:10hvy 47 112 3 3 3 CJ S10 A Schugr 8 Juliet, La Bete Noire, Jacklet 2394S Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 31 110 8 11 U 10 Si AV Ward 12 Preston Lynn. Pierrot. Ford Mai 23922 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast fid 107 13 9 9 ll1 10" W Ward 14 Gold Cap. Jov. Deduction 23S76 Piinlico 3-4 1:14 fast 92 93 4 G G 5 5 J P Ryan 5 Wan. Pitzer, BriarPatli. J.Blair 23S45 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 115 7 10 11 13 13:l J Dennisonia Old Broom, Dolancey, Celtnbcl 23S24 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 fast 23-20 112 1 1 1 In 31 J Colwcll 11 Shrewsbury. Primarv, Old Broom 23555 Laurel 5-S l:03ftslop fid 105 4 3 4 6i 61 L- Mink 14 Vignola, Jem, Fuzzy Wuzzy SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. July 11, 10111:002102. TOWN HALL, h. c. 2 115 By Ballot Dorval A. Miller. 27848 Empire 5-S l:Mfast G 118 9 6 7 9 G J Butwell 12 Killdee, The Knocker. C. Court 27C70 Aqduct 5-S l:01fast 10 11-5 5 2 3 31 25 J Butwell 9 Sortie. Black Vote, Torehbearer COMRADE, b. c, 2 115 . By The Commoner Hawkslight Quincy Stable. 27S48 Empire 5-8 l:01fnst 30 US G 7 5 7 S2 C Bgame 12 Killdee. The Knocker. C. Court 27234 Aqduct 5-8 l:01good 30 115 9 10 8 S 8 G Bgame 12 Bally, Killdee, Tom McTaggart 270S3 Jamaica 5-8 1:02 good 12 115 1 5 5 52 51! C Bgame 8 Sky, Friendless. Meliora 26990 Jamaica 5-S l:01good 20 112 1 3 3 3s 34 G Bgame 4 Arnold. Friendless, Glauaginty 26371 Belmont 4 f st 54 fast 20 115 C 5 C 4J 53 C Bgame 7 Jack Mount. Basil, Bally 26044 Pimlico 5-S l:02faat 278 112 G 6 8 5- CJC Bgame 8 Crank. Ophelia W.. Riverdale 25S1S Pimlico 1-2 CO fast 29-1 112 C 7 7s 72 C Bgame 8 Conowingo, Dr. Nelson. V. West BUCHANAN BRADY, br. c, 2 115 By Bachelors Double First Over KentunkyStable. 2784S Empire 5-S l:01fast 3i US 1 5 G S 11" F Keogh 12 Killdee, The Knocker. C. Court 27592 Aqduct 5-S l:02fast 5 115 1 2 2 2 35J A Schugr !t K. Raggot. B. Jonathan. Sandal 27420 Aqduct 5-8 l:012ogood 20 115 5 3 7 7s 71 A Schugrll Flection. Deer Trap, Philippic 27234 Aqduct 5-S l:01good 30 115 1 9 12 12 12" A Schugrl2 Bally, Killdee, Tom McTaggart PENROD, br. c, 2 115 By Helmet Gunwad J. W. Schorr. 27S4S Empire G-S l:01fast 15 US 10 11 11 ll2 10" G Garner 12 Killdee. The Knocker, C. Court COUNSEL, br. c, 2 115 By Out of Reach Consuelo II. J. Butler. 27272 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast 8 10r, 5 fi f. 41 4IS R Ball I Genesis, Artemis, Str. Forward 27150 Jamaica 5J f l:076slow 21 102 1 G 5 515 53 II Shilling 0 Genesis, Str. Forward, Artemis ED GARRISON, b. c. 2 115 By Ogdon Country Fraud Brighton Stable. 27S43 Empire 5 f l:0Gfast 9 111 4 3 4 4 4 E Taplin 4 St. Forward. Bally. Philippic 27C70 Aqduct 5-8 l:01fast 10 .113 4 9 7 4i G E Taplin S Sortie, Town Hall, Black Vote 26877 Belmont 41 f nt 63 fast 15 107 10 10 6- fi13 H Taplin 10 Yankee Witch, Alvord, Arnold KIMBERLY, br. c, 2 115 By Ben Trovato Africa W. S. Kilmer. 27S48 Empire G-S l:01fast 20 IIS 11 12 12 12 122 H Sliilling 12 Killdee, Tlie Knocker, C. Court First start for the following: RUSSIAN PINION, ch. g. 2 115 By Armeath II. Miss Rose Cleveland Stable. REPROBATE, ch. c, 2 115 By The Commoner Hortensia Oneck Stable.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916072101/drf1916072101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1916072101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800