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DONT FORGET OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS. SI is all it costs to have a live one wired you. TODAYS BEST: Yellow-October-Kate-Can-Ran-No. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 60D Baltimore Bldg., 22 "W. Quincy St.. Chicago. WON AGAIN WEDNESDAY on our Daily Wire, making 4 straight winners; 5 out of last 0: 16 out of last 20. Theys S5 for 6 starts. Get in. TODAYS BEST: Went-East-Put-For-Hit-Use, Book 274. American Thoroughbred. Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. YESTERDAYS PAY WIRE WON. This makes Seven Winners out of 12 that we sent out on this service since the opening of the Kentucky Fall season. See New Book, on sale now, for full particulars. Todays Special: No. 910, Book 491. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, Chicago, 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE MTRSXT li BUFFALO. V, T- SKIRTS made of your own material. WILSOjS", 4I8 Stevens Building, Chicago. Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT SUNSET MOUNTAIN. ASMEVILLE; N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR An old-fashioned Inn; walls five feet thiok of granite boulders. Water from slopes of bigbest mountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf links la the South. Write for rates and literatim. GROVE PARS INK. mst Kraatala Atasvillc, Nortk Canllift.