Kenilworth Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-10-17

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KENILWORTH PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track slow. R.ieing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 1:15. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Maidens. Canadian Foaled. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 5, 1915 1:13 0105. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 29040 Wishaway 99 1:15 2 SI1X7O0 29883 Vivian S 101 1:14 5 117X095 29407 Joe Gaiety 102 1:15 7 117X095 29S83 Sacal 105 1:15 5 117X090 290S2 Gay Life 103 l:20s 2 90..0S0 29702 Offertory 105 1:17 4 113X080 29081 Tyrone 92 1:15 2 99.. 075 AVishaway is racing well enough. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 2, 1915 1:07 2 111. 29741 Chilton Chief 101 l:13h 7 113X720 29750 Mamita : 90 1:13 7 113X720 29595s Unity 100 1:08 4 113X715 29747 Babe 100 1:08 4 113.. 715 2900S .Tessup Burn 110 1:07 10 113X715 29552 StelclifT 10S 1:07 7 107X710 28530 Scallywag 114 1:07 0 113X710 29788 Mazurka 110 1:00 5 113X710 2978S Ella Jennings 103 1:08 4 113x705 29802 Ladv Powers 95 1:09 4 102X700 29717 Glomer 103 1:08 3 104X090 29510 Star Rose 100 1:09 7 105XG90 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 29553 Aunt Elsie 103 1:05 5 105.. 705 29S32 Blanchita 107 1:08 3 109X725 29541 Father Kelly 100 1:08 3 103x715 Blanchita is of a bit better class than the others. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Trad: record: Sept. 2, 1915 1:07 2 111. 29857 Dengro 110 1:08 4 110X725 297SS Miss Gayle 103 1:05 5 108X720 2909S Yorkshire Boy 103 1:07 7 110X715 29715 Mack B. Eubanks.112 1:05 7 113X715 29541 Harwood 102 1:05 5 110X710 29083 Paulson 103 1:08 3 109X705 29747 Blue Wing 113 1:08 4 111X705 29090 Doctor D 104 1:09 4 113X705 29520 Miss Jean 105 1:00 7 1130705 29780 Hearthstone 105 1:00 7 113x705 29710 Ethan Allen 100 1:0S 4 113X700 297S5 Safe Home 3 101.. 090 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 29715 Test 102 1:0S 3 103 X 090 29782 Archerv 115 1:03 5 1070705 28011 Cu Bon 105 1:09 S 110X700 Dengro may be able to win here. Fourth Eacc 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Sept. 2, 1915 1 :07 2 111. 29859 CHRISTIE 105 1:07 4 117X735 29SS03 Raoul 113 1:00 5 107X725 293S7 Dignity 109 1:05 4 112.. 725 29858 Outlook 10S 1:00 4 100.. 720 29885 Corn Broom 115 1:S 5 92X710 25103 Idler 115 1:0S 3 93.. 705 Christie is right on edge. Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 0, 1910 1:48 7 0S. 29801 Dundreary 107 1:40 4 113X725 29741 AVeyanoke 103 1:40 0 110x720 29S023 Coreopsis 10Sll:47 7 110X720 29409 P.atwa 105 1:48 7 1020715 29S00 Tarleton P 99 1:57 4 105X715 29851 Supreme 112 1:47 5 108x715 29717 Perugino 3 103.. 710 29852 Cuttvhunk 102 l:47s 8 107X710 29850 Centauri 100 1:47 5 110X710 29802 Peg ; 100 1:50 4 107X705 Dundrearys last race was promising. Sixth Race 1 1-1G Miles. 3-ycar-oIds and upward. Selliup. Track record: Sept. 0, 1910 1:48 7 OS,.. 2972U1 Clara Morgan 97 1:50 3 99X725 29857 Mayme W 97 1:49 3 102X720 29885 No Manager 105 1:47 5 110X720 29087 Nannie McDce ... 92 1:45 7 107X720 29S02- Bogart 109 1:47 7 107X715 29SS5 Miss AVntors 10S 1:47 5 108x710 29852 Galcswinthe 93 l:49sy 3 105X705 29S03 Geo. Roeseh 113 1:4S 4 107X705 29535 Rhodes 105 1:49 4 110X705 29721 Nellie Boots MJ..101 1:48 4 107.. 090 An open race. Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 0, 1910 1:4S 7 98.. 29302 York Lad 114 1:45 7 1050725 29802 Boneros First 97 1:45 3 1O4X720 OSlil3 Euterpe 99 1:40 0 308X720 29014 Louise Stone 93 1:47 3 98X715 29509 Budweisei- 109 1:45 15 101X711 29801 Hildas Brother ... 95 1:45 5 1050711 29710 Jerry 105 1:50m 3 100X70." 29SS8 Electric 102 1:15 7 101X70" 29000 Rose Oneil 102 1:45 S 104X70." 297S4 Star Bird 1111:14 4 10S..70." 29044 Zudora M....... 3 102..C9f 29S02 Fairy Legend M101 l:54h 3 104.. 091 Alo eligible to start should any of the above be i scratched: i 29801 Marinnao 105 1:40 3 100X72C I York Lad is right good and may be able to repeat,

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