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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, December 16. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time, 3:15. Todays XRuns well in mud. eSuperior mud runner noandCI1 M . .T0 1:.U tlOlS M maidcus. Appieutice allowance. 30G51 Spangle DucliessM 95 1:12s 3 101XG75 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Lofty Ueywood siiould win from such opponents. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Track record: March S, 19141:03750 150. All Ages. Maidens. Selling. Todays Track record: March 8, 1911 1:03 G 150. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 30033 Bed Deer 2 100.. 700 30C.312 Milton Roblee 95 l:0fi 5 111X725 30G172 Tony McCaiTeity . . 2 100..G95 30681 Smiling Maggie ...102 1:0G 3 100 X 720 30079 Certain Point 1111:10 3 112..GS0 30GS1 Tze-Lsi 105 1:00 3 105 X715 30054 Lupie L 95 1:101b 3 112..G75 30031 Violet 103 1:00 3 101X710 30533 Rutland Arms 112 1:10 2 103..G75 30571 C. M. Johnson 103 1:07. 3 9X705 1G37G Esther Graham ... 4 107..G70 30G1S3 Ralphs 105 1:07 3 99.. 705 Red Deer has raced fairly well. Milton Roblee is in good form and races con- Fifth Raco 7-8 Mile. sistently. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Track record: Feb. 10, 1914 1:23 5 110. 2-year-olds. Selling. 30G512 Prince Eugene G 104X725 Track record: March S, 1914 1:03 0 150. 30G151 Polls 10G 1:27 9 104 X 720 30551 Wand 112 1:09 105. .725 30G013 Superl 105 3:27 5 112X715 30533 Deckhand 97 1:09 105X720 30590 Barnard 109 1:27 6 112X710 30G50 Dyson 9S 1:09 105.. 715 30G31 Lone Star 103 1:25 7 112.. 710 30G50 Alan 104 1:0S 103.. 715 30GS4 W. W. Clark 112 1:33 8 107X710 30G332 Bessanta 102 1:0S 103X710 30G15 Regards 10G 1:27 10 107X705 30G05 Blackjack 105.. 705 30G51 Airline 10S3:27 4 104X700 30G051 F. C. Cole 105.. 700 Prince Eugene seems to be improving. Band of well-matched two-year-olds. si:ctll Eace53 Mii0. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. All Ages. Allowances. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: teb. 10, 191u a7 i 120. Track record: Marcli 8, 1914 1:03 G 150. 30G52 Fascinating 10S 1:03 5 10SX725 30082 LOFTY HEYWOOD110 1:00 9 100X700 30GS3 Waremore 109 1:00 2 97.. 720 30G32 Mary Estelle 102 1:07 3 101XG90 30052 Lytic Ill :59 2 101.. 71o 30G53 Cunair ...10G 1:07 G 103. .085 30014 Sk- Richard 104.1:00 2 1OI..1IO 30049 Bunch of Keys ...115 1:07 G 101.. 085 30GS13 Josefina Zarate ...109 1:00 4 103X705 30054 Jack Harrison MJ.103 1:09 4 10GXGS0 30020 Utelus 103 1:00 4 105X700 30570 C. Vv Kenuon ...111 1:03 9 105X080 25277 Lady Innocence ...105 1:02 5 105XG95 30G51 Zolzo 103 1:08 3 101X080 30592 Rochester 112 1:00 3 10SXG90 25242 Gerthclma 100 1:03 4 100XG75 Fascinating is fast at the distance. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Marcli 8, 1914 1:03 6 150. Index Course DistTimcTckOdds Wt St A Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish MILTON ROBLEE, ch. r. 5 114 Bv Radford Determination fJ. Stephenson. 30G31 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 27-10 115 6 2 2 2 2. J Howard G Oldsmobile, Violet, Yaca 20559 Juarez 53 f l:0Gfast 13-5 111 2 C 4 33 1 J Howard S Phachapi, RbieonlL, Bmdiaii 20545 Juarez 53 f l:07fast 13-10 307 1 1 1 1 l2 J Howard S Finnigin. Barnard, Gallant Boy 30317 Juarez 5-S 59fast 69-10 112 5 10 7 41 4?. N Taylor 10 Osmobile, J.Zarate, Panhachapi S0119 Reno 3-4 l:14fast 110 9 9 8 5 4J A McCkeylO It.Mntcll. Mcurium, P.Ainette 3HC0 Reno 63 f 1:09 fast 10S 4 5 5 54 5T J Mclntyre G PajaroitalL, M.Fielder, EdLuce 29993 Reno 63 f l:08good 106 6 7 7 53 3l N Taylor 8 Say, Thistle Belle, Pajaroita II. 29383 Reno 53 f l:10slow 106 8 3 3 5 GT1 N Taylor 8 The Feller. EdLuce, Mercurium 29308 Reno 3-4 l:26hvy 110 4 2 1 3n" 4T N Taylor 5 Regards, Superl, Jen. Crawford SMILING MAGGIE, ch. f. 3 100 By Smile Margaret M. N. W. Burhhart. S0GS1 Juarez 51 f l:00fast 13 107 4 5 4 5i 53 W A Carll 0 Tze-Lsi, Josefina Zarate, Yaca 30589 Juarez 53 f l:0fast 1 104 5 G 4 32 33 M Garner G Yaca, Jos. Zarate, Finnigin 30o41 Juarez 53 f l:0G7sfast 15 102 3 2 3 23 l1 M Garner 7 Yaca, LaB.Brocade, Rubiconll. Juarez 5-S 59fast 22 110 7 6 S 73 7" J Acton 10 Osmobile, J.Zarate, Panhachapi uarez 53 f l:0Sfast 3 110 4 8 9 7 710 A Pickens 11 Whis. Hope, Infidel II., S. Elm 25244 Juarez 53 f l:07fast 7 105 4 4 5 5 6J A Pickens G Barka. Jen.Small. Toastmaster 25178 Juarez 63 f l:07fast 3 10S 1 2 2 2s 25 A Pickens 13 Water Warbler. Zolzo, Anita R. nYJ?,1?1, b f , 109 By Waterboy La Flour J. C. Ferriss. 30C31 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 14 13G 4 4 3 3 3 G Molesth 5 Oldsmobile. MiltonRoblce. Yaca 30C01 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 21-5 306 1 3 3 2l 1 G Molesth G Wild Bear, Superl, Blarney HUareZ rGcS,1:Efast oJ2;r,12 4 3 4 Gs 42 G Molesth 9 Oldsmobile, G.Fvorite, L.lfirfll, iuaTe5. E-8 l:00fast 21-10 301 1 4 2 13 ll G Molestlill Ed Luce, Yaca, Goggetv fc eV.?hl.rl? ,1:Fif,ast ?2 10i ? 5 4l 41 G Moles thl2 Al Court, Anxiety, Souvenir " "en w h 3-4 l:20slop 19 3fr3 1 1 V- 3 G Molesth 9 Edm. Adams. EtliauAllnn, Luzzi S Dev shire 51 f l:07fast 77-10 104 6 5 3-t 33 G Molesth 9 Ratina, K.Tuscan, Rio Brazos 29599 Devshire 53 f l:07fast 51-10103 2 3 3 43 G Moles thl2 Ratiua! Bird Man, Finnigin Tn?lfS1, b f A . ?S? , By Voter Fair Empress V. M. Cain. 29SS Juarez 51 r- f l:06fast - 1 107 5 2 2 2 1 M Garner G Josefina Zarate, Yaca, Rev o.?? iuaTe,z, 5i f 1:0Gfast 13 105 4 2 2 2 11 SM Garner G Colle, Freeman, Mary Estcllo S0V I1 rc ln20yl:42fast 57-10 97 1 1 1 1 ll 2l B Kopmnl2 B.Frost. T.CIawav? S.for.V dal 2JC7 Hillcrest AbGlf l:25-ifast 3 306 4 5 4 4l 32 R Ryan 7 Concha Fclina Pace Wld fGn "et Ab61f l:24fast 10 107 2 4 2 2 2 R Ry s Ada Anne LndSra? Wavering nTr?A i lrf ?n l 5 5 5 fl55i-0we lnicc, SallieODay. Odd Cross M 29140 Dufferin AbGlf l:26fast 10 10S 11 R Lowo 8 Lyndora, Pass On, Page White C. M. JOHNSON, b. k. 3 99 By Bowling Green-Lady Dotto J. M. Singleton. A71 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 44 99 7 6 5 4 451. H Gibson 7 Colle. Freeman Dr 30090 Reno 7-8 l:27fast - 302 1 2 2 1 33 22 R Moore 8 1 SonH? andc I F,tl,cr SCn ?1 1:i?faKt, - JS? S 7 C 5 51 58 F Newman 7 Ambri. ILtoSl Sen I: w 300u-l Reno 3-8 36good Vk. 6 6 63 J Mclntyre 8 Mollcr, EdLuce. Marion Rose II 29547 Reno 51 f l:13slow - 109 2 2 2 42 5 J Carter G Barnard M chl 1 J Criwf.irl 29375 Reno 51 f 1:08 fast - 103 5 3 4 4s 4T J Armsfng G CrTmtk. VnmM RALPH S., b. g, 3 99 By Frontenao Idle Fancy J Grimnl SC6J8 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 176 30S 3 C 5 3 3i W Mclnre G ColleT Freeman Milbrev 20210 Devsliirc lm20yl:43fast 9 103 2 1 2 2 2 J Dreyer l" Biiilweit.r "rl.tnnil x 20163 Devshire lm20yl Mi fast 42 103 9 2 5 21 3 J Dreyer 1- CtanBr n-o T.rihwv m Jf 29G05Dcv;shirell-lGl:47fast 75 94 6 2 2 3 4" 5J N Barrett S Be, Bogart Dannie jleDee ??gS Pev s,llro l"20yl:43fast fid 9S 7 7 S 8 9 9-3 N Barrett 12 Be ir?bcrt3Vmnlc Kl-or 2S97S Kenilwh lm20yl:50 hvy 43-10 97 1 2 3 3 7 S83 G Scherrerll Tarleton P Pe- Rim les 8 8906 Kenilwh 53 f l:10mud 154 106 7 5 63 43 G MolesthlO Rio llraWs. Pi. Shaban SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Soiling. Marcli S, 1914 1:03 G 130. WAND, b. f, 2 105 By Hurst Park Fairy Story F Walllm,,. 20551 Juarez 41 f 56 fast 3-2 309 G 0 5 2 13 W Mclnre S BessanH Bvsnn tTm 6 c , 29709 Reno 51 f l:09fast - 112 3 4 1 ll 13 W Mclnre 0 L Leona D Bniicriipr m11"- 29634 Reno 5-S l:01fast 11C 3 2 2 2 2 W Mclnii 4 fi .S ""uerger Taxicab K 29587 Reno 5-S 1:03 fast - 112 1 3 3 2 31 W Mclnre 7 Sftna Sin1 "S! k 2SC75Reno 5-8 l:01fast 13-10 109 5 3 3 2 2 AV Mclnre 5 Ladv Leoni M"lor .vICai 27427 Tijuana 5-S l:01fast 5 107 2 1 2 21 2 W Mclnre G Sybfl X T if.n , V Vl?"10" 27236 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 15 107 3 3 3 31 2 W Mclnre G Lady Leona Tremvpi101 27058 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 15 109 2 2 2 m lJ W Mclnre 9 rSrtSrGertS DECKHAND, br. g, 2 105 By Joo Carey-Afamada J. Umensetterl 20033 Juarez 41 f 56fast 11 109 6 2 1 12 H T Henry 7 Bessint-i iwiwl , 2956S Church 1 1 l:42tfast 33-10 39 4 3 3 3 3 3i W Hoag B R iImAi.WI0 29527 Churchl 53 f l:07fast 39 100 7 8 8 7 7 W Hoag 11 James lVRI " 1 1lelnt 29010 Lexgton 51 f l:0Sfast 20 99 7 8 6 51 63 T Hunt 10 Peachie Tocnt-r r,?V1TatT 2S9S7 Lexgton 5-S l:02fast 14 107 5 0 5 23 28 W Hoag 5 SmtahnW?A.,i?m C..rove nSv0rn341:1WaSt 3 33 4 4 3 1, 1,WH Mere?o fSPfJ 55fast 26-5 5 3 3 Aand WSffll,, 20551 Juarez 41 f 6 fast 19 105 3 2 3 31 3l M Garner 8 W-xnd BnrftVi" ,-30181 Devshire 51 f l:03fast 49 10S 1 3 4 G Corey S Crepuscul tnS l?IdVr 2C744 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:01good 2-3 111 1 1 l2 1 T McCulh G Torment Pon,.tnPy ?" Start!r 29737 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:01fast 10 1053 2i N Foden G Eden park? G cn eVa" Enjoy SKVre 24if 55fast 3S-5 1 6 6 Glv0 20G05 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 27-10 103 4 5 5 2n W A Ca 5 K Wk f C n V "n 2054S Juarez 5-S l:01fast 17 106 1 5 4 4 4 W A Car J 5 Kaguro Tpiuto" hrh DTSn 29640 Dev;shiro 53 f l:07fast 51 104 4 7 7 6i G Molesth 7 Mab, WisImiV Shil "9521 Devshire 5-8 1:02 rast 158 1073 7 7 61 67 G Scherrer 9 Swift Fof ?hh 1 roi 2SG32 Windsor 5-8 l:02good 19 109 2 7 7 6 C G Molesth 7 Moli-i ThUtb n,I KPCa.k-; , 2S153 Tijuana 41 f 55fast 3-2 109 5 G 4 2J 33 G Molesth S Hester H FUi ?i wlitif 27S9S Tijuana 5-S l:01fast 50 103 8 8 8 S Vi G MoleIm 1 SaoU," Chf2 56fast 8-5 3 2 4 4 pWgW Hi Juaz 41 l!gSSS ?3-5 111 5 lh33 SSSS? I3si?i 30527 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 23-10 109 3 5 6 G 6 J McCabe G Sir Ricl mrCl I C 20146 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast 5 109 4 8 8 CU 5 ,M Buxton 11 Solvekr I Itt! t ,r1 i. ,1 mk, 29472 Churchl 51 f l:10hvy 11 103 4 8 8 7 Vi H H PIps 0 II L wt Iollyanna 29094 Lexgton 3-4 l:17mud 25 302 2 2 2 3 3 H Stearn 7 ohmthmitvn tin0ntt0 29040 Lexgton 51 f l:08fast 71-10 103 3 4 5 3!. 2 H Stearns 5 andObtte, E riWM1 ?C?- JACK Hk- S 2 105 By Jack Atkin Outcome K. Snence 30G95 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 15 101 3 11 H la C Hunt 5 Z F C 5 llvSn 20360 Juarez 5-S 1:02 fast 12 109 G 6 5 5 43 T Hunt h F.CXole. R DeercrownPrincc E,V?T C0LE tr- S, 2 105 By Transvaal Miss McLaughlin fE J nOnnin 20G05 Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast 19-10 105 2 2 2 21 32. N Taylor 5 Iilict w fcn n,H.T. ,J 30560 Juarez 5-S 1:02 fast 9-10 105 3 3 2 ll 31 W A Carll G l!e?I Deer Crownllriiicp I T-ul- 0524 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 2S-5 106 6 5 6 3U " 2 T Henry 7 1 pinto RlSwr H?RV,JacU 2G337 Douglas 5-S 1:01 fast 193 101 7 7 7 7 610 K Lapaillo 7 May W I ittle Sidder Inciilnr 26497 Douglas 5-8 l:02hvy 170 101 7 7 7 7 7i H Stearns 1 Miss J-.zbo S ll?f ni?VMi, 26315 Churchl 5-S l:01fast 152 104 8 10 10 9 9 C Hunt 14 Lit S, iuer Monev Swoernolen 2C072 Churchl 41 f 53fast 65 103 1 6 6 69 T Hunt 0 FandS do iS Geof O Lovo - JHIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. March S, 1914 1:03 G 130. LOFTY KEYWOOD, b. g. 9 100 By Heywood Fcbette J. H "Walked 30C82 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 9 102 9 G 4 4nS G3 R Troise 9 Iiorel Rubicmtll Finnijriii 20651 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 23-10 109 3 5 4 43 3?. M Garner 9 IGrimn p F menc Yn and 20517 Juarez 5-S 59fastlS 30G 6 7 5 5 GUGuy 10 oSSSte 2120o Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 7 100 13 9 3 9 9 T Hayes 33 Frances G.. Hardy. Al"ss Kdith 2413a Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 8 112 2 3 5 12 13" M Mthewsl3 Canapa. Tact ess Ltle Ja -e 2404o Juarez 5-S 59fast 12 112 7 7 7 5 5SJ A Palms 7 Bev.Jai nes CatecorV iln T r,v 23194 SanFran. 53 f l:07fast - 10S 8 7 7 51 1 A Palms 11 TeJ o BarbarUa 23118 SanFran. 3-4 l:15fast 115 7 2 4 43 53 II Tullett 11 Bogyjohnson FredT Tol nr ,,!, 22329 SanFran. 51 f l:0Sfast - 111 4 3 3 33 3 J Donovan 10 Briton? rstanfieidCbas cle z MARY ESTELLE, blk. f. 3 101 By Kilkcrran Estradia K. Spcncc 21793 Pip.Rk Ab2 4:0G fast 13 332 G Fell. C Corbcit S Brooks Dry CInnt Soonr 23181 Empire 1 l:43good 20 102 5 1 3 5 6o G K Lapaillo 7 Jesse ,3r. Zorar? S o V?11pt 2S0G3 Empire 1 1:44 mud 20 102 7 6 6 4 3 58 K Lapaille 8 N. Simplox Roy Victor MuifoJ 27926 Empire 1 1:42 fast 7 101 5 2 2 5 5 fil K Lapaille 0 GoldcnG to Ma if on Dr On "no? 274G6 Latonia 3-1 l:13fast SO 100 7 7 8 8 7 K Lapaillel2 Busy Jm, .Ardent, Jane isiniitii CUNAIR, br. h, G 109 By Cunard Sea Air J. S. Measles. SOCK Juarez 51 f l:JB.,fnst 01 105 3 1 1 2; 2 C Hunt 5 Cik-ulate, Blacksheep. LsLane JSSlS uarez :S?5,0Vr ?SS i 7 ,5 f A Grefin 8 "cawmont. Zia. .No juarter Ju:irez 51 f l:0ofast 12 103 7 4 10 Pull.up.J Kederis 10 Toy Boy, Waldo, Aunt Elsie j3G1 Juarez 5-8 58fast 5 106 7 1 1 5" G2 J Dreyer 33 Napa Nick, Nifty, Baron deKaib .BUNCH OF KEYS, b. g. 6 101 By Cunard Princess Titania J. C. Swcy. 30C49 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 202 100 3 5 5 41 51 J Williams 7 S.Graine, Rubiconll V. Rights 20613 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 32 ICC S 7 7 6 6 J Williams S S.ODay, TcmnyUuncan " Moller 23S22 Mt.Royal 5-S l:02fast 4-5 113 4 3 31 1 E Haynes 8 Beau.Bc ilo, ffindcr llXJ 200S3 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 15 102 7 9 10 7 111E Haynes 14 Canto, Silver Moon, Stoncheno 1S3SS Bowie 53 f l:0Sfast 8 30S 9 9 7 6 4 3 E Haynes 12 Faithful? Patrick S Aran cus 19943 Bowie 53 f 1:0S fast 20 307 8 9 7 7"t 7nlE Haynes 10 Viley, Rich wood Al Block 18461 ILdeGce 53 f l:0Sfast 8 10S3 5 7 7 53 4 R Troxler 14 Useeit. Dr. Doug hertv MissJean 15564 Empire 3-4 1:14 fast 6 107 1 1 1 i 21 A Schugrll Ollagan, Nild, Yellow lyes JACK HARRISON, b. g, 4 106 By Mazagan Semper Vivum Hall Bros.. 20G54 Juarez 5-8 l:00fast 31 313 1 3 4 5 6aJ J Acton 10 Clumsy Kate. Panella, Zudora 20572 Juarez 5-S l:00fast SI 106 4 G 6 G 6 R Guy G Goggetv, Gr.Favorite Lit Birdie 25571 H.Spgs 51 f l:0Sfast 30 100 5 4 5 G G T Buckles 7 Talleyrand. M. Irvine, E. Riser 25534 H.Spgs 3-4 l:14fast 20 307 9 8 9 9 88 T Buekle3 9 I. Frank, EarlyRiser Politician 25522 H.Spgs 5-S l:01fast 100 104 7 5 G 8 Cs T Buckles 10 Insurgent, H. Dale Politician 2542G Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast lu 105 6 7 7 7 6T3 T Buckles 9 Teeto, La B. Brocade. Okla.Irish 25404 Juarez 63 f 1:03 fast 8 103 6 9 10 10 8" T Buckles 13 Great Friar. Ada LnB Brocade 25370 Juarez 7-S l:27fast 12 302 5 2 1 1 23 4 T Buckles 9 VIso, Zudora, Salvado Queen - 23354 Juarez 53 f l:0Sfast 30 101 8 S 7 7 7IS T Buckles 10 Prairie.K. of Pythias, T.Duncan C. W. KENNON. b. g. 9 10G By Dick Welles Nearest J. J. Waggoner. 20570 Juarez 11:41 fast 76 110 4 7 7 6 7 7 F Smith S Hus.Lad, W.W.Clark. Hobolink 20552 Juarez 7-S 1:27 fast 19-5 107 2 5 6 7 S 817 J Howard 8 C. McFerran J Lucas M Ticket 25416 Juarez 51 f l:0Sfast G 113 3 10 10 5 3J G Garner 12 Boas, Noble Grand Ada 23404 Juarez 51 t 1:03 fast 10 112 1 4 5 6 63 G Corey 13 GreatFriar, Ada, LaBelleBrocado 2o371 Juarez 1 l:40fast 10 112 7 2 2 4 8 S13 G Corey 11 Hardy, Acumen. PrincessJanico 25310 Juarez 7-S 1:20 fast 10 115 3 10 11 12 13 137 G Molesth 14 BlikensW., D.Davies Etrowan 232G1 Juarez 3-1 l:14fast 8 110 9 7 8 8 S D Stirling 9 S. Knight. M. Coghili. McAlan ZOLZO, b. f, 3 101 By Tim Payne Directa D. A. Stevens. 30G51 Juarez 53 f l:07fast CO 105 G 3 3 3 G" C White 9 P.Grimm. P.Eugene L Heywood 30G1S Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 5S 10S5 5 G 6 G" C White G Colle. Freeman Ralph S 25391 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 12 99 5 5 5 5 5" T Hayes 5 C.M.Jnson. Circulate Hcraoycut 25276 Juarez 63 f l:0Sfast 7 103 8 9 10 10 10 T Buckles 11 Whis. Hope Infidel 11 S Elm 25178 Juarez 53 f l:07ysast 15 103 9 7 3 3 3 T Buckles 13 V.. Warbler S Maggie Anltalt 250S9 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 15 103 4 2 2 23 Gl T Buckles 9 Lola, Whisp. Hone Eugene Sues 24935 Jaurez 5-S l:0lfast 15 110 3 11 3 10 10" R Pauley 12 Iloneycut, Sis MalioS Jo5 21SS0 Juarez 3-4 l:14fast 6 9S 14 13 14 14 14 B Marco 14 Gilbert Rose. Teeto, Waxemall GERTHELMA, br. f. 4 100 By Elkhorn Virginia Nunn H. McMahon. 23242 Juarez 3-4 1:16 fast 10 10S 9 8 S 71 S" D Hotalingl2 ScnoritaDana Co , Uandel Vio 25113 Juarez 3-4 3:33fast 7 307 4 6 6 71 8" M Buxton 12 il.rUvrteL Lan" 25013 Juarez 1 l:40fast 3 93312 2 2h5C Hunt 7 TaperTin" Electro "an Smil Ia- 24911 Juarez 3-4 l:14Vandfast 5 104 2 8 11 9 S3 H Shilling 15 Irish Kid, NoIdeGrand L "LanS 24SS0 Juarez 3-4 l:14fast 4 303 11 10 9 9 9i H Steami 14 Gilbert Rose e" Wnxeraal 24S47 Juarez 1 l:33fast 6 103 5 8 8 S 8 81H Stearns 9 Virgiedot. Mdndcro Endurance 24774 Juarez 3-4 1:15 fast 10 103 1 9 11 9 S H Stearns 1.1 JoknSpohn. Ph.SnettS. v5ro ROSE GARDEN, br. f. 3 101 Bv Hapsburg Florida Rose J. H. McCarren. 25S75 Tijuana 3-4 l:10good 100 95 11 10 10 llh 12" C Mergler 12 Slippery Elm inlldcl II Antrim 25178 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 100 93 3 3 6 7and 10" C Mergler 13 W. Warbler Smil Ma--1p ZoIm 2314S Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 60 90 12 8 9 9 llo C Mergler 13 Jose, Noble Grend rinc Snos 250S9 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 40 33 3 4 5 7t 9 C Mergler 9 Lola Whisp Hope Eu-cne S 24795 Juarez 53 f l:C9fast 30 S3 14 10 10 12 13 C Mergler 14 Lady Ymm San Smil 1 r 24403 Juarez 3-1 l:14fast 20 S3 1 4 6 8 113 C Mergler 14 M. Cog I. ill "col Randcli WnxVmf 24223 Juarez 61 f l:07fast 10 30 6 4 5 6 63 C Mergler 7 Staranise. Rnplrt" Mwl TlSSt SPANGLE DUCHESS, b. f. 3 101 By Duke of Ormonde Spangle W. M. Cain. 30654 Juarez 5-8 l:00fast 34-5 103 2 5 7 S 7J R Guv 10 Clumsy Kate Panella Zudora 29620 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:01fast 5 107 7 7 61 661 N Foden 8 Splitlt. Fastnet J. W. OSlioa 23131 DuiTerin Abo-S 1:03 fast G 1031 4si W Hinphy 10 Bctlielllill Splitlt. .T.W.OShea ajaDolTcrln AM-SIiK fast 5 107 7 C 5 4 F Jenkins 8 SnfS Ilome. 0. ota Tixieledi !??r- 2u?Crlrl AKr1 Vtll o VS, 10. 10c ?, I W HinPh- 10 SirRaymond, I?ogart, D.Stevens S,1 cres5 ASH J:2?asJ I JS2 ? s 653JDodd 8 J. MCinnis, D.Cluster. K.Cotton S CresJ A5ii?:2Jas5 i I 2J W Hinphy 9 Corkey W., Splitlt, Onota 2S450 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:01fast 2 o 107 5 5 61 5i J Acton 10 Jojam, Water Lee, Eleanor FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. AU Ages. Maidens. Selling. March 8, 1914 1:03 0130. RED DEER, b. g, 2 100 By Luke V7ard Ollie P. I. E. Clark. 306.33 Juarez 41 f 56fast 53-10 10 5 7 5 31 3 G Warren 7 Deckhand. Bessanta. Crankie 20C05 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 31 101 5 3 4 5 5 M Garner 5 Black Jack. Alan. F. C. Cole . S05G0 Juarez 5-8 1:02 fast 7-5 109 4 4 4 2j 23 M Garner G F.C.Cole. Crown Prince. B.Jack S0324 Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast 35 30G 5 4 2 23 343 M Garner 7 Pluto. F. C. Cole. Satisfied TONY McCAFFERTY, br. g, 2 100 - By Suffragist Donna Elvira Hayes and Xcssinger. 20617 Juarez 41 f. 552fast 11 306 C 2 2 2 2? J Howard 8 Crown Prince. Kestrel. Geneva 30560 Juarez 5-S 1:02 fast 33 109 5 2 G 6 CB J Howard G F.C.Cole. R. Deer, frownPrincu 30524 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 23 107 7 7 7 7 7" J Howard 7 Pluto, F. C. Coky Red Deer CERTAIN POINT, b. g. 3 112 By Abo Frank Sainvoko D. W. Christian. 20673 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 43-5 102 S 8 7 8 810 M Garner S M.B.Ebks, Clidatn, T.Dncan 30654 Juarez 5-81:00fast 44 113 9 4 3 2"k 41 F Smith 10 Clumsy Kate, Pinella, Zudora S0593 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 40 111 7 3 6 6 6UF Smith 7 BuckNail, ZudJra, ClumsyKate LUPIE L., b. f. 3 112 By Withers Bessie Frank D. A. Stevens. 30654 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 41 103 10 G 5 10 10 C "White 10 Clumsy Kate, Panella. Zudora 24CS9 Juarez 51 f l:12hvy CO OS C 6 S 8 S" 11 Marco 8 Veldt, Red Cloud, C.M.Johnson 244S2 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 60 05 9 8 S 12 1223 B Marco 12 C.M.Johnson. Quiz. JennicSniall 21401 Juarez 51 l:07fast CO 03 7 7 7 7 7" T Buckles 7 Cabiria. Leah Cochran. Lola RUTLAND ARMS, b. c, 2 103 By Thrush Luscinia K. Spcnce. 3CG33 Juarez 41 f 56fnst 25 103 4 5 7 7 G43 C Hunt 7 Deckhand, Bcssanta, Red Deer 3051S Juarez 5-S l:01fast 14 105 2 4 5 5 5"i T Hunt 5 Kagura. Pluto, Lycia 30524 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast 51 100 2 2 3 i 5 C Hunt 7 lluto, F. C. Cole, Bed Deer 29S35 Latonia 1 l:40fast 48 104 1 5 6 C 6 G2S L Lykes G Spring "Wheat, LucileP., Penrod 29C15 Church 1 5-8 1:01 rast SO 113 1 12 8 9 0" O Gentry 13 Saf. Girl. Sir Wellons, M.Anne 20527 Churchl 5 l:07fast fid 112 9 10 10 Sand 8" L Gentry 11 James. Lytic, Spring- Wheat L ESTHER GRAHAM, ch. f, 4 107 By Joe Carey Sula H. C. R. Richards. 1G37G Anaconda 1-2 48fast 150 104 G8 J Montour 7 A.N.Akin, Batchler, M.Franklin 1G121 Kutte 4. 55 fast CO 101 Ran out. G Bczansn S L.St.Patrick, Avocado, Grammnt FIFTH RACE 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Feb. 10, 1914 1:23 5 110. PRINCE EUGENE, h. g, 6 104 By Hamburg Eugenia Burch K. Spence. 30651 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 17-10 100 7 G G 54 2. C Hunt 9 P.Grimm, L.lleywood, YoPuedo 30559 Juarez 5J f l:0Gfast 24-5 103 7 G G 51 53 C Hunt S M.Boblee, Phachapi, Rbicnll. 2-JO-JS Lex Bton 1 1-1G l:47fast 47-10 107 10 7 5 G 6l 54J J Kedcris 11 Malabar, Importation, J. Gocliel 22815 Lex gton lm70yl:44fast 15 104 3 5 6 G 5 831 Mott 8 Miss Thorpe. Guide Post. Slertb 21S13 llamton 1 1-1G l:48fast 8 112 9 12 U 8 G2 Gl A Neylon 12 Fly Home, Brickley. Flitaway 21745 Windsor 1 1-S l:53fast 27-5 103 8 7 7 7 8 8" M Garner S Burwood, Guide Post, Dundreary 21700 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47slow 21-5 109 11 10 8 G 7s ol M Garner 11 Supreme, Burwood, Fly Home POLLS, b. g, 9 104 By Voter Picayune II. R. L. Williams. r,0G15 Juarez 7-S l:2Gfast 42 100 3 2 2 2 32i 32i J Howard i Virgiedot, Type. Tom Chapman 30576 Juarez 11:41 fast CO 105 2 4 3 5 4 P5 R Guy S IIus.Lad, W.W.Olark, Bobolink 30561 Juarez 7-8 1:27 fast 32 10G 1 3 2 4 52i 41 J H sward S Type, Rey, Virgiedot 30541 Juarez 5 J f l:00fast 18 107 4 6 G G 6S2 R Guy 7 S.Maggie, Yaca, LaB.Brocade 29750 Hlllcrest AbGlf l:25good G 109 5 5 6 51 5s J Acton 8 Mamita. Barn Dance, BenUncas 29G9S Hillcrest AbGJf l:24fast G lit 5 4 4 43 4i J Acton S Borcl, Yorkshire Boy, Mamita 20451 Kcmpton 7-8 l:37mud 6 112 2 5 6! Gl C Gilbert 7 E.Jcnnings, MissKrug, Lit.Pete 293GG Kcmpton 1 l:4Sslow S 116 8 9 6 Sl W Young 9 Afterglow, L.V.Zand t, Fly.Feet SUPERL, ch. m, 5 112 By The Commoner Ice Water Woodworth and Shields. C0C01 Juarez 5?. f 1:07 fast 33-10 111 2 15 4?. 3 M Garner G Violet, Wild Bear, Blarney 30525 Juarez 7-S l:27fnst 10 10G 3 3 3 3 21 13 M Garner 7 Rhodes. Type, O Tis True 30118 Reno 52; f 1:08 fast 103 S G 4 4i 51 R Moore 10 Barnard, Toustmnster, Mike K. S00S4 Reno 3-4 l:14fast 112 6 6 5 52i 5H W Mclnre 0 Seneca, C. McFerran, S. Grainc 29933 Reno 51 f 1:14 hvy 101 5 5 4 4 343 T Henry 0 Crispie, Patsy Mack, Thls.Bclle 1990S Reno 3-4 l:2Ghvy 115 5 3 3 1 21 W J OBn 5 Regards, J.Crawford, M. Roblee BARNARD, b. gr. 6 112 By Out of Reach Naoma Rice and Clements. 30500 Juarez 7-8 l:2Sfast 10-10 304 3 2 2 2 22 1 R Guy C Orbieulatn, OT.True, Circulate 30562 Juarez 7-S l:26fast 14 109 1 1 4 4 44 43 R Guy G BIckFrost, C.MFerran, Bogart 30543 Juarez 5?. f l:07fast 20-10 107 3 3 4 4-h 3 R Guy S Milt.Roblce, Finnigin, Gal.Boy 3011S Reno 5?. f 1:0S fast 108 1 1 1 Is l4 J McBride 10 Toastmaster, MikeK., R.Esther SfrOSl Reno 5 f l:0Sfast 10S 4 5 6 63 4i W Taylor 7 Jennie Crawford, Zia, In Dutch 229S9 Reno 5 f l:10slow 10G 7 8 8 Cut 6T1 M Mthews S The Feller. EdLuce, Mercurium 20S47 Reno 3-4 1:25 hvy 115 5 G G G 63 M Mthews 0 P. Stalwart, Azurea, Inquieta 29842 Reno 7-S l:3Shvy 115 7 2 3 3 43 3 M Mthews 7 Bermudian, S. Sam, Isa. Valle LONE STAR, ch. g. 7 112 By Sam Phillips De Bonne Grace D. A. Stevens. S0G31 Juarez 5?. f 1:07 fast G 112 1 5 G C G C White i Oldsmobile, Milt. Roblee. Violet 30G03 Juarez 5. f l:07fast 1G 10S 1 2 2 221 1 C White 7 G.Fvorite, G.Pickett. M.Estelle 25i97 Juarez 1 1-S 1:54 fast 8 107 5 3 3 4 6 7SJ J Collins 7 Mol. Cad, Orbiculation, Barnard 2333S Juarez 1 1:40 fast 10 112 4 4 7 7 7 710 J McCabe 7 C. McFerran, M.Sill, Tnsparent 25277 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 10 110 7 7 S 7 4s in D Stirling S Fzeerald. Virgiedot, FrancesG. 25223 Juarez 1 l:40fast 20 99 7 3 3 3 3h 43 W Rickey 8 I. Kid, Virgiedot, Orbiculation W. W. CLARK, b. g. 8 107 By Wadswortk Veneta Vail and Ramsey. S0GS4 Juarez 1 l:40fast 10 IOC G 5 2 3 4s 4T R Troise S Bogart, SmilingMug, Virgiedot 3GG3G Juarez 1 l:40fast 33-10 112 G 4 1 2 24 23 D Stirling 0 Bogart, Bobolink, L.Wthington 20G0G Juarez 1 l:39fast 13 110 C 5 5 4 5 5 D Stirling i Bigtodo. BckFrost, C.MFerran 3057G Juarez 1 1:41 fast 1 300 3 3 2 2 23 2 W Mclnre S H.Lad, Bobolink, TomChapman 3054G Juarez 1 l:40fast 07-10 110 3 3 2 2 1J 13 D Stirling 7 Bogart, Rhodes, L. Worthington 30510 Juarez 1 l:40fast fid 110 10 4 3 3 3" 9s J Acton 12 Trappoid, Husky Lad, Type 2002S Latonia lmTOy l:45fast 25 09 10 G G 4 41 441 N Barrett 12 Camellia, Orange, First Star 9770 Latonia 1 1-S l:54fast 58 100 1 1 2 2 2 42 N Barrett 0 Mons. Perci, First Star, G.Color REGARDS, br. g, 10 107 By Peep oDay Best Wishes Halstcad and Rey nolds. 30G15 Juarez 7-S l:2Gfast S7-10 111 2 3 4 4 43 553 G Wrarren C Virgiedot, Type, Polls 30594 Juarez 7-S l:28fast 14 10S 4 3 4 4 Zh 2 W A Carll 7 Rey. Virgiedot. tjniz 30540 Juarez 5-S l:01fast 28 112 7 7 5 32 34 G Warren 8 Ed Luce, Dr. Kendall, C.Tuckcr 30122 Reno 7-S l:20fast 11S S S 4 4 5- 711 N Taylor 10 Sen.Dana, Capt.Druse, Engraver 300SO Reno 5 f l:0SVfast 104 2 5 5 5 3:3 T Henry 5 KlMahdi, Bmudian, LaB.Bcade 2090S Reno 3-4 l:2GVhvy 113 3 4 4 4 1J T Smith 5 Superl, Jen.Crawford, M. Roblee AIRLINE, br. k, 4 104 By Tony Faust Maid of Fcroioy E. J. OConnell. 30G31 Juarez 5i f l:077sfast 43 109 9 9 9 9 0lc L. Bailey I P.Grimm, P.lOugene, L.lleywood 25151 Juarez 7-5 1:27181 10 101 3 7 G 7 9 9,s E Smith 10 Lady James, Nina K., McAlan 25121 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 6 103 9 G G 7 0 913 M Buxton 10 Acumen, Prin. Janice, M. Joe 2539G Juarez 7-S 1:27 fast 30 10S ,11 11 10 10 GJ 35 R Booker 12 MissFolly, Ortyx, Tom.Coleman 25349 Juarez 1 1:11 fast 5 105 6 6 G 6 7 715 E Culleu 7 Mol. Cad, SkinnyB., Blectrowan SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. All Ages. Allowances. Feb. 10, 1915 o7 3 120. FASCINATING, ch. m, 5 108 By Peep oDay Sweet Marjorio J. Umensetter. S0G52 Juarez 5 f l:0G?fast 12-5 112 5 5 5 5 5s T Henry " LittleString. Lytic, CascyJones 20G04 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 4-5 100 2 2 2 l1 2" T Henry n Adalid, Comniauretta, L. String 30544 Juarez 2-4 1:13 fast 9-10 307 4 1 1 1 2h W A Carll 4 Little String, Adalid, Hocnir S03S5 Tijuana 1 l:39andfast 4 10G 3 1 1 1 2i 2i E Taplin 4 Tokay, Star Shooter, Executor 30319 Tijuana 1 l:30fast 4-5 10G 2n" E Pool 3 Tokay, Executor 2S223 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 2 116 6 5 5 7 782 W J OBn 7 Raoul. Francis, Magic 279S5 Tijuana 3-4 l:12fast 6 114 6 3 3 2J 22 W J OBn 0 Manganese, Raoul, Adalid WAREMORE. b. g. 2 97 By First Chip Gracie Gould W. J. Weber. 3CGS3 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast 11-10 315 2 1 1 1 l1 C Hunt Sybil, Kagura, Milbrey 20G32 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast 12 301 2 1 1 1 4 C Hunt 5 LittleString, Lytle, CascyJones 30392 Juarez 3-4 l:15fast 1-2 101 3 11 I1 34J G Hunt 4 Adalid, Borgo. Rochester 3051S Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 37-10 109 2 1 1 1- ll G Hunt G Lytle, Sybil, Kagura 2017S Douglas 5i f l:0Gfast 22 100 4 3 G 7 7" C Hunt 7 Midway, Kittenish, Fan G. 25212 Juarez 3J f 40 fast 4-5 122 4 1 1 E Martin 0 Sybil. Cycleford. Sir Richard 2510C Juarez 3i f 40andfast 7-5 110 6 ll H J Acton S SirRIchard. OldHarry, LazyLou 25002 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 7 115 2 l3 l-l J Acton G Sybil. Sir Richard. J. Frederic LYTLE. ch. g, 2 101 By Leonid Chickadee F. D. Weir. 30G52 Juarez 51 l:0G7-;fast 17-10 99 4 2 2 2-S 2" M Garner 5 Lit.String. C.Jones, Warcmore 3CG14 Juarez 5-S 59fast 4-5 111 1 11 l5 34 J McCabe 4 Thirst, SirRichard, Macmondc 3051S Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 8-5 3 09 1 2 2 2 2 J McCabe G Warcmore, Sybil, Kagura S0150 Latonia 3-1 l:14fast 21 109 5 1113 li D ConnIly S II. Lassie, Diamond, Kingfisher 20925 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast 11-10 112 5 3 3 3 3s F Cooper 7 Otunity, T.otheWve, Aobnlus 29S1S latonia 5i f l:07fast 31 106 6 4 4 4 2h F Cooper 10 H.Lad, Pas.Fancy, Opportunity J97C2 Latonia 51 f l:09Vf;hvy IS 107J 5 5 5 5! ;1D ConnllylO Rliyme, II. Lassie, Geo. C. Lovt SIR RICHARD, b. g, 2 101 By Luck and Charity Lukcramus I. E. Clark. 21614 Juarez 5-S 50fast 13-10 113 4 4 3 32 31 W A Carll 4 Lytle, Thirst, Macmondc "0563 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 1 104 4 3 1 1 11 W A Carll Kagura, Dyson, Belle C. 30527 Juarez 5-S 1:01 fast G-5 3 03 1 2 2 l"k l4 AV A Carll Belle C, Crankic, Little Spider 25259 Juarez 1-2 4S fast 2 115 4 5 7 7" E McEwcn S Juan. Frederick, Milbrey, Sybil 25212 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 3J 113 8 4s 4" E McEwcn 0 Warcmore, Sybil. Cycleford 25306 Juarez Si f 40Vfast 3 113 7 21 2 A Pickeus 8 Warcmore. Old Harry. IizyLou 25002 Juarez 3 f. 40 fast 7-15 US 4 2 31 J McCabe Warcmore, Sybil, J. Frederick JOSEFINA ZARATE. ch. f. 4 105 By Abo Frank Minyon Hayes and Kessingcr. 306S1 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 11 112 1 1 1 1J 2: J Howard G Tze-Lsi, Yaia, Key 30589 Juarez 51 f 4 109 2 1111 2l J Howard G Yaca, Smiling Maggie, Finnigin 30525 Juarez 5-8 1:00 fast 1-5 1W 1 11 lf. In J Howard S Goggety. Tern. Duncan. B. Bird 30517 Juarez 5-8 59fast 11 106 1 1 1 13 21 J Howard 10 Osmobile, Pnhachapi, M.Roblee 22S03 Dorval 5. f 1:0S fast 2 102 2 4 7 92 10KJ A Collins 12 Pampinea, Joy, Pin Money 22524 Conght 51 f l:10.f,good 5 303 3 1 4 2 21 F Cooper 8 Sir Raymond, J. of Asia, Mater 224S5 Conght 51 f l:10M;hvy In 92 1 11 li In A Norger 9 Mater. Astrologer, Colors 22409 Windsor 5i f 1:07 fast fid 98 5 2 3 31 9"J J Acton 11 Zin Del, Rubicon II.. Dignity 22109 FortErie 3-11:10 hvy 20 96 3 2 4 Cl 7"1E Forehnd 8 Water Lily. Miss Gayle, GoldCap UTELUS. br. g. 4 105 By Bonnie Joe Effio M. H. Webb. 3002G Kcnilwh 51 f l:13hvy G-5 313 1 11 12 R Lowe 12 Freeman. Shaban. Tarleton P. 20603 Devshire 5-S 1:09 fast 23-10 10S 4 1 l1?. 552 T: Lowe A. Plotter. Outlook, Talebeareb 29364 Kcmpton 5-8 l:04M;sloY 1 316 11 lc l5 R Lowe 8 Two Royals; Eliz. Lee. Colors 29310 Kcmpton 5-S l:05hvy 2 US 3 1 ll ll J Rooney 12 Recluse, Odd Cross, Zin Del 2Sand33 Kcmpton 5-8 l:0IVf,iilow 3-2 103 2 1 1 3k J Dodd 7 .T.B.Harrell. Colors, Margaret G. 2S793 Kcmpton 5-S l:0iy;fast 3 103 2 1 U 2a J Dodd S Lit.Birdie, Eliz.Lce, EllcnSmyth LADY INNOCENCE, b. m. 5 105 Bv Salvation Mi Reina W. F. Gloss. 25277 Juarez 1 1:12 fast S 103 4 4 7 5 Gl GJ H Shilling S LoneStar, Fitzgerald, Virgiedot 24408 Juarez 1 l:39fast 8 303 7 3 4 5 G3 611 H Shilling S Transparent, Cordie F., Juno 24320 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 12 102 8 8 8 8 S 8:l II Sliilling 8 Connaught. J.Graham. II.AVbauk 24252 Juarez 1 1-S 1:53 fast 7 102 7 4 4 5 43 513 II Shilling 7 Moonlight, Penalty, Fairly 24222 Juarez 1 l:39fast 8 104 6 3 4 G 6"k C10 W Schorn " l"tit P.lou, Cordie F. 24153 Juarez 1 1:49 fast 8 107 2 G 6 6 6 51 T Henry 8 Cordie F., Goldy. Lady Young 21129 Juarez 1 1:11 fast 21 104 3 3 3 2 2 2" II Shilling G Dundreary, Moonlight, Gano ROCHESTER, b. c, 3 108 By Sempronius Embellish J. C. Ferriss. 20592 Juarez 3-4 l:15fast 2G 109 1 3 4 4 4nl G Moles th 4 Adalid, Borgo, Wareinore S032G Juarez 3-4 l:13andfast 6 101 5 5 5 5 514 G Molesth ." Tom Caro, Borgo, Bigtodo 2956G Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 80-10113 G 6 G 5" 5 D ConnIly 7 B. Spiller. W. Wonder, SanVega 23503 Churchl 1 l:42slow 10 103 10 9 11 11 11 ll3 H H Plipsll White Crown, Col. McNab. Roy 29336 Douglas 3-4 l:13ifast 22 103 S 8 7 7a 718 D ConnIly 8 Kootcnay, C.onDelivery, S.Susie 2S701 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 good 10 110 9 10 10 10 914 D Connllyl3 Briimlcy, C.ouDolivcry, Naushon