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HEFFNER PLEASED WITH YEARLINGS. Says Those Purchased by H. C. Hallonbeck Should Figure Prominently Next Year. Now York, December 10. According to a statement made by Ed. Heffner. who trains for H. C. Hallenbeck, the yearlings the latter bought from Duncan Browne of the Rugby Stud are promising. "They are a dandy lot." is the convincing remark of Heffner, "and theyll surely figure in the winning column next year if their present indications are not misleading. At present they are at the Meadow Brook Farm and getting healthy on New Jersey atmosphere. It is not likely they will be moved from there until the opening of the New York season." Patsy McDcrmott, who a decade or so ago was one of the shining lights in the jockey world, is now interested in a new enterprise. He is connected with a sea-diving apparatus, which he expects to load up with divers for the purpose of investigating sunken ships outside of Boston harbor and elsewhere. In his letter to a friend In this city he says he can find work for any old-time riders or horsemen who feel like taking a hundred-fathom dive to the bottom of the sea. "It will not be a new line of work to some of them," says McDermott. "as many of them have been known to stay under water and under cover for a whole season."