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CALIFORNIA BREEDERS TO MEET. Racing Bill Being Drafted to Be Presented at Coming Session of Legislature. San Franscisco, Cal., December 27. A meeting of the Golden Gate Thoroughbred Breeders Association will be called immediately upon the return of president Charles AV. Clark and R. M. Tobin from the East. The purpose will be to review the racing bill that is now being drafted by lawverM to present at the Legislature shortly after the first of the year. Secretary James C. Nealon, in- the absence of the president of the organisation, is unable to give any further particulars. The members of the Breeders Association are some of the most prominent and influential in California and are confident of getting through some favorable legllslation that will encourage racing, which is a means of stimulating the breeding industry. It is understood that the bill to be introduced will call for a State racing commission to control the sport and the pari-mutuel form of wagering with a stipulated percentage to be used for State purposes. Only limited meetings will be allowed. The association, with close to 100 members, no one being permitted to own more than a single shnre of stock, will wage a spirited campaign to get the measure through. To bolster up the breeding of horses of the U. S. army cavalry remount type, is the announced Intention of the association to get through the bill. James C. Nealon, who was elected State Senato-from District 21, will likely be the man to introduce the bill.