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1 NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA FAIRGROUNDS THE SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH 1 January 1 to February 20, 1917 1 44 DAYS OF RACING HO PURSE LESS THAN 00 I The Only Race Track in the United States Open at the Time. FREE LIST ABSOLUTELY SUSPENDED OFFICIALS : JOSEPH A. MURPHY Presiding Judge J. B. CAMPBELL Associate Judge and Clerk of Scales JOSEPH McLENNAN Racing Secretary A. B. DADE ......Starter HERMAN CONKXING Patrol Judge JOHN CAREY Paddock Judgo ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Manager Racing Department, Fair Grounds, New Orleans, La. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. TODAYS BEST: Gone-North-Don-Ire-Joe-Try. Book 285. TVO SPECIALS GO SATURDAY. Only costs to have them -wired to you. SOMETHING DOING ! ! ! TODAYS SPECIAL: No. 315. THE TURF REPORTER. R, 509 Baltimore Bldg., 23 W. quincy St., Chicago. IF YOU WANT A LINE ON LIVE ONES Get a copy of THE STANDARD. New hook on sale now at 25 cents per copy Good for one week. Easily the host publication of its kind. Yesterdays Special, Superl, 200-100, WonjTodays Special: No. 105 in Book 502. THE STANDARD, CHICAGO. SUBSCRIBE FOB DAILY RACING FOHM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING OO. 441 PLYMOUTH PLACE :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO N. Y, ,n,ewi,,orVeans "m""! My docker has been on the ground since tlic I 15th, and I have an extra special for opening day. Patrons who have one winner coming, can have these specials until they get a winner. Please notify me and I will wire you. I look to duplicate my success of last season, when I put over GOODWOOD 20-1 WON BKYNLIMAH 15-1 WON THEODORITA ...10-1 WON Aristocrat, 5-1, won; Rifle Shooter, 5-1, won; Broomsedge, 4-1, won; Veldt, 8-1, won, and others during the New Orleans meeting. WINNERS 13 SECONDS 11 THIRDS 6 LOSERS 21 RACES 51 A Ten-Dollar Flat Bet on my wires during the New Orleans meeting shows a profit of 00. Terms, ?3, Guaranteed to Win, or next one Free until you get a Winner. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E. J. Room 412, Fort Dearborn Bldg:., Chicago, Illinois.