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NEW ORLEANS RACING NEAR LE0CHARES IS TOP WEIGHT FOR THE NEW YEARS HANDICAP NEXT MONDAY. Several Hundred Applications for Licenses Under Inspection Jockey Robinson on Hand List of Riders Who Have Registered. New Orleans, La.. December 27. Immediately upon his return from St. Louis today. Judge Murphv called a meeting of the license committee to pass upon the applications of trainers and jockeys for the coining meeting at the Fair Grounds. The committee is composed of Judge Murphy. Associate Judge Jack Campbell, Racing Secretary Joseph McLennan and Patrol Judge Herman Coukling. They went over several hundred applications. There were many more arrivals from the north and east today, including Jockey Frank Robinson, leading rider of America for the current year; E. R. Bradley, whose horses are wintering at Charleston, S. C, Dick Jones, Johnny Fay, Ed. Rvan. Henry Ilanf, who came from Tijuana: Frank Bain, John Monohan, Jack Sturgis, Steve L. Honi-medieu, Dos Dressen, George North, M. J. Shannon, and jockey Paul Lowder. The last named came from Charleston, where he was with the Bradley stable. Mr. Coukling, who also looks after the jockevs engagements, had the holders of contracts on riders turn into him today the mounts of their boys in races, which they will ride for their own stable the first seven days of the meeting. Weights for the New Years Handican, to be run the opening day of the meeting, were announced today by secretary McLennan and read as follows: Horse. Wt. Horse. Wt. Leocharen 130 Grumpy 105 Hauberk 11S Gainer lot Colonel Vennie 112 Svrian 102 Thornhill 112 Yenghee 101 Courtly Lass Ill Herbert Temple 100 Typhoon 110 Polroma 100 For Fair 10S Dundreary 9i Brynlimah 100 Brian Born 05 Bob Ilensley 105 Chilton King 87 Bromley 105 The going was rough at the Fair Grounds todav, but there were plenty of horses out. Rain, which fell intermittently, caused another set-back in the prospects for the course being good for the opening day. Fifty-three jockeys, many of whom will get the first mounts of their career at the coming meeting, have been registered here, and it is expected that out of the large list of apprentice riders a few star performers may be developed this winter. There will be more old riders here before the meeting opens as .some of them are resting at their homes or riding at one of the other winter tracks. Many horsemen here predict that jockev W. Crump, who is under contract to E. W. Moore, and who was a star at several of the race meetings at Baltimore last fall, will give Frank Robinson a tussle for honors. Crump developed fast and litis in the best of condition, as he is daily galloping horses at the Fair Grounds. Robinson is always in condition, as he is a boy of exemplary habits, and ho will ride for a stable with some high-class horses in it, that of R. L. Baker. Among the older riders here is Charley Borel. who has not been seen in the saddle much during the last year and a half. He will do the heavy riding for the Billings and Johnson stable here and he expects to be able to do lighter weight than when he was riding regularly several years back. He is living at one of the local bath houses and is keeping fit by working the horses under trainer Charley Pattersons care. Following is a list of the jockeys who have been registered: J. Brown 11. Hoffman F. Merimee E. Bacham J. Hanover L. McAtee C. Brown H. Jeffcott R. McDermott A. Barrett C. Jackson E. McCowen R. Bolton J. Kederis A. Nerger C. Borel 15. Koppleman AV. Obert AV. Crump I. Lowder AV. Robinson It. Cross R. Lowe F. Robinson F. Cooper L. Lykes J. Rogers T. Dodd F. Murphy AV. Stabbert J. Dursch A. Murray AV. Schamehorn H. Erickson A. Mott D. Stewart F. Fuerst J. Majestic C. Tudor C. Fairbrother O. Morrison R. Urquhart L. Gentry A Mitchell S. Aail O. Gentry AV. Morrison W. AVarringtou AV. Gourley J. Mooney J. AVilliams AV. Hoag J. Mulcahey