High-Class Broodmares for America: Important Purchases Made at the Newmarket December Sale of This Year, Daily Racing Form, 1916-12-28


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"HIGH-CLASS BROODMARES FOR AMERICA. Important Purchases Made at the Newmarket December Sale of This Year. As one result of the recent December sale in England it is evident that quite a number of the best bred young mares there are coining over, as a highly desirable addition to our thoroughbred breeding resources. Five were bought in the name of Andrew Joyner, ten for W. S. Kilmer and Phil Chinti bought three. Resides their purchases others were made by agents, for whom will be disclosed later on. For instance, Mr. W. Allison bought the Cherry Tree Strike-a-Light mare Quick and her splendid filly foal by John oGaunt, "for America." The British Ulood Stock Agency made over fifty purchases, a portion of which are almost certain to come to this country. Trainer Joe Butters was a considerable buyer and it may be that some of his Requirements were for American account. The purchases for Mr. Kilmer and their prices were: Brownie, b. m, S, by Gallinuli Elf; bred to Marco vil S4.GS0 St. Fey. b. f. 2, by St. Frusquin Brownie 2,484 Misty Law. h. in, 7, by Ayrshire Ben Doran; bred to Kings Proctor 1,872 Sabretache, b. m, 5. by Martagon Sabrin- etta; bred to John oGaunt 1,872 Glenfernate. b. f, 4, by Tredennis Straloch; bred to Balscaddin 1,012 Sobranje, h. in, 3, by Polymolus Duma; bred to Lonawand 1.50S Lovelight, b. m, 7, by St. Aniant Sister Lumley; bred to Zria 1,404 Contessima, br. in. 7. by Count Schomberg Pitti; bred to Bomba 1,0-10 Marianwerth. eh. m, 8, by Isinglass Sweet Marjorie; bred to Land League 030" Bay filly, 1, by Bachelors Double Lady Edgar 572 Mr. Joyners purchases were probably in behalf of either J. E. Widener or George W. Widener and are grand specimens, two of which are believed to be in foal to Orby, whose progeny made such an impression in English racing this year. They are: Phenicia. br. m, 5, by Thoutbeck St. Natalia; bred to Orby ,952 Duckshot, br. m, 8, by Gallinule Kill Hill; bred to Royal Realm 3,900 Gipsy Hill, b. m, 0, by Avington Swiftsure; bred to Sunstar 3,040 Sissie Ida, br. m, 7, by Avington Finnart; bred to William the Third 3,010 Lady Galette, br. m. 7, by St. Frusquin Lady K.; bred to Orby .-. . 2,340 Phil Chinn bought three broodmares, one of which Carinya, was the highest priced one bought for this country. This trio together with some younger horses bought by him were as follows: Carinya, ch. m, 0, by William the Third Carita; bred to Cylgad... ,200 Bay eolt, foal by Greenback Talavera 2,800 Yellow Sea, b. m, 5, by Martagon Sea Thrift; bred to Rossendale 1,500 Bay filly, 3, by John oGaunt Carpathia; bred to Rochester 85S Bay colt, foal by Darley Dale Victagon 598 Black colt, foal by Sunbright Sabrinetta. . . . 572 Chestnut colt, foal by St. Victrix Potn- mia ; 312

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916122801/drf1916122801_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1916122801_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800