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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS. LA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1917.— Fair Crounds. Third day. Business Mens Racing Association Winter Meeting of 44 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Jadge, .loscph A. Murphy. Associate Judge, J. B. Campbell. Starter, A. 15. Dade. Racing Secretary, .loscph McLennan. _ Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chic ago tin.e 2:30 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 9AQQQ FIRST RACK- 1 Mile. .1 in. 11. 1*16- 1 :37%— 5— 100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and Ovfit/cf O upward. Maidens. Selling. Net, value to winner 00; second. $.5; third, 5. "index Horses AWtSt % %_% Str Kin Jockeys Owners H C P S 30492 KINC. MART wall? 1 1- V V V liW Schorr.I D Mrl.ouil 21 3l. :! 1 1-2 39940* BAST. GREETINGS wr. 1116 I 3» :." I* 8* 8 J HanoverW C Overton 6 7 7 :; 1 ; 0073 PRIM HARRY wn 4 110 4 4- 9* l 3- * C Tudor C R Anderson 2 2. 2 4-5 2-5 89886*HANDIEMAR w 1 Hi 7 SI .. 4- 4- 4- W Crump .1 L Davenport 8 12 12 5 2 S§149*NARMAR WB 4 111 2 i: iJ 6* a3 ."; F Fucrst C J F.rockmiller 8 10 10 4 2 S9149 CINKO wn ?, 102 3 3- 4-1 6* C C4 P Lowdr-r A 1? Gordon 8 S 7 21 1 30245 SMUGGLER w a 112 !i I 8 I* 71 V* J Williams Gallo |fi 20 15 6 3 25236 PASHA WB8182 I 72 V s» s 8 R Jaub.rt G L Blackford M M ::o 10 i 19153 KILTIE w i 117 6 I* I I 9 » F Murphy W Hess 20 20 15 6 3 Time. 25%. 50%. 1:17%, 1:45%. Track heavy. Winner— It. e, by Marta Santa Lull" trained t... J. Hewitt: bred by Mr. Garrett Watts. W.-nt to post at 2:13. At post 4 niiuatcs. Start u- 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KINC .MAUI", showing the most sped, moved into the lead at oneo and outstayed KASTKU GREETIKG8 in the stretch drive. Ike latter was in cbcst pursuit all the way and finished well. lKIM HARRY ran well and had no mishaps. HANDIEMAR made up ground. CUNKO suffered from interference. The winner was entered for 1917.sh00; no bid. Scratched -311 li Velvet, 92. QikClCi/l SECOND RACK -1 1-1G Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44%— 3— 104. Purse 00. 4-year-OUJ/M "T aMta and upward. Soiling. Net value to winner 00: second. : third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt % % r- Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 88898 **HANDFULL ««■ 4 MM 6 21 1" 1« l3 l3 W Crump J Johnston I 4 M-68-6 1-2 S949S* "COUNTERPART ara 7 MC 1 1 2- 2- 2= 2" L Lyk. ■ C K Moore 4 5 4 7-5 3-5 S9940 "LADY POWERS wall 3 31 4- 4" ::- I* J Brown .1 L Davenport S 10 7 21 C-5 89948**ORANGE am 9186 2 4* 3 8* 4» 4- WHoag J P Gaffney 2 3 12-51 1-2 MM9*BILLIE BAKER w T UC CO 6 0 58 a8 F Rob.son.J U Strode 4 5 4S 7-5 3-5 8994t*DI8TURBBR wii 4 107 4 5° 5° 5" 6 6 H Jeffeott U G Bedwell 20 30 30 10 4 Time. 25. 50V5. 1:17, 1:45. 1:52%. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. g, by Royal Flush III. — Modreda trained liy J. Johnston; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. St.rt f—4 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HANDFILL. favored by the rough going, moved up steadily and. taking the lead after going a half mile, drew away and area in a canter. COUNTEBPABT showed the most early speed and stayed fairly well in the stretch drive. LADY POWERS ran well and made a game linish. ORANGE tired after going three-quarters. DI8TUBBEB quit badly in the last quarter. R1LLIE BAKER was outpaced. The winner a*aa eaaerrd foe ; ao bid. O »f"l a ■" a PT THIRD BACK 1 Mile. Jan 11. 1916—1:37%— 5-100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OUr/JvO Selling. Net value to winner 1499; second. 1917.sh5; third. 5. "index Horses- AWTst % y~%~Str~Fin" Jockeys Owners 0 n C I? S~~ M994*GREAT DOLLY w 100 5 5 5 5 21 1" F Merime.-W Woodard I 21. lL-,,7-10out 30261 *.MAT1N VlM 1 32 4 41 43 2s F Robson.I Livingston 1 0-5 4-5 1-4 out 89S98*BURBANK ara M 4 1 Ill5 1H :i W Crump S Louis 15 15 12 3 1 80*57 •OUT w M I •* 31 2 | I 4s Barrett P M Civill G 10 8 2 7-10 30485 *EL REY v. 193 I ■ 2i 31 5 5 L Lykes AY Stormont 15 20 20 5 8-5 Time. 25%. 50%, 1:17%, 1:45%. Track heavy. Winner — B. f. by Great Heavens Dolly Bultman trained by O. K. Pons; bred by Mr. F. J. Pons. Went to post at 8:09. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GREAT DOLLY was badly outpaced for the lirst half, but saved much ground on the last turn and. finishing fast, outstayed MATIN. The latter came wide on the last turn and finished with a rush. BIRBANK tired in the stretch drive after sitting the pace to the last eighth. OCT tired in the last eighth. EL BET ran wall for three-quarters. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Q A Hi i FOUBTH BACK— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1910— 1 :37 %— 5— 100. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds O ♦/ *f O :"" "Pward. Handicap. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses A wTsT~U % "i Str Fin" Jockeys Owners Q H C~P S ~ 99948 HERB. TEMPLE we. 5 PT. 4 2. 2- 8* 2,; 1" .T WUHamaJ M Booker 8-5 2 2 3-5 1-4 30943 Y0NOHEE w 7 107 5 4 14 1 V I* F RobsonW Birnh- 2 2J 2. 4-5 1-3 89988 JIM WAKHLY vn 4 MS :: :. i •" 4» :.3 J Dursch O Knebclkamp 10 15 15 4 7-5 39303 BEN HAMPSON sll :i !* 2 H I" ::- :: 4= II Jeffeott J Livingston 8 8 0 2 4-5 ;s94i GAINEB w I ICC 1 5 4 4 5 5 P boarder Graentree Stable 4 4 16-51 2-5 Time. 25%, 50%. 1:17%, 1:44%. Track heavy. Winner —Br. c. by Hastings Josle L. trained by G. !.. Ilennesy ; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore. Weal 1" post at 3:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. HEBBEBT TEMPLE was sharply bumped on the tirst turn, but recovered fast and. gaining steadily, came with a rush and. under hard riding, got up to win in the last Stride*. YENOIIKK was forced back soon after the start, but was rushed into a big lead in the lirst three-quarters and tired near the end. JIM WAKELV also suffered from interference and finished with a rush. BEN HAMPSON ran well. GAINEB quit after raaaiag a good half. Overweights Yenghee. 2 pounds. Q/irj| ""7 FIFTH RACK— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Jan. 11. 1910— 1 :40%— 3— 90. Purse 8890. tJJty %J i 1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1917.sh5; third. 5. Index Horses AWTst jjj jjjj ■% Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S f 89499 YODELE8 w 5 10S 6 S 7- 5J 2!1 1- F RobsonJ U Strode 2 3 13-51 1-2 89848 *PERUGINO ara 4 MV 2 1«1 1»| V 14 2* N Barrett P M Civill 8 10 10 4 2 S9948*PETELUS w 8 111 i 2! V 2:t 33 3" J Hanover L A Seregni 2 2i 2 4-5 2-5 5J094O TRI8TE w 9 99 4 51 5s 6l 4= 4» F Cooper A L Ferguson 50 60 60 20 10 SO 145* ILL SAVIN wit 5 104 7 4* 4= 31 5= 5" W Hop.g .1 Buford 30 40 40 15 i :--0473*. MINSTREL w 5 101 1 P » # fi3 6J L Lyk.s H Neusteter 6 8 8 3 6-5 :: »942 EMMA STUART w ! 114 5 62 62 7s 71" 7,u A Murray :. Brown 20 20 10 4 2 a0044 RAY O LIGHT WB 106 S 7- 8 8 8 8 AY Cru-np Columbia Stable 6 6 4 7-5 3-5 Time, 25%. 50%, 1:16%, 1:44%, 1:46%. Track heavy. Winner — B. c. by Roehampton — Yodler trained by J. A. Strode; bred by Mr. H. G. Breckenridge. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cantering: second and third driving. YODBLBS began slowly but moved up gradually after going the first half, then 8MW au.y in the stretch and won easing up. PKRlGINO Showed the most early speed and held on well in the final drive. PKTKLCS stumbled at the start, but moved into a contending position at once, only to tire in the stretch. TBISTE ran weU. BAY oLIGHT was well beaten after going the first half. Scratched- 89991 Baviaa, 194; 89489 Yoluspa. 101. Overweights Tristo. 1 psanad; Kmir.i Stuart. 5. Q/-CiCJk Q SIXTH BACK— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Jan. II. 1919—1:49% 9 98. Pane 00. OvfC/t/O 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Bet value to winner 00; second, 1917.sh5; third, SJ Index Horses AWtSt. % ],; ■"-. Str Fin Jockeys Owners g II 5 P S S9S19*BABY LYNCH a B I 102 2 l1 V I" V 1" L Lykes Columbia Stable 2 11-511-57-Hd-:! :,0»43 IMPRESSION w 8 107 I 2- li 2,: 2C 2- W Crump V. H Abbott 2 11-511-57-101-:! »8 89 THANKSGIVING wa 4 103 5 E E 43 4r 33 AV GoarieyS Doyle 15 20 15 0 I 30940 I»E1L FISH wb 5 11- 1 "■ V V ::■ 4° F Murphy. M Zimmer H 4 81 0-5 1-2 8*497 "GREETINGS w I MO 4 44 4 5 5 5 J Doderg*iF J Colenutn 8 10 8 :; or. 25147 MOSCOWA W 8 M0 Lost rider. F RobsonJ O and G H KeenelO 12 12 5 M Time. 24%. 48%, 1:15, 1:43%, 1:44%. Track heavy. Winner— Br. f. by Leonid -Qaeea Lithe trained by W. A. P.urttsohell: bred by Air. P. J. Lynch. Weal to post at 4.2s. At post 1 minute. Start go..d and slow. Won easily; Moond and third driving. BABY LYNCH shewed the most speed and was under re-traint until la the last uuartor. where she passed IMPRESSION aad won la a canter. IMPRE8SION raced into a rood lead in the first half, but begin tiring when challenged. THANKSGIVING tini-hed Cast and resolutely. DEVIL FISH tired. MOSCOWA -tumbled at the start and unseated his rider. The winio-r was entered for ; no bid. Overweights Thanksgiving. 1% pounds.