Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 4, Daily Racing Form, 1917-01-04


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Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 4. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK EAST. o o The fig-ures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. o — — o Racing starts at 2:00 p. va. Chicago time. 4:00. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. •Apprentice, allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Sidling. Track record: Dec. 2S, 1915— 1:11%— 4— 111. Todays Ind. Horse Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 30915 Phvllis Antoinette. .110 1:12% 7 los 725 30945 Knight of Pythias. Ill 1:14% 5 110 720 90680 Norford Rose 7 106x718 30945 MeAlaa 103 1:13% 8 110X715 30914 Minnie F 107 1:13% 7 103-710 89878* Dr deafer 118 1:14% Sllox7lo 30137 Aswan 109 1:151.-, 5 110.. 710 27722 Lady Mint 112 1:15% 8 Bis :70J 30945 Old Hob 105 1:12 8 110X709 30V7N Coaster 109 1:18% 6 110X700 30470 ,nt 198 1:181s Sllox7oo •9998 In Dutch 114 1:14% G113X090 Phyllis Antoinette showed promise in her last race Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-voar olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Dee. 28, 1919— 1:11%— 8— 119. 30S14 Magic 109 1:12% 5 113. .725 80986 Mazink 108 1:12% 5 111x720 3lisi-l liana, use 188 1:11% i 99X715 3u9ts Roscaa 108 1:12% olio. .715 3iwi;h Brownstona 198 1:18% « no. .710 3o9ls Lackrose 198 1:11% 9 110x705 30917- Prince S 107 1:13% 0 115X705 30720 Quick 113 1:13 7 110X700 Magic can run better than he has been doing. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds an. I upward Selling. Track record: Dec. 20, 1919— 1:11%— 8— 119. 898841 Shaban 100 1:13% 4 104X725 30915= Bark.l 104 1:14 4 104X720 80914* Virginia S 198 1:18 8 198x716 80980 Muriels Pet 198 1:14% 4 104x710 2924 S Water Warbler ... 881:14% 4 104X710 30931= Ambri 107 1:15% 0 10XX710 30832 Barbarita 112 1:13% 5 104. .705 Todavs Ir-d. Horse. Wt. Roc. A.Wr.IIan. 30928 Handy Andy 103 1:14% 4 MM. .700 89888 Christmas Eve 100 1:13 G10SX705 25424 Flossie F 105 1:10 5 108.. 700 80989 Engraver 105 1:13 11110X700 21517 Ruvoco 105 1:12% 7 110X700 Shaban lias been racing well. Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 8-year-olda and upward. Selling. Track record: June 24, 1910—1:45—3—110. 80847 STUATI1KARN ...110 1:47% 0 110X725 80827 Zamloch 110 1:47% 5 104. .715 30919 Weyanoke 103 1:49 7 110X715 80827* Trout Fly 95 1:47% 4 100X710 30949 Semper Stalwart .. 4 104 705 89882 Miss Fielder 110 1:47% 5 110. .705 Strathcarn is consistent and has won his last four races. Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: June 28, 1918 — 1:00% — 8 — 118. 88884 Silver Moon 110 1:07 7 105.. 725 80814 Sir Dyke 108 1:90% 8 197X720 309203 Kenneth 105 1:00 7 107x715 308909 General 106 1:98% 7 107X710 30930 Van Horn 110 1:05% S 110 710 30882 Ethel WeUes 104 1:07% 4 101. .705 30880 Ada Anne 105 1:07 6 108X706 808.71= Delaney 10S l :»5% 9 107x705 80425 Dollna 107 1:07% 4 95x700 30030 Ida Lavinia 88 1:06% 1105x700 308S2* Jennie Crawford ..1011:07% 7 198x700 30930-1 Little Jake 110 1:0«i5 7 107x700 Silver Moon is fast at the distance. Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year ..lis and upward. Selling. Track record: June 17, 1910 — 1:3S— 3— 95. l307:Hl Zangaree 98 1:39% 5 107X725 130931 Bolala 103 1:41% 0 103x7-0 30973- laqnleta 108 1:41% 7 1030715 30926 Frog Eye 108 1:42 8 110x715 30885 Dovle 105 1:41% 8 107x710 80848 Marguerite W. ...105 1:41% 5 107 710 30774- Merry Twinkle ...109 1:41% 5 107X710 30812 Cotnmoness 3 S4 70"; 80970 Classy Curl 107 1:43 5 103x705 30880 Lcsbia 197 1:40% 8 197 705 80680* Iriar Nought 103 1:42% 4 103x700 30101 Mike Cohen 1011:40% 0 110X700 Zaugaree seems best here.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917010401/drf1917010401_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1917010401_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800