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ONLY ONE "LADIES DAY THIS WINTER. New Orleans. La.. January 28. — Wednesday. January 31. probably will be the most popular racing day during the entire forty -four days of the winter racing, according to announcement made by Dr. G. A. McDiarmid. president of the Pusiiiess Mens Pacing Association, as this day will be set aside for the ladies. The management of the Pusiiiess Mens Pacing Association decided early in the season to abolish the free gate for ladies, established last year on cert lin days during the season, on accoaat of the many additional expenses which the association would be under for the next few years. Since that -time many requests have been received to restore "Ladies Day." and the management has decided to give one special day to the women and make it an event worth reniem-bering. It was decided that January 31 would be the only ladit » day dining the season. This date has been selected because of the fact that the Western Fruit Jobbers Association will hold its convention ill New Orleans during that time and members of the association in New Orleans arc anxious to have the wives of the visiting delegates come to the Fair Grounds. Racing secretary Joseph If I Trnnaa is arranging one of the best programs of the meeting for this day and if track conditions permit, it is expected that female i-tors will have a chance to see some of the greatest horses wintering at New Orleans in action. Attendance on Ladies Day is expected to break all records of the winter. Notwithstanding adverse weather conditions this winters attendance on holidays and Saturdays has been unusual, but the management expects to hang up a new "track record" on January 31.