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ONLY FEW REMAINING AT JUAREZ. Officials and Horsemen Have Departed for Their Homes — Frank Weir Awaits Kentucky Opening. El Paso, Tex.. February 0. — Expressions of praise were lieurd on all sides commending the generosity of Col. Winn and his associates in the Jockey Club Juarez in paying all the track employees an extra weeks salary, in order that the sudden closing of the meeting would entail no hardship for them. Nearly all the officials and horsemen have departed from here Col. Winn went to his home in louisville. Starter Cassidy will spend a short time in Florida, then go to his home near Washington. W. 11. Shelley has gone to Louisville. There is a possibility that he may be engaged in an official capacity at Hot Springs. Among those who left for Ionisville were official timer George Liti-denberger. Tom Shelley. W. H. Shelley. Jr.. and Hen llinklc. the latter being called home by serious illness of his wife. Oene Llrod. in charge of the iniituel department, has left for his home in Cincinnati. Other departures for that city include Jack Finn. Cliff Rur-nct. Roger Sullivan and Frank Loach. Patrol Judge Richard Dwyer returned to California, laddock Judge J. L. Hall wenl to his home in New York. Assistant manager Harry Hreivogel was the last official to leave, going to , Detroit. A number of the horsemen turned their steps ; in the direction of Tijuana. Chief of these was . Kay Spence. who shipped fifteen horses, with the ■ intention of disposing of them all at the Lower ■ California track. Spence had intended selling the ■ string at Jaurez. but tiie curtailment of the meeting ; upset his plan*. Frank Weir has not yet decided upon his plans. He has a large stable, including some gcod two-year-olds, and believes it is too early to ship back to Kentucky. If the situation in legard to Hot Springs meeting clarifies shortly the horse* will ! Ik* sent to that place. Old Rosebud, the 1914 Kentucky Derby winner, Which was takes up list : fall, after a years retirement, has apparently regained his old-time form and has been nominated by Mr. Weir to the Kentucky and Clark Handicaps I to be run at Louisville next spring. Hilly McKiniicy. owner of Little String. Black Forest and others, will ship to Louisville, unless the Hot Springs meeting is 1.. H. Hambrick has already sent his horses to his farm near San Angelo. Texas, to I lie tunic 1 out. Tom Mnnford will shortly traaafer ■ the hois, s of Wade MeLn more to Churchill Dewas. .1. C. Perries, tie- Nashville owner, will keep his large stable at Juarez for a month. There is mm talk of a meeting of thirty days ; at San Antonio. Texas, and V. J. Weber has gone • to that city to boost the affair and get some of f the influential citizens Interested in the project. Should the meeting transpire many of the horsemen here will participate in it.