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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Friday, February 9. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK EAST. C o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it iinished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. o ■ ■ — — — — — o R:i iiig starts at 3:30 p. in. Chicago time, 3:00. X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. •1 -rear- l ls and upward. Selling. Track reeord: Jan. 1. ISM— 56%— 5— 114. Todays Tnd. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. SM73 Odd Cross 112 1:00 1111x700 SI 666* Captain Elliott ...168 1:66% 7 100X095 .°.i:57t Royal Meteoi 9 1 or. x 095 S1G7S* Morristown 8 1080695 S1587 Beanttea 107 1:01--, 4 99X090 31478* Bake IBS 1:81% t IN. . M 31 .ss« Aunt Klsie MUM ■ M..WB .51009 Jolden Ruby 101 l:00:,f. 9 100X.0M0 Rand of inferior race horses. Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 1. 1910— .".9 .-.— ." — 1 14. 81587* Onar 113 1:01-. 5 100x700 31652 Hamerkop If ...MS 1:02.-, 4 109.. 095 31175 1 uizzi 103 j-.Kl 4 M . .090 314.54* LCMheal Pride .. fi 101. 090 31623 Kopje 100 1 :0P-, 5 103 X 685 312. s Ford Mai 7 188X685 31049 Offertory iM 117 1:05 5 163X686 31466 Cbcrrj Bead 109 1:00 •.-. RUSXMI 31663 Toimhi clOr 105 1:03-.-, 11 105X070 Onar ran well when las. out. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Dee. 2S. IMS— 1:11% —I— ill. 36865 STAR RIRI 188 1:15% 5 110.. 725 :,1072* Rig Lumax MS 1:12% 6 166X715 81672* Frosty Face lit l:lta 5 107X715 31591 * Ethan Allen 105 1:13;; 5 110X715 Todavs ln.1 Horse. Wt Rec. A.Wt.Han. 31068 Catty 105 1:13.-. 5 115x715 31070"* Elizabeth Lee 104 1:13.-. 4 105x710 31407 Ray oLight 109 1:14 8 118X716 31557 Molly 0 98 1:14 4 99x705 31374 Doe Meals 95 1:15 3 99X705 29072 Malik 115 1:14% 0 115X705 31070 Jaaajala 107 1:14 7 107X7M 31591 Paulson 98 1:13% 4 110X700 Star Bird should beat such opponents. Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track reeord: Jan. 24, 1917 -1:68% — 5 — 102. 31542 Botax MS 1*6% 5 113X725 31559 Mae 1 14 1 :07.-. 0 110X720 31071 Eleanor 103 1:07 4 103.. 715 31541 Al Fierce 166 1*7% 4 109x710 31051* Sargon II 109 1:08 3 90.. 705 30124 Stalwart Van 102 1:09 3 90X700 30145* Fonnersade M ... 4 107. .090 Bans seems best here. Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Track reeord: Jan. 10. MIT — 1:42--- 4 — 100.1 31053- Jerry 100 1 :49:,-,s 4 105 x 725 31471 Alhena 109 1:43-. 5 166X7S6 31027 Malabar 95 1:45% 5 100X715 31 c.53= Weaaaaa 104 1 1 and6%a 4 104 x 715 31450 Brave Caaarder ...112 1:44,.-. o 99x700 Jerry is due. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3 -year olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 20. 15-17 1:18% — 5— 100. 31500 Celtabel 104 1:40% 4 108. .725 31559 *• La n ta na 3 85 X 720 .:i.72» Welga 106 1:40% 4 101X715 31688* Reaene M8 1:48% 5 MB. .716 31592 March Court 114 1:48% 5 113x710 31400* Runway 105 1 :40 i 108 x 705 .5M54 Amulet 107 1:42 4 166..7SS 31431- Ampere II 104 1:42% 4 111.. 705 Celtabel is racing tpiite well.