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HORSEMEN IN DIFFICULTY CARS NOT AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE HOT SPRINGS TRACK. Nearly Seven Hundred Horses Waiting at New Orleans — Hot Springs Book to Bo Out Shortly — Jockey Robinsons Plans. New Orleans. La., February 21. — Plans nf a number of horsemen, who have been racing at the-Fair Grenada all winter, to ship to Hot Springs today, were upset by the announeeini-nt of a short age of borne c-ais in this sectloa ami it probably will be the- first part of ne-xt week liefore- all of tin- owner* are able to git cars to ship awav from here. The extensive racing stable of Jefferson Livings.. 11 was the only one- to leave today for the- Vapor City, hut many other owners had their banea ready to load, only to find that then- were no ears available. Beli.-f is looked for by tomorrow, as a numlier of horsemen have been promised cars, but none of them was guaranteed shipping facilities. There an- marly seven hundred horses booked for Hot Springs from this city, and once the cars get in motion to take them there, it will take only a short while to make the transfer. Definite advice was received here toelav. that all rimers to the effee-t that there is a hitch in the plans to race there arc- unfouneled. and that the meeting at Oaklawn Dark positively will open on March 7, with the large-st erowel of tourists on hand in the history of Hot Springs. .Tank Campbell, who will serve- as associate judge and racing secretary at Oaklawn Park, left tonight for Hot Springs. He will issue the- first program Imok of the meeting within a few days. Jockey Frank Bobinson left tonight for Charleston, s. c. where the horses of his contract employer, Ed Trotter, have been wintering. He will not ride- again until the Mar.laiiel seaaaa opens.