Hundreds in Track Work: Oaklawn Track Alive with Horses in Active Preparation for Racing., Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-01


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HUNDREDS IN TRACK WORK OAKLAWN TBACK ALIVE WITH HORSES IN ACTIVE PREPARATION FOR RACING. Manager Martin Arrives — Ferris Horses Coining from Juarez — W. R. Coes String to Include Jack Mount. Jacoba and Oration. Hut Springs. Ark.. I la«lj "J*. — Despite n bard Tain hist night, tin- fllag :it Oaklawn liirk was lit -tie affected today :i!il several hundred horses were sat for morning trials, many of them being ami along at ■ h" k1 clip. The wintry Wtttir still hung mi today. but it is expected that it will brv ik within a short while. BlMril BMaager Joseph A. Martin has arrived from St. Louis and will II Weill until the spring mooting at Oaklawn Iark is over. He found everything in splendid order when ho cot in. as racing secretary .lark ampin 11 has boon on the scene for nearly a work and has hpon looking after the stabling of the horses shipped hen . A message was received from John Ferris saying that he will arrive here with fourteen horses Match 4. His stable has been raeing at Juarez this winter. The stable of A. A. IJeilly in charge of trainer Andy Plakoly and that of V. P. Orr in charge of trainer John Powers will arrive toaMRVW night from New Orleans. The horses of Oraat Hugh P.ivwno. now in New Orleans, are not expected for a few days, as it is the intention of trainer Charlie Casey to get rid of a few of them before shipping them over. Trainer Jerry Carroll will bring ten horses, owned by W. K. Coo. from the Fair Orounds. In his string will be Neville IL. Jack Mount, Poiymoliana, Wonderful. Oration. Jacob;: and four two year -olds. Clederc Dies After Coming From New Orleans. Cledere. which arrived here yesterday from New Orleans, died at Oaklawn Park this morning of kidney trouble. !•. W. Staton came in from Havana anil jockey g J. Ooniinick taiw with him. Staton is shipping four horses to the local track from Oriental Park. The program book for the first week of racing, under the auspices of the Pusinoss Mens League at Oaklawn. has lweii issued and shows no pane less than 00. with a liberal sprinkling of 00 handicaps. Haeing will start each clay at 2:30 p. m. In regard to selling races, the following rule will be in force: In all selling races, including selling handicaps, all horses starting, including the winner, may be claimed lor the entered price, plus first money, by any owner, or his authorized agent, having a starter in the race. If a horse claimed out of a selling race is found in the pooaesstea, ownership or stable of the pel sou from whom he was claimed within thirty days after date of such dahalag, unless secured out of a selling race, the person or persons who claimed the bone, and the person or persons having the horse in possession, shall be raled off. The racing officials for the meeting will be as follows: lresiding judg« — Francis Nelson; associate judge —J. P.. Campbell: clerk of scales— W R. Norvell: starter — A. 15. Hade: paddock anil patrol judgi — .1. J. Maebessej ; timer W. Martin; racing secretary— J. P.. Campbell.

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Local Identifier: drf1917030101_1_2
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