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HAVANA FORM CHART. HAVANA. CUBA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1917. -Oriental Park. Sixty --ivfiilli day. Cuba- Anicionii -lix key club. AVintcr Mioting of S3 l:i.w. 15 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, c. .1. Fitz Gerald. Presidiag Judge, M. Nathanson. B tarter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary. M . X a the neon. Baeiai starts at 8:38 p. m. Chicago time 8:00 p. b.. Indicates apart etitt allowance. Q7Ji FIKST RACB 5-S Mile. Jan. 1, IBM— Wife— .".—114. | Pane 00. 3-year-olds and 31 J. j I Cj upward. Claiming. Net value t winner »o2.~ ; second. $." 0: third. y2."i. ~l£and llorses _ AWtSt Vi 2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 C P S iflZSHADRACH WB • 1M 3 1- 11 1- Il R Sobel D Shaw :: 3 6-6 S-S siwHA IEXXY wi: 6 107 7 :» ::- 21 2J K Ambrose!! Lane U I 6-5 :.-5 :5l3Wl BLLGER wuf. 110 I «uk ijl 4l 3* RAVingfldA Keith 4 5 2 1 S1BSS*MAZURKA 7 T.l 1 2". 2 3- 41 II Rowan M Grant II 12 5 2i 31341 STALWART VAX W I HJ 1 ■ I 7 5 .1 Gartner J W Hedrick 20 20 8 4 K1024-FRONTIER era 0110 I 7i 7". I tlE Taplin AV O Stoner 31 4 8-5 4-5 S1947 "APT. ELLIOTT wsi:7 112 5 »- 5» i1 7"" A Minder A L Taylor M 10 4 2 31574*CHITRA W S HO 2 4"" 41 Ill H AVakoff H Van Ry 4 4 2 1 Time. 25, 50, 1:022and. Track good. mtitiHIs paid. Shadraeh. 1,150 straight, !f4-70 place, .t 0 show; Hapenny. .t 0 place. .80 show: Baiter, 88.88 show. Equivalent booking odds Bhadrath, 480 to 100 straight, 135 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; HaPenuy, SO to KM place. 40 to 100 show r; Bulger, W to KK sliow. Wiener — Ch. g. by Atkins tniah Weed trained by V. Dauphin; bred by Mr. F. T. Wood. Went to post at 8:SL At post 1 minute. Start goed and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SIIADKACH took the had s after the start and. quickly disposed of MAZURKA on the stretch turn, then had to be hard ridden briefly to outstay HAPENNY, but won going away. The latter responded gamely to punishment until his rider hist his whip at the sixteenth post. IHI.GER closed ■ big gap fn in a slow beginning. CHITRA tired ami qalt. MAZFKKA ran a good half. Scratched— 31122 Mis. Mr. 102: 31JMM Aunt Elsie. 102; 31966-Odd Cross. 102. Overweights Sta lw.,;t Van. ■_■ pounds; Chitia. 3. f~7 Jk BBCOXD RACE 5-8 Mile. Jan. 1.HI16— .-.!! .-,—.- — 114. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 31 JL j I if upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 2."»; second. $." U: third. S--"». "imur. Horses AWtSt % ,» % Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOPS 81347 * • DEVILTRY w 6 101 :i 1 2 23 ll B Kleeger .1 Bauer :: 2 4 5 2-:. 3IS99 KING STALWART wa 7 112 1 2"*- l1 li 2 R Ball H Hav I 5 2 1 31911 CHERRY BELLE ire 3 M 7 « 5- 6* H J Gartner J F Hvnes IS 15 I 3 81302 BDMOND ADAMS wu 9 112 E V 3* 3 4? AA Gargan.I B Goodman S-S 2 4 5 2-5 SlB84**DONNER WB 4 Hll I 7 7 6* H M Rowan A B Davidson I 8 4 2 .11811 TWINKLE TOES wk :; M 2 4. 4. 4. 6* R WingtldAV F Schulte t! 5 2 1 31324 ELIZABETH LEE w 4 104 1 .V 8«* 7 7 A Collins B Mock 0 6 2 1 Time. 25. 493. 1:0145. Track good. 82 nintuels paid. Deviltry. . SO straight. 83.10 place, 8240 show; King Stalwart. .00 place. .40 show: Cherry Belle. 0. so show. Equivalent booking odds -Deviltry. 240 to 100 Straight, 53 to 100 place. 4." to 100 show; King Stalwart. 100 to KM place. 7i to loo show: Cherry Belle, 440 to 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Yankee — Deviltree 1 trained by J. L. Jones: bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 8:90. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DEVILTRY set the early pace, saved ground on all turns, came again in the last sixteenth and easily passed KING STALWART. The latter tired after showing the most speed to the stretch. CHERRY BELLE was away llewly and finished fast. BDMOND ADAMS, probably short, tired right at the end. Scratched — SlOOOJini Hutch. 02; 3Hi05Miss Primity, 100. Overweights Cherry Hollo. 1 pound. QyA THIRD RACK— I 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— l:O.V.,--.-,— 102. Purse S400. 3-| J. Yj Ow 3 ycar-dis. Allowances. Net value tj ■ winner 2..: second. S.jQ; third. ... index Horses AWtSt .4 % 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S SI 037* HAIL COLUMBIA w 100 5 2 2- 2,; 1 B Kleeger J W Fangle 2 21. 3 1-2 81333 *BROBECK WB 100 4 1- 1- 1* 2 R Ball G P Burke fi 6 2". 6-6 31818*OLD MAX CRIT wk hi:; :; 4- I] V ll R Wingfldl s AVishard ;i 4 fi-fi 4-5 31937 ODDS AND ENDS W Ml I I 4M 4,,4- J Dreyer G Preece :: 1 3-2 7-10 31K98 MOONLIGHTER w n 100 7 5- 5»k 5 B» H Wakofi R D Carter 20 20 S 4 11011 PALISADE vnlOi 1 61 6 li- ti A Collins A A Doctor 5 5 2 1 31910 PIASCHKE WSHS J Pi V I3 7- C Knight G B Cochran 20 20 I 4 QUTTA PESARES wb 104. S 8 I S I E AmbroseA Lezama 5 3 i-5 3-5 Time. 24*s. 50, 1:023s, 1:09. Track good. £2 mutuels paid, Hail Columbia. .70 straight, .30 place. .S0 show; Brobeck. place, .70 shee : old Man rit. 12.00 shew. Eiiuivalent lx.oking odds— Hail C.dumbia. S8S to 100 straight. 123 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Brobeck, 330 to 100 place, 85 to KK show: Old Man Crit. 43 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Meelick— Naughty Lady trained by A. I. AAorey: bred by Mr. O. L. Blackford. West to post at 4:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon easily: second and third driving. HAIL COLUMBIA raced in closest pursuit to the stretch, then easily passed BROBBCK wheu railed on and was going away at the end. BROBECK set a fast early pace, but could not withstand the winners rush. OLD MAN CHIT dropped out of close tip contention while rounding the far turn. QUIT A PEBAREB began slowly. ODDS AND ENDS only ran fairly well. Overweights — Ball Columbia. 3 pounds; Plaschke, 3: Quita Peoarcs, l1-. QQ1 POURTH RACE— a 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:0."..-.— ".— 102. Purse 00. JT* 31 X *J C5 JL year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner tj28j second. $." 0; third. o. "index Horses AWtSt jj jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~Q C P S~~ 31912 *FLECHA XEGRA w3 P2 3 3- 31 lx. I1 R AVingf Id C S AVisharl 5 5 2 1 S1*5S**BIRD MAN a t- I 104 2 2 22 31 V J Petz J B Dunn 3 C 0J 6-5 318SS LAURA wCMO 1 4 4 5- 3k E Ambrose H G Bedwell 5 6 2.1. "5-5 S17SS PARLOR BOY wit I tlO 7 ii 53 4i 4 E Taplin P L Short gj 4 S-5 4-5 SIMt3 PLUMOSE we 4 M0 i 1 1»* 21 5". B Kleeger E C Griffith 2 2 4-5 2-5 Slll!5 GOODWOOD we SMI t I 7- 61 0 R Ball AV C Cappe 15 15 C 3 31951 TWO ROYALS w 5 108 4 B» 63 7- 7 A Collins E Calligarv G 4 2 1 31951 ELEAXOR wb 4 MC 8 71 8 S I ; Core-, J AA Hedrick 10 10 4 2 Time. 2415. 49%. 1:02. 1:08%. Track good. -2 mutuels paid. Flecha Negra, flS.80 straight. place. . r».r.O. show: Bird Man. .30 ldace. SOS shew; Laura. 08.00 shew. E-luivalent liooking -»ids — Plecha Negra. 590 to 100 straight, 200 to 100 place. 175 to 100 show; Bird Man. 818 to loo place. 215 to 100 show: Laura. 200 to 100 show. Winner — Br. f. by Dick AAelles — Pheenie Fickle trained by V. S. AYishard; bred by Messrs. J. D. Can- A: Bro. . AVent to post at 4:31. At post 3 minutes. Start, good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PLECHA NEGRA, well up from the start, moved up rapidly on the stretch turn, then swerved 1 ver to the inside in the final eighth, and won going away. BIRD MAN raced in closest pursuit all the way and finished gamely. LAURA had a rough race and finished fast. PARLOR BOY ran well. quit badly after setting a fust early pace and probably was short. GOODWOOD showed *I.l.MOSE bpvovc neat. Overweights — Plumose. 1 pound. LJ £ FIFTH-I!ArE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 2S. 191.V-1 :11%— 1—111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 3-| JL M04 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. "lud ~ Horses AWtSt U V % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S S1040 MALIK we Cllt 2 21 11 1- Y- R Rvan P AY Ashe 5 5 2 1 S108#*YORKSHIRE BOA" w 8 110 M 41 2 2" 2 A Collins H Remus 3 31 0-5 3-5 31922 MISS BN HARBOR W 0 HI 5 11 3= 3 and R AVingfldJ C Ellis 8-5 3 1 1-2 31913 ZODIAC w 6 US 4 9 6 4-" 43 J Dreyer G L Goodacre 3 31. i-5 3-5 2*827 ANDREW UDAY w • 113 I fis* 8* 0s 51 AV Gargan.I B Goodman 15 fi 2 1 31764 PALM LEAF feTB SMC I 81 4- fit gj M Rowan F G JIartin I 8 4 2 31923 ARGUMENT W88 420J I 8* 73 711. 73 E AmbroseG D AVood.s 20 20 8 4 31939 MADTOUR WB S 102?. 1 7"t S* 83 *"■ H ThurberB Stansburv SI 20 8 4 SI 701 FORD MAI su7 105 1 3* I I I AA" Ward G P Sherman 31 30 12 6 Time. 25. 50V5. 1:16%. Track good. 82 mutuels paid. Malik. 814.40 straight, so.tio place. 84280 show: Yorkshire Boy. .90 place. .10 Show; Mis Hani Harbor 83.00 show. Eiiuivalent booking odds— Malik. 020 to 100 straight. 230 to KM place, 115 to 100 show: Yorkshire Boy, 05 to KM place. 55 to 100 show: Miss Bam Harbor. 80 t.. 1IK1 show. Winn-M-— Br. a, by Udrbu — Margaret Angela trained by J. OConnor: bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Weat to past at 4:34. At post •_■ minutes. Start goed and slow. AV011 easily: s-oond and third hiving. MALIK raced la close pursuit for the first three-eighths, then moved up quickly on the last turn, and drew away in the last quarter to win as his rider pleased. YORK8HIRE BOA began slowly, but closed a gap into forward roeteatioa and tired near the ei.d. MISS BARS HARBOR set the early pace and ran a good race. ZODIAC began wefl, but was Shuffled back to last place in the first eighth. FORI MAI unit badly. Scratched— S1030: Protagoras, 108; 3s.;4 Onar. 105: 31050 Teeto, 100. Overweights -Madtour. 2-j pounds. » I 4k O O SI X Til RACE 1 Mile. Jan. 20. 191 7— 1 :3S%— 5— 10U. Pane 3-year-olds and *y JL %J U O upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second. S50: tiiird. Sl5. lade 1 1 1 orses AW t St i Vb vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S riMS REGULAR we 5 Ue| 3 2. ::- Ill- 1" AV GarganW Gargan :: 4 i :. 4-:, 310S0GLANAGINTY a I N I 8" fi| 4; 8 2 M Rowan .J W Pangle t 1 8-5 4-5 310S8*PASSION WB4M8 4 4| •* 2 2:l :; B Kle.-Ker ,T J Booker hi 0 3 7-5 3100S SSTAR BIRD w .". Mfij . 1 J"» l» :; 1- 4"k G Corey AA R Hurst 3 4 8-5 4-5 S102O "SUPREME w I U8 I 7 7 I fi« I S " R Sobel E K Bryson I 5 7 5 1-2 out 310SS*FONNERSADE w4 M 7 8*2* H 0- 8" R AAingfldG AA Fonaer 20 lO s 4 31855 HEDGE ROSE W I01W I El i- 7 7 7 A Collins M C Kelley 10 8 4 2 Time. 25%. 51. 1:17%. 1:45%. Track good. 82 mutuels paid. Regular. .50 straight. 84-10 ldace. S3. 20 show: Ghuagiaty, .90 place. .30 show : Ia-sioii. S5.3H show. Bquiraleat booking odds— Regular, :.25 to hH straight, 108 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Gtausagiaty, 143 to 100 place. 118 to 100 Sheer; Passion. 103 to KM show. Yriaarr Br. at. by Brya Mawr— Consistent trained by 07. Gargan; bred by Mr. Robert I. Wahtea. Weat to post at 5:1C At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. REGULAR forced the pace natil weU aroond the far turn, where she moved up into an easy lead. but *as tiring at the end and just lasted long enough to win. GLAXAGINTY was sharply cut off on the ram oat af the beckstretch, but came again and closed up fast on the outside and should have Avon. PASSION ran well and finished gamely. SUPREME was away poorly and ran a lull race. STAR BIBD , set the pace to the far turn and tired. Scratched S108and Peg. KM; 31*s2 Tamerlane. 108. overweights Begnjar, !■■■ pounds; GJanaginty, 2: Passion, _: Stiir I.ird. I-j.