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W. H. BAKER S BIG STRING FOR THIS YEAR. Green Jones the Stables Kentucky Derby Candidate — Names of the Two-Year-Olds. By C. A. Pergin. Louisville. Ky.. March 1. — Among the list of nominators to this years Kentucky Derby are the names of many who have never before been aspirants for the coveted prize, although they have figured with prominence in the other stak- events decided upon the Kentucky tracks. Conspicuous among them is W. H. Baker, the sue eessful young turfman, who. during the year of i:ili . won with a supposedly-inferior stable in stakes and purses 4._so. standing ninth in the list of winning owners for the year. Spurred on by his remarkable success of past seasons, Mr. Baker this year is ambitious to Mir pass all previous efforts. Put his one laudable ambition is to saddle the winner of this years Derby, and with that object in view, he has name!! his crack colt Oreen Jones, and is giving him a thorough preparation. That Green Jones is a prom ising Derby prospect is the unshaken belief of Mr. P.aker. and his opinion is shared by a considerable number of shrewd observers. The colt was the best two-year-old in the Paker barn lit year and long before the close of the fall season his owner had made up his mind that he was of Derby caliber. Paker values the colt highly and when requested last week, by the agent of an eastern millionaire, to set a price on him. he named