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ANOTHER AMATEUR MEETING IN SIGHT. New Vork. February 88. — The Duloiits. of powder ■ad munitions fame, will hold a hunt meeting on their Wilmington estate, winch adjoins the Ooaatrjr lab, next aatuma it is probable a portion of tiie grounds of til- latter will be utilized in cleat in:; a steeplechase course. Jhe meeting will coin-pare favorablx with the amateur affairs of this sort now held in Maryland, Pennsylvania and other states. It has also been decided that then- will be sla races a day for tboroaghbreds at tie- Hear days Delaware State Fair, held in Wilmington in the spring. Mr. DaPont risited tie- Jockey club today to arrange the preliminaries tor tin- f;lj,- racing, especially in regard to Jockey Crab approval and methods of procedure. Horace 1. Ifarphy, who is well known around state fairs has dosed a contract to manage the Bickm 1 P M.:t Fair racing. He intends to promote steeple chasing this rear in addition to the running and trotting races. John Sanforil i-- tin- latest bidder lor the serrlces of T. MiTaggait for the toning raciag season.