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Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, March 1. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. Filing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 4:00. Runs well iu mud. ©Superior uiud runner. M ins Mens *Aporentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Fjirlongs. 8-year-olds. Selling. Track record: June 2s. 1916— 1 :0.".;,— 3—1 1 i . Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han :;i727 Juanita Predrick . .104 i ■on-. Ho. .7«m» 81072 Miss Knight Ml.. 110 1:13. -,sy 95X695 81840 Elizabeth Bebl rtS M 105 1 :12 ".-. Km. .090 81004 Judge Price Ml ..112 l:l«%sy 102X000 3179.5 Snav.r Ml 97 1:0!»-. 100X0S5 ::171 Heroine Ml 103 1:11.-, M0..08O 81770 Lady Dunbar Mj . 08 1:12 100. .080 31048 lannie Ml KI5 1:09-. 100..S78 81K40 Celeeta Ml 110 l:15%sy 100. .075 205S7 Frosty Moraiag ... 112. .079 Nethlag eatataadiag hi n . Second Race — 3-4 Mile. S-year-eldS and upward. Selling. Track record: Dec. 20, 1010 1 :ll %— 3- 110. 31058 General 112 1:18* 7 1TJ 725 3190ft Merry Twinkle ...108 1:181s 5 112: 720 :.iti Roeeaa 108 1:12% 0 112. .715 |K19C.-.- Aneestors 108 1:13 7 115 715 T31970I Gasket 1131:13 7 108X710 31903 Ada Ann- 108 1:13% 0 105X710 31963 Jake Argent 110 1:13V. 8 112X710 ;!7.iU Baron De Kalb 110 1:12--. 7 107 70S 31933 Certala Point 100 1:13% 4 108. .703 31082 Marguerite W 100 1:14 6 107. .708 81631 Lucky Mack 99 1:18% 5 107X700 2711S Choi taw 103 1:13% T10TX700 ■euerals chance seems best. Third Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track recerd: lane 24, 10M 1:4S— S— 110. S1010 Old h in 110 1:17 8 103, 725 31919 Olga Star 103 1:4c. 7 108X720 31919 Star of Love 110 1;45% 0 11SX715 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 31957- Hocnir 103 1:15and 6 1100710 May be close finish here. Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Dec. 20. 1910 1:11%— 3 110 31919 ED CUDIHKB ...100 1:11% 4 11SX750 81708 Aland Bacon 08 1:12% 8 1100740 o17IO- Conning Tower ...IIS 1:13. r, 118X735 81700* Bayoaarra 107 1:12% 4 108X780 31040 Spokane Queen ...1081:18% 4 110. .730 3i799t Byphoa Bey 105 1:18% .-.102.. 725 31957 Hawthorn 108 1:11% 7 108X705 81708*1 Peep Again 104 1:14% 3 85. .700 ■ -I. Kuentcz entry. Ed Cedihee s.-,.n,s best at the weighta. Fifth Kace — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-yo:ir olds. Selling. il rack record: June 28, 1910— -1 :05..— 3—1 IS. M:i.".n Lady Roweaa 9 1:07 105x725 "Kill Lazy Lou 112 1:00% 113. .720 319131 Lady Leona 107 1:0S% 111x715 81000 GeraMaase 103 1 :os 108X710 31020 races 1011:08% 113X710 31645 RoaeUis 102 1 :07:!0 109x705 31084 Barry l» 103 1:12 111X705 31440 English Lidy 91 1 :US 105.. 700 81043 My First 108 140% 111. .700 Race of doubtful eateeme. Sixth Hace— 1 Mile. :. year elds and upward. Selling. Track recerd: June 17. 1010 — 1:38 3 OS. 81708 Btratheara 105 1:38% 8 108x723 31948* Harweed 107 1:40% 6 108x720; S102O* Princes 103 1:03% 6 108x715, 31825 Car.. Nome 103 1:392- 8 105X710 I .:i!lO." Last 106 1:39-.. 5 111 705 31875 Bey Shan. 11. 11 II. ..113 1:40% Sill. .7001 31S25 Leah Coehraa 100 1:41% 4 102. .003 3195S lx ma M 0 JOB. .030. Track tonUitioas may suit Stratliearu lest. •