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+ + ENTRIES TO THE KINGS PLATE AND BREEDERS STAKES OF THE ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB I 4, . — _ , Toronto. Out.. March 9. — Ontario Jockey Club officials are greatly pleased with the entry lists in tin-stakes which closed March 1. — Not only did the Kings Plate, the oldest fixture run continuously on the American continent, receive more than double the number of nominations that were received last year. but the Stanley Produce Stakes of 1920. ami the Breeders and Maple Leaf Stakes of 191S received sjilen-did responses. The entries to these events were as follows: The Kings Plate ,750 added 1917 Thirty-six entries The Stanley Produce Stakes 2.500 added 191201 Seventy entries The Breeders Stakes 2.000 added 191S Forty-eight entries The Maple Loaf Stakes 2.000 added 191S Twenty-three entries The complete lists of horses entered for this years Kings Plate and next years Breeders Stakes are as follows: The Kings Plate. Fifty guineas, the gift of His Majesty King George V.. with ,500 added by the club. The first horse to receive the guineas, stakes, and ,500: the second horse ,000. and the third horse 00. The breeder of the winner to receive #500. A sweepstakes of . payable at time of entry, and 5 additional to start. For three-year-olds and upward, the property of a Pritish subject resident in Ontario, foaled, raised and trained in Ontario, that have never won a race, either on the flat or across country, other than a race exclusively for two-year-olds, have never left Canada, and have never been for a period of more than one month out of this Province. Winners to carry five pounds extra. Death of a nominator does not render entry void. One mile and a quarter. A niece of plate will he presented by the club to the winner. To be run Saturday. May 19. The Ontario Jockey Club reserves the right to camel this race upon repayment of all entrance fees paid in advance. Owner. Horse and Sex. A. Wt. Iedigree. Beardmore. Geo. W Fair Fox. ill. g 5 121 Py Bed Fox II. — Fair Annett. Beardmore. Gee, W Ping Dove. b. f 3 10S By Stanhope II.— Rings. Beardmore. Gee. W Ladder of Light, b. f 3 10S By Stanhope II. — Missing Link. Pcardinore. Geo. W Smarty Cat. b. f *. .3 103 By Bowling Ilrook — Salamis. Beardmore. Geo. W Altar Fire. b. g 3 105 Py Bowling Brook — Adele Harding. Prookdale Stable Terahera. b. f 3 10S Py Bed Fox II. -Hera. Brookdale Stable Pax. ch. f 3 108 By Bed Fox II.— Drowsy. Brookdale Stable Playtime, b. g 3 105 By Kelston — Solid Comfort. Campbell. D. A Dave Camptiell. b. c 3 10S Py Cay Poy — Gyptia. Campbell. D. A Gay Life. b. or br. L..3 103 By Jay Poy— Sainotta. Crew, C. A Oriana. br. f SIM By Passetlaw— Lady Petz. Fngl sh. Fred H John Peel. ch. g 5 124 By Martimas — The Lintie. Fletcher, J. C J. W. Hunl-v. b. g 3 105 By Pannockburii— Sula. G ladings, II Captain P.. br. g 3 110 By St. Pass— Purdette. Oiddings. H Bavarde. b. f SIM Py Passetlaw -Cuba Free. Olassco. Bd Bex Gaiety, br. c 3 10S Py St. Pass— Miss Gaiety. Gorman. J. G Woodruff, b. g 3 105 Py Bowling Hrook — Bardine. German, J. G True Shot, b. f 3 103 By Beaten— Sure Shot. Gorman. J. G Pivermeade. br. g 3 105 Py Stanhope II. — The Globe. onnian. P Alecto. b. f 4 119 Py Inferno — Irish Witch. Hendrie. Ceo. M Hornet, b. g 3 105 Py Charles Edward— Shoo Fly. Hendrie, Geo. M. Outlaw, oh. g 3 105 Py Martimas — Otsiketa. Hendrie. Sir Jno. S Loneland. ch. c 3 10S Py Martimas — Moki Land. Hollis, John Johnnie Austin, ch. h....5 127 By Kapanga Colt — Spes. Hynes, J. F McPride. ch. g 4 120 Py Bed Fox II. — Depends. Millar, Charles McCorburn. br. g 3 105 By Paiinockburii — Mrs. McCormack. Millar. Charles Laminate, b. g 3 105 By Live Wire- Sou. Palmer. J. C Twin Stream, b. c 3 10s By Live Wire— Hundley. Seagram. Joseph ■ Sturdee. b. e 3 113 By Havoc — Kate Kittleberry. Seagram. Joseph I Galley Band, blk. c 3 113 By Galatine — Fairlie Head. Seagram. Joseph K Belle Mahone. b. f 3 MS By Ypsihmti II.— Irish Lass II. Seagram. Joseph E Gold Galore, h. f 3 MS By Galatine — ruche dOr. Seagram. Joseph E Jala Dress, ch. f 3 ION By ialatinc — Court Maid II. Seagram. Joseph E Statim. b. f SMS Py Havoc — At Once. Thorncliffe Stable Pritannia, br. or blk. f . . .3 10S Py Paiinockburii — Minnie G. Thorncliffe Stable Impress, ch. f 3 103 Py Detective— St. Cecelia II. Breeders Stakes. For three-year-olds foaled in the Dominion of Canada. 1915. and owned there at time of starting. Five dollars to accompany entry, and 0 additional to start, with ,000 added, of which 50 to second horse, and 50 to third. The breeder of the winner to receive 00. A winner of two or more races to carry five pounds, of the Kings Plate seven pounds, extra. Maidens allowed seven pounds. Death of nominator does not render entry void. One mile and a furlong. To be run during the year 1918 as the Ontario Jockey Club may direct. The Ontario Jockey Club reserves the right to cancel this race upon repayment of all entrance fees paid in advance. Owner. Horse and Sex. Age. Pedigree. Pcardinore. Geo. W Red Admiral, ch. e 2 By Stanley Fay — Skipper. Beardmore. Gee, W Cantatrice. b. f 2 Py Stanley Fay— Insinuate. Brookdale Stable Plackburn. b. g 2 Py Led Fox II.— Hera. Prookdale Stable Sadduccee. br. g 2 Py Heresy Solid Comfort. Brookdale Stable Galopin. ch. g 2 By Bed Fox II. — Donation. Prookdale Stable Sceptre, b. f 2 Py Red Fox II.— Ameliana. Prookdale Stable Confidence, ch. f 2 Py Bed Fox II.— Depends. Brookdale Stable May Plooin. b. f 2 Py Ped Fox II. or Heresy— The Belle of May fair. Campbell. D. A Gay Breeze, b. or br. g 2 By Gay Hoy — Hurm. Campbell. 1. A Alf. Bogers. ch. g 2 By Gay Bay— Gyptis. Clancey. E. B Muster Fox. ch. c 2 Py Red Fox II. — Miss Morgan. F.nipriiigham. Geo. F Thomas G.. b. c 2 Py Live Wire -- Pequiet. Glddluga, H Britains Ally. ch. g 2 By Bassetlaw— My Honey . Giddings. H Bencher, br. g 2 By Bassetlaw— Jai Alai. Olassco. Ed Miss Edwards, ch. f 2 By Charles Edward — Miss Gaiety. German, J. g Ooheurg Bene, b. f 2 By stanhope II. — Bardine. Hammall. Wm L*o Lamluick. b. c 2 By Howling Brook— Firewater. Hendrie. Geo. M mmunition. ch. c 2 By Charles Edward — Shimonese. Hendrie. Ceo. M Springside. ch. c 2 Py Charles Edward— Springwell. Hendrie. ieo. M Pay gelding 2 Py Charles Edward — Placena. Hendrie. Sir Jno. S Samar, ch. f 2 Py Martimas--Sampan. Hendrie. Sir Jno. S Shorncliffe. br. f 2 Py Charles Edward — Jane Shore. Hendrie. Sir Jno. S Flame, oh. f 2 Py Charles Edward — Flicker. Hendrie. Sir Jno. S Harry Water, ch. f 2 By Charles Edward — Pushwater. Hendrie. Sir Jno. S Pomsey, ch. g 2 By Harvey — Sally Cohen. LePoy. M Sea rboro Peach, b. c 2 Py Plaudnion — Hollybrook. McKay, apt. D. J "emus, ch. f 2 Py Charles Edward— Miss Martimas. Baymond. 1 Salvateile. b. f 2 By Malamor.t — Salvolatile. P i.Mnond. D " Mollah. ch. g 2 By Malamont— Giddy Girl. Boss. J. K. I Vercheres. ch. • 2 Py Toddington — Hurrah. Poss. J. K. L Scourge Man. b. e 2 By Stanhope II. — Salamis. Ross. J. K. I After Clap. b. c 2 By Stanhope II. Madeline M. Ross. J. K. L Hasty Riches, hr. c 2 Py Howling Hrook— Hebe. Baas. J. K. I Mighty One. br. c 2 By Howling Brook-Missing Link. Seagram. Joseph E Scythian, br. c 2 By Inferno — Irish Witch. Seagram. Joseph E Rheims. b. f 2 By Havoc -Church Hell. Seagram. Joseph E Gaelic Lass. ch. f 2 By Qumtia — Irish Lass II. Seagram. Joseph E Faded Glory, b. f 2 By Galatin — Satanic. Seagram. Joseph E Twelve Bells, b. f 2 Py Inferno — Pride Lane. Seagram. Joseph E Sea Froth, ch. f 2 Py Inferno — Sea Wall. ThorncliflV Stable Poyal Navy, b. g 2 Py Nealon — Mrs. Frank Foster. Thorncliffe Stable Pleasure Pent, b. g 2 Py Nealon — Frolic. Thorncliffe Stable Joffre. b. g 2 Py Orme Shore — Minnie G. Thorn, liffe Stable bead Kitchener, ch. g 2 Py Orme Shore — Fair Annie. Walker. Wm Stanley Fay II.. b. g 2 By Stanley Pay — Ethel G. Watt, J. R Balsarroch Fox. b. c 2 By Nashwaak- Lady Valentine. Whyte. Jno Kittiwake. ch. f 2 Py Charles Edward — The Lintie. Whyte, Jno Togoland. ch. f 2 Py Martimas— Moki Land.